Okay, guys, we all know that $350K/yr doesn't go as far as it used to.
So what are your best money savings tips to make sure we have enough dough for our little hobby?
Sure, you could sub-rent a one bedroom efficiency apartment, hack your neighbor's wifi, drive a ten year old used car, cut back on frivolous out-of-town trips and stop eating at expensive restaurants like the Cheesecake Factory, but I'm sure most of us are already doing that.
"Depending where you live might not need a car at all. Live close to work. Take the subway or use Uber or zipcar to get around"
Exactly what my DC sugar baby does. Of course, may be more by necessity than choice, since she makes about a tenth of what the average TUSCLer makes, but still great advice!
A real bag boy dude would construct a makeshift squeegee from a stick and the windshield wiper of an abbandoned car. Then he would walk into traffic offering to squeegee for $1.
When cars stop to allow him to squeegee, he jumps on the hood and shouts an address until the car drives him where he wants to go.
I won't lie, there is some danger of being arrested doing this. Don't be too threatening. Be a bit gross so the driver just wants to get rid of you. For example, don't say "I will kill you -- C I L L U -- unless we go to the club -- D A K L B -- at 666 Mockingbird lane". That's too hostile and the creative spelling of "kill" actually makes you seem like you might attack them.
No...you should say "please sir, I've only had dumpster KFC today and I might lose bowel control if you don't take me to the sexxxy club at 666 Mockingbird lane".
Also if you concentrate the money you do have, that isn't tied up in real estate, say it's only around $500,000, keep it all with one of the popular retail brokers. They actual consider that a decent sized account and they are usually willing to lower your trade commissions or give you breaks on stuff like wire transfers to keep your account.
Cancelling your subscription to the WSJ is a bit of a dilemma. $25/month ain't cheap, but you need good information to invest wise. So you should see if you able to access through work remotely. Might be a slight bending of the rules, but if you a valuable enough employee probably they won't fire you for it.
@steve229: but txtittyfan said that strippers who don't own their won cars are absolutely bottom of the barrel type girls. Your SB isn't an absolutely bottom of the barrel type girl is she? txtittyfan sure knew the financial world well and with that type of brilliant mind, got to think he would be right about everything.
WSJ? You can read that for free at your local public library. Be sure to get there early to sign up for your free hour of internet access, too. I hear they have Fios now!
Get early to sign up for your free hour of internet access? Steve, an hour is an hour no matter when it starts. I swear your logical skills aren't even on par with those of most 16 y/o girls. Gesssh!
I assume that Steve meant that the library is open for a limited number of hours per day. If you don't get there early to sign up, there won't be any free hours available for that day.
The problem I see with many "money saving" tips is that they require *expending* time, so in the long run might actual cost more money, depending on how much your time is worth.
Walking, biking and bussing to work are good options if you live near your workplace, but not so good if it adds a hour to your commute.
That said, I tend to do all the normal things, combine non-urgent trips to the same area so I'm not traveling the same route more than necessary. Cook our own meals rather than eating out.
Honestly I just started making about $400k/ year so I don't worry about cutting back. I just do what I want, when I want. My wife doesn't like all the discretionary money I'm making either. She knows it gives me the freedom to do what I want, when I want.
I like Shadow's suggestion but I'm not sure how to go about it. Don't you have to be young and either a drug dealer or in prison to be a stripper's boyfriend?
I just sold my wife's car. She wasn't using it much anyway. Also had my barber shave my head. He said, " oh, the economy cut?" So I bought an electric shaver and cut my own. Most importantly, I told my ATF to take a hike and stopped supporting her and her BF. Now I'm seeing new dancers and saving a King's ransom.
Here's one for those who listen very carefully to txtittyfan and RickyBoy's financial advice... and then do the opposite: This will net you capital gains and dividend income that is likely close to or higher than your earned income (providing you don't tie all your money up in stupid RE investments). In that case your withholding taxes will be too low and the IRS will want estimated payments from you. Just don't pay them and pay the fine instead. Surely you can make more than the 3% penalty in dividends and further cap gains, can't you?
Here's another one - apparently some people find regular TV is getting so bad and NetFlix so good that they many are going with NetFlix only even after they buy their big HDTVs. (Btw, what do you guys think of NFLX the stock?)
^^^ True. Had a friend in high school whose family was worth >$10 million. His mom would clip coupons and make him drive all over town to save $20 on furniture or something. Guess it's about the principle for some (think there is a pun there).
When the NFL package first came out years ago, I jumped all over it. I soon found that I was jumping from game to game and not remembering one from the other after a short time. Rather confusing, at best. It became a rather expensive novelty and lasted but one season.
last commentNo need to pay that extra $39.99 per month -- I get all my up to date NFL news for free by watching COPS
Exactly what my DC sugar baby does. Of course, may be more by necessity than choice, since she makes about a tenth of what the average TUSCLer makes, but still great advice!
@dougsta -- uber or zipcar? The subway?
Those are rich dude forms of transportation.
A real bag boy dude would construct a makeshift squeegee from a stick and the windshield wiper of an abbandoned car. Then he would walk into traffic offering to squeegee for $1.
When cars stop to allow him to squeegee, he jumps on the hood and shouts an address until the car drives him where he wants to go.
I won't lie, there is some danger of being arrested doing this. Don't be too threatening. Be a bit gross so the driver just wants to get rid of you. For example, don't say "I will kill you -- C I L L U -- unless we go to the club -- D A K L B -- at 666 Mockingbird lane". That's too hostile and the creative spelling of "kill" actually makes you seem like you might attack them.
No...you should say "please sir, I've only had dumpster KFC today and I might lose bowel control if you don't take me to the sexxxy club at 666 Mockingbird lane".
Free ride to the club and no valet parking costs.
Cancelling your subscription to the WSJ is a bit of a dilemma. $25/month ain't cheap, but you need good information to invest wise. So you should see if you able to access through work remotely. Might be a slight bending of the rules, but if you a valuable enough employee probably they won't fire you for it.
The problem I see with many "money saving" tips is that they require *expending* time, so in the long run might actual cost more money, depending on how much your time is worth.
Walking, biking and bussing to work are good options if you live near your workplace, but not so good if it adds a hour to your commute.
That said, I tend to do all the normal things, combine non-urgent trips to the same area so I'm not traveling the same route more than necessary. Cook our own meals rather than eating out.
When the NFL package first came out years ago, I jumped all over it. I soon found that I was jumping from game to game and not remembering one from the other after a short time. Rather confusing, at best. It became a rather expensive novelty and lasted but one season.