I'm not a prostitute

After getting BBBJCIM and CFS in the champagne court, the dancer told me in conversation "I'm not a prostitute". I've been thinking about this and can't figure out how she can say this.
After getting BBBