The two faced bull shitter is still at it.

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Atlanta suburb

Check out these two reviews for the Columbia Platinum Plus.

juicebox68 Prop juicebox68 Ignore juicebox68 Send Private Message to juicebox68 Joined: May 2013

Clubs Reviewed: 5 Total Reviews: 6

Reviewed on: December 15, 2013 Visited on: Unknown Dancers on Shift: 11-25

Star_Rating_4_Half Dancers

Star_Rating_4_Half Value

Star_Rating_2_Half Atmosphere

Star_Rating_4 Overall

juicy j dasided too visit south carolina dis time instead of north and yes it was worth everie pennie. dis club located in columbia no not south america but south carolina. its rite off enterstate and couple of hoetels nearbye. paid a few GW's too get inn not bad at all. dark club wit a few stages but verie loud music i felt lik i had too scream and shout and let it all out too get these hoes attension. had a few stages and nice bar where i dasided too buy a bottle of shampain cuz i do it big. well dis cought dis sexy blondes attension. we drank toogether a while and i never thought i wood say dis but four a little while i was in luv wit dis girl cuz her smartness. after a few more glasses enuff wit da luv and i was horne and wanted too spank, choke, pull dis bitchez hair and jus go wild wit her lik a couple of wild animals. we did a little in vip but she said lets tak dis outside to hoetel four more privacie. yes i pounded her in 3 times in a few hours she said her bf jus does not hav the stamina or dick size lik i do cuz he is sew small. she says she never does dis and too never tell neone and she wood know if i did yeah rite. guyz she is a pro. will be bak jus four her and i will always remeber her name as a brand of toyata car. juicy j put some gas in her tannnk...hopefully no lil cars get made becuz of dat. GOD BLESS TUSCL AND AMERICA. sippy j wins agian BOOM!

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SippyCup Prop SippyCup Ignore SippyCup Send Private Message to SippyCup Joined: Nov 2013

Clubs Reviewed: 4 Total Reviews: 4

Reviewed on: March 20, 2014 Visited on: Friday Evening Dancers on Shift: 11-25

Star_Rating_4 Dancers

Star_Rating_3_Half Value

Star_Rating_4_Half Atmosphere

Star_Rating_4 Overall

juicy j dasided too visit south carolina dis time instead of north and yes it was worth everie pennie. dis club located in columbia no not south america but south carolina. its rite off enterstate and couple of hoetels nearbye. paid a few GW's too get inn not bad at all. dark club wit a few stages but verie loud music i felt lik i had too scream and shout and let it all out too get these hoes attension. had a few stages and nice bar where i dasided too buy a bottle of shampain cuz i do it big. well dis cought dis sexy blondes attension. we drank toogether a while and i never thought i wood say dis but four a little while i was in luv wit dis girl cuz her smartness. after a few more glasses enuff wit da luv and i was horne and wanted too spank, choke, pull dis bitchez hair and jus go wild wit her lik a couple of wild animals. we did a little in vip but she said lets tak dis outside to hoetel four more privacie. yes i pounded her in 3 times in a few hours she said her bf jus does not hav the stamina or dick size lik i do cuz he is sew small. she says she never does dis and too never tell neone and she wood know if i did yeah rite. guyz she is a pro. will be bak jus four her and i will always remeber her name as a brand of toyata car. juicy j put some gas in her tannnk...hopefully no lil cars get made becuz of dat. GOD BLESS TUSCL AND AMERICA. sippy j wins agian BOOM!

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last comment
avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Shado taek it ezy oltimer u mus b bout 92 naw bad fo yo hart !

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Datz an empostr revue not me !

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Lol !

avatar for rickdugan
10 yrs ago

lol. I guess he forgot to copy the new content before pasting again. ;)

If you want to see a juice alias troll fest, take a look at the reviews for this club:

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Dey awl b empostrs rickyboi !

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

Juice! Juice! Juice!

avatar for jackslash
10 yrs ago

Orange! Apple! Cranberry!

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

That's funny,both his reviews were when she was out of town.Avoid the groid.

avatar for rickdugan
10 yrs ago

I was kinda' expecting this unfortunately. Juice gets called out and, predictably, has one of his board filling meltdowns.

Just another result of the brain damage he's sustained from the untreated syphilis that those skanky hoes at Xcapades gave him. ;)

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Blah,blah ,blah change.

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Blah,blah,blah hope.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

While I'm at it, you lying sack of shit, what happened to the big birthday party at Follies last November?

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Hey Shadow,don't hold back.

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

Uncle Ben! You're a credit to your rice.

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

You're such a dumb fuck.

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

They found the cause of sickle cell anemia,its the glue on food stamps.

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Lol !

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

I'm happy to see that Founder doesn't like your bull shit either.

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

This faggot Juice is worse than Alucard.

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Ranucan deescryben hiz self !

avatar for chessmaster
10 yrs ago

Juice, do you have a crush on ranukam or something?

avatar for 23cambyman
10 yrs ago

Is that guy finally gone?? He was a crazy guy that drove me away for a while with his useless dribble. SC I remember he made it a big deal that he was going to meet you and it would be the craziest time but looks line it was all talk, like his plagiarized reviews

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

Shadowcat is getting serious about this Juice issue

avatar for minnow
10 yrs ago

23c-man: Nahh, all founder did was cut off a branch of a poison ivy tree, but left the roots in to sprout even more crap. Didn't you notice 2, maybe 3 more new aliases that cropped up recently ? Something to do with grape juice and the number 67.

rick: If one alias has a meltdown, there are many others to step up to the plate.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

What we need is less bull shit.

avatar for LarryBird33
10 yrs ago

Some gang banger mobsters on tuscl old school

avatar for Clackport
10 yrs ago

Just in case anyone didn't know, Juice is the guy that created blankspace and stansreviews.

Is there a way Founder can delete juice and all his aliases permanently?

avatar for LarryBird33
10 yrs ago

Yes and then no

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

Apparently he's stockpiled aliases the same way the old Soviet Union stockpiled ICBMs

avatar for LarryBird33
10 yrs ago

So rankum let's say founder goes house to house deleting accounts what happens to all the people that get deleted and didn't deserve it ? Its already by the way why band all my accounts some are very good law abiding tusclers that make great contributions to the reviews and I agree with how founder has handeled it....he deletes my accounts that get out of line....I like having fun and some times I fly to close to the sun and I 100% back shadow and founder for calling me on my shit....I take my correction like a man in the you can't deny that I haven't made a positive contrsbution to this site...I've helped add countless pictures to the site, I do write realty good and fuck ton of reviews I'm a huge clubber, so I have ad share a lot of good life experience with local members for my areas, I also help find fuckers like stansreveiws and alert founder so he can be taking out...I help tuscl stay afloat.... .I know you old guys hate me but a lot of theyguys love me. Either you like it or not I'm the one that has 60 more years to go and my crew will one day be the new old fucks bitching at the young bucks.

avatar for LarryBird33
10 yrs ago

And I'm not really two faced I was up front about my act....when its been time to be serious I have always been and my intell is always 100% pure youguyguys just get up set that I like providing a little Entertainment like my idol Vince McMahon

avatar for Dougster
10 yrs ago

You can't stop anyone who is determined to use multiple aliases. Too easy to pick up new ones in this mobile world, or use proxies. If they are really determined they could even "rent time" on compromised computers, or comprise said computers themselves.

avatar for HitMan9
10 yrs ago

Correct ^^

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Chassmister do u hav a crus on me or somethin?

avatar for juiicebox69
10 yrs ago

Lol !

avatar for Digitech
10 yrs ago

The original JuiceBox posted too much, but also was sometimes genuinely funny or created interesting threadsd.

The current array of fake JuiceBoxes is somebody else, who still overposts but is never funny and has never created an interesting thread.

avatar for HitMan9
10 yrs ago

Exactly ^^^

avatar for steve229
10 yrs ago

So if you don't count all of Juices's aliases, there's what, maybe 10 people posting on here?

avatar for HitMan9
10 yrs ago

Basically ^^^

avatar for zipman68
10 yrs ago

@steve229 - "Apparently he's stockpiled aliases the same way the old Soviet Union stockpiled ICBMs"

Perhaps some sort of strategic arms reduction talks are in order. I suspect ABMs will have no impact on the Juiceman. The aliases are sort of like decoys. Each of the MIRV warheads can still get through and "asplode" all over the board.

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