
Heat or Spurs

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 4:22 PM
Your pick ?


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Heat for me of course
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    I think the Spurs will win this time. I also assume most non Heat or Spurs fans are probably rooting for the Spurs. Personally, I don't feel this way, but many people dislike the Heat because of how their team formed. But yeah, if Parker is himself, I think the Spurs take it this time and prevent the 3peat.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I desperately want the Spurs to win, but I have a feeling LeBron will find a way to beat the Spurs again.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Heat, Go Vikings, So what to they see wrong with how the team formed? Granted the LeBron announcement was over the top. As free agents they can play wherever someone is willing to pay them. They might have gotten more money elsewhere, nut pro athletes often rework contracts to accommodate other players.
  • Tyres
    10 years ago
    If Parker is effective, the Spurs have a shot. But I think Miami will find a way to win another. As a Detroiter and Pistons fan, I didn't like Cleveland-era LeBron, and "The Decision" was idiotic. But I've definitely come to respect him in the last few years.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Clubber, The reason so many people dislike the Heat is because they formed via free agency when they were already established, proven superstars. The only core player the Heat drafted was Wade. It's pretty much the same reason people strongly dislike the ($$$) Yankees. Like I said earlier, I don't feel this way, but many people do. I don't care who wins personally, I'll be watching because I love basketball
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I'm kinda bummed seeing the Spurs and Heat battling it out again. Like a rehash of the same drama of 2013. It got old for me really quick. I was hoping to another team would go up the chain to battle it out. I guess I would have to make-do with Spam and Corned Beef. As far as the question goes, I would definitely want to see the Spurs take the 2014 title.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I'd forgive Kevin Durant for his not showing up on that game. Man, how could he not show up? Didn't he know it is a win-or-go-home game? Jackson showed up, he did really well. And so was Westbrook who threw the ball like a cannonball in the last few seconds of OT.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    Rooting for the Spurs, but expect the Heat to prevail.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Heat. I respect James and don't think he will let the Heat loose.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Pulling for the Spurs.
  • alexa.xoxo
    10 years ago
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    I lost all respect for lebron after "the decision". He was too good just to sign with the heat and they tell the press naturally. He had to have an entire hour on ESPN devoted " the decision" and kept clevelands hopes alive through the whole thing. Making it far more dramatic than it needed to be. Needless to say, I hope he loses. Probably wishful thinking though.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    GoViking, I'm an old dude from back when most player's careers were with one team. I don't much care for the FA thing, but that is how it is done now. Using the "tools" available, well I see nothing wrong with that, either. I wonder if those that do still use a horse and buggy? :)
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    Clubber and Papi, Did y'all pick the Heat because you're Heat fans or did you really think they would win? I didn't picture this series turning out the way it did, especially the last two games, but I knew the Spurs would win. The Spurs are more experienced and have almost as much talent as Miami, they're just older. Not to mention there was no way the Heat were beating them in back to back NBA Finals.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    The biggest problem w/ the heat and the biggest “X-factor” IMO is Dwayne Wade. The Heat are a small team and have no interior defense – they were built/predicated on defense and getting out on the fast-break/open-court. The team was built around its wing players and specifically around LeBron and Wade being all out studs and being the best players on the floor taking both teams into account. LeBron and Wade are the best scorers; best defenders; best passers/creators; and best rebounders; for the Heat – it’s all predicated on them. Wade is a shell of himself – he is not the 2nd best player on the court next to LeBron – currently he may not be even in the top 10 best players taking both teams into account. w/o LeBron and Wade being studs – they got nothing. Wade used to be an elite scorer and defender – he would attack the basket and play way above the rim – 3 years ago he would be unstoppable in the fast-break/open-court and he would go up and block shots at the rim even against bigger forwards and even centers. I said it at the beginning of the season – if Wade can be Wade – the Heat would be favorite – o/w they would be in trouble. “… if Dwayne Wade can be healthy (i.e. Wade can be Wade); then I like the Heat’s chances. If Wade is spotty at best as last year; then I think the Heat can be in trouble …” [view link] Even if Wade was Wade; the Spurs could still win since Pop is a much better coach than Spoelstra (Spoelstra is not bad but he is not great) – but w/ a healthy Wade it would be much more of a closer series at the very least. If Pat Riley was younger and still coaching the Heat – I don’t think one would have seen the ass whooping we’ve seen – the Heat may have not won b/c of Wade being so bad – but they would have competed much much better IMO.
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    yeah its over. get em next year lebron. of course san antonio will be a year older but leonard and green are gonna be a year better too.
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