Waiting 2 hours for a dancer

I went to see a dancer today who is a beauty and does anything I want in the champagne room, but she didn't show. I waited two hours for her because she is known to be an hour/hour and a half late. Also, she doesn't give out her number so that's a no go.
Do you guys have a backup plan when this happens?
My idea is to find another dancer at a nearby club, but my clubbing time is limited till May due to work.
last commentIf she is not there, why go to another club? Just find another dancer at her club.
I'll usually sit through a rotatation of dancers on stage to see who's on shift. If the girl I wanted to see isn't there, It's an opportunity to try another dancer that interests me.
@shadowcat - i've left and gone to another club (that was on my way home) if I don't see any dancers I'm interested in.
Don't be angry, don't be sad Don't sit crying over good times you've had Well there's a girl sitting right next to you And she's just waiting for something to do
And if you can't be with the one you love, Love the one you're with
Stay at the club & find another dancer
WTH. Find another good looking dancer where you are at that will do anything you want.
If I'm with friends I'm willing to wait 1-2 hrs for my preferred dancer. If it's a solo trip than 1-2 hrs is a lot of wasted time and singles that could be spent on an LD with someone else, or for next time with your go-to girl.
Yes, I have a backup plan. I use this type of situation to find another dancer who I can enjoy. I now have a fav and 3 "backups". Sometimes none of those 4 are there, so I'll search for another. I think a positive attitude is key. If you're too bummed out, other dancers will pickup on it and you won't get to play in VIP.
Yes, the backup plan is to find another girl to have fun with. If you are at a strip club where she can get away with doing "whatever [you] want" in the CR then you can be sure that she's not the only one doing that stuff. You're also clearly more interested in coordinating with her than the other way around, or else she would have at least shared her cell #, so you don't owe her anything.
It must suck to be both ugly and poor. Thankfully, I don't have that problem and like I've said many times before, it is great to live so close to heaven on earth.
In the past I've waited 2 or 3 hours for a fav who was busy doing VIP's with other customers. Nowadays I just move on to another girl in the club, if the girl I want isn't available right away. Life is too short to be waiting on people.
Wait 2-3 hours for a dancer? You guys are nuts. Life's too short to wait for strippers and their ridiculous sense of time.
Agree with my esteemed compatriots above (cough cough). Are you fucking kidding me, waiting that long? And worse yet, she won't give out a number or any other way to get in touch with her to find her schedule? Fuck, she can get a google number on her smart phone for free and just use that as her customer number, and she won't even do that?! Honestly, I'd feel absolutely pathetic waiting, and that's even before I think about the fact that likely everyone else knows who I'm compliantly waiting for like a good puppy.
On the other hand, maybe this presents some opportunity. My ATF from 3 ATFs ago -- my great-grand ATF? -- used to always show up to work 1-2 hours late and have to pay fines for it, get assigned bad shifts because the manager was irritated with her all the time, etc. She was definitely a late sleeper, and lived over an hour from the club, making it worse. So, we came to an arrangement where, when she worked 2 days in a row, sometimes I'd pick her up after her shift on the 1st day, get a hotel room nearby, party all night, sex, then she'd roll out of bed in the morning and 5 minute walk to work. She loved this so much she usually didn't charge me -- it cost me the price of the hotel room, dinner, and drinks, and most of the time, that was it. Your girl might appreciate such an arrangement if she's a dayshift girl who is just having trouble waking up on time in the morning
I also agree with the more sane posters here that waiting for that amount of time is ridiculous.
I didn't spot any of my regular favorites at one club. One girl I tipped in the past came over and asked if I wanted a dance. To her surprise I said yes. I wasn't going to wait around to see if any of my regular favorites showed up. However I stayed and watched a couple of dancer's up on stage. Suddenly one of the favorites showed up. she caught me. She asked if I was getting ready to leave because I was standing near the entrance. She had just arrived but was ready to dance. I was happy to say ok but if she had been just a few minutes later or I hadn't seen a girl on stage I wanted to watch before leaving, she would have missed me. I might wait a few minutes on someone who asked me too but not any longer than that. Favorites come and go. If I told someone I would be ready to get a dance in two minutes and she says ok and walks off and is still gone after a few minutes, I'm not waiting around to see where she went. There are plenty of dancers in the clubs I visit.
"I also agree with the more sane posters"
That's a small sample size
Lol steve you got a point there.
