Kate Upton: "I Wish I Had Smaller Boobs" and Could Go "Braless" So

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Kate Upton: "I Wish I Had Smaller Boobs" and Could Go "Braless" Sometimes



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avatar for ime
11 years ago
avatar for Doc_Holliday
11 years ago
There's no topless photos of her are there? She's cute as a button, but she has the saggiest boobs of any girl her age.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
I didn't realize how tall she is. According to Boobpedia, she's 5'10" tall. 30-G (for GOLLY) is her bra size:

@ Doc: For some nearly topless footage of her see:
Go to 0:05 to 0:18

avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Poor thing gotta big boobie
avatar for Doc_Holliday
11 years ago
30G?? I'll retract my saggy statement. That's genormous!
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
The top paid Hollywood actresses do not have gigantic tits.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Kate, Kate, Kate. You know you're perfect just as you are, and you know you would not be famous without your big tits.

But the best thing about Kate Upton's tits is not the size. It's the taste.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

What they do have are gigantic bank accounts. :)

I think we each have our ideal size, shape, whatever of the perfect breasts. I've been searching for years and still looking for them.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Jack-Thanks Jack. You get to taste all the hot ones first. I don't mind, I batted second in baseball and played second base so sloppy seconds must be my destiny.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
She should post on SW; she has the personality of the strippers there. Vain, conceded, overblown sense of entitlement...

Kate, they have boob reduction surgery if you're serious. Not interested? I didn't think so.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Slick, At least you played second base. I played left out.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Yeah right.

And I wish my dick wasn't so big
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
She is not a small girl. I read she is 5'10", 145lbs, 38-26-37. wear a 34-36 D-DD Bra to trap them bodacious tatas!
Those snuggle puppies will sag some.
Every girl I have ever known the had large natural breasts at times wished for them to be smaller so she could not always have to wear a bra. One girl I knew eventually have reduction surgery because her DD's hurt her back because she was only 5'0" tall. (36 DD+-24-34)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’m with rockstar in that she comes across overly conceded – but then again many models/super-models come across the same way to me – I think in part it’s b/c they are probably not very smart and thus they don’t know any better w.r.t. being shallow.

She *is* busty - but I would not think she is a G-cup – that is huge – she is busty but not huge in my professional PL opinion – I’d rate her at a D or DD(E)-cup at most. And her body is not that great to me – her legs are too skinny and unmuscular per my personal tastes – and her midsection is kind of wide and straight (and her overall body does not seem tight or muscular – she’s probably lazy about working out if she works out at all).

She *is* pretty and her boobs *are* pretty spectacular – but is not as if she is flawless IMO.
avatar for PredragDr
11 years ago
Upton is overrated and doesn't project well long-term as a model. She better grab her $100 million+ man soon.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
I agree that Upton is a little overrated. She's a hot girl for sure, probably a 9. But when people say she's the hottest woman in the world, I can't agree with that.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
She doesn't do much for me. Her tits are nice, but not what I'd call spectacular.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I kind of like the fleshy, baby-fat type body. But that's just me.

I'm certainly not a fan of country music, but I would choose Carrie Underwood slightly above Upton. Def the face.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
11 years ago
Kate Upton is adorable and gorgeous, you boys are being silly.

Thanks for the video Club_Goer. That got me back on Team Upton-o-boobies.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
I will say she is much better looking than Scar-Jo who everyone goes ape-shit over. I think her time has passed and she is starting to look like a basset hound. I do not think either will look good at 40 without major surgical help.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
My SO has 36DD and she is about the same size breast wise. No complaints from either of us.
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