James woke up knowing that after a day of bagging groceries that tonight was the night. You see James has been saving for this and has it all plainer out this could be his wildest night ever. James gets a 24 pack of Capri sun drinks and 34 snickers. You see James has been hard I mean real hard so he bought 24 ounces of pixie sticks and 24 pack of store brand cola. Once back at the trailer James calls over pattsy the park hooker then he says I've got the extras $20 so know James also gets her sister Nancy. James is know $45.87 in the whole and really can't afford this. In the back of james head he knows he will need to pound his 50cc bike to cover this night. James wakes up not so hard but still hard cuz its James. Skittrls and mnm all over the bed and floor and no girls in sight. Bit their is a goat in his bed ? James agread to AA mettings
last comment"LMN may have a Ferrari but he's got nothing on James moped"
James gets more mileage that Shadowcat !!!
On the other hand, LMN's Ferrari is a four-wheeler, arguably rendering it even less cool than James' trike.