Go to her house. She's probably just having car trouble, and nobody else will help her. If you show up and help her, you get to be the hero. If you don't know where she lives, just wait outside her club some night and follow her home. That way, if any emergency like that happens again, you can be prepared.
GMD-You're the best
This is 1 in 10000 threads about flaky dancers.
An original thread would have been about a dancer that actually showed up on time (or showed up at all as she agreed to).
I’m def a PL – but yet I can’t see myself paying someone good money and still being treated like shit – maybe I’ll be in that spot someday myself; but for now I’d rather hit it up w/ 10 different dancers in a club than stick to just one.
I would stay at the same club and get dances from a couple of the others, IF they know that the no-show was your CF. Trust me, it will get back to her and she will see one thing, $'s going to other dancers. What she and you do then, well, that is another story.
OP: "Waiting 2 hours for a dancer"
That's nothing. I'm such a pussy that I spent the entire night one time holding a dancer's purse and driving her around while she did drugs and texted her dealer
I like to fancy myself as have shrewd insight into strippers, but you can see from how long it took me to finally clue in just how clueless I am.
I guess I was so excited that I would get to pay for sex (with my system that is pretty rare) that I was clinging onto the slightest sliver of hope.
Don't read too much into this, however. Like I won't be capable of writing the genius work that is The System, or that I generally have no clue as to whether a stripper is into drugs or not. Or that I'm a complete pussy-ass faggot.
im not that patient .. id find another dancer.. I hate going to a club for 1 dancer so I typically like to have 2-5 girls that I like at a club so it isn't that bad when 1 doesn't show up
Clubber is spot on. If u spend ur money on other dancers and they know u were there for the late dancere it will get back to her. If she values your money she will get in line. If not she doesn't deserve your money anyway.
Lateness is a pet peeve of mine, ain't no way I'll ever wait two hours for a dancer. I had otc set up once at the dancers house. I showed up at the arranged time and she wasn't there. I left immediately and went to her club and spent my money there. She tried to lie and say she was asleep but her car wasn't in the parking lot so I knew it was bs.
Sitting waiting like a puppy (PL) is a good analogy, that's probably what I looked like. Getting dances doesn't interest me when I go there expecting more. She is a day shift girl so there's slim pickings finding a backup at the same club, but that's what I guess I should try to do.
I should add there is a big gap in what dancers provide at this club. Some dancers won't allow any touching in dance room while others give HJs. In VIP I think most do nothing, but there are a few gems.
I never have to wait for my ATF as we arrange things via text. She's really good about spending time with me no matter how many of her regulars might also be there. As for the other girls I dance with, I never wait.
I doubt you guys remember this, but I had all kinds of issues where I was a PL with my exCF or now exATF. Most of the problems were due to her flakiness and other issues. All i know now is I'm glad to have moved on. It hasn't been easy at all either as she worked in the best place for me to club during the best times for me to club. yes i'm a daytime PL, but my family life gets in the way of quality nighttime clubbing.
I now need to figure out the best course of action...stop clubbing there all together and not deal with her bullshit or continue to go there, be nice/respectful, but let her see how much i'm spending on some of the others.
Put it like this with this one...she was one that never really went OTC with anyone before she did it with me...BUT, she decided to tell her husband who got upset about it all. She was partly honest with him, but not all the way honest. Just a crazy situation and one I may not want to get near again, or should I just be a fucking ass and make her wish she was the one getting my funds. idk...oh well...
"she was one that never really went OTC with anyone before she did it with me...BUT, she decided to tell her husband who got upset about it all."
Funtimes, from the outside looking in, I'd observe that making appeals to some outside cock blocker -- the bouncer, her bf/husband, etc -- is stock in trade for strippers when they decide they don't want to do something that they previously did. I realize the girls can seem incredibly honest when they tell you things like this face to face, but unless you personally spoke to him, coming from the outside I think there's 0% chance she told her husband, and 0% chance you were her first. Well, maybe .001% chance, someone has to be first. But overall, there's no reason to abide any nonsense, because the story they weave to try to make you more sympathetic to their fuck-ups and/or unwillingness to do something is so often a lie. And given that you're not getting what you want out of the arrangement, and it's very doubtful that her behavior has anything to do with her husband or whatever, you're not being a "Fucking ass" by moving on. The arrangement doesn't meet your needs -- be nice to her, but move on without guilt. Or you can ignore all my advice and figure out in a few months I was right all along and you should have listened :)
Anyway, to reiterate: you're not being a fucking ass for moving on, but you are likely being her doormat for staying. Change your POV!
Subraman keeping it real :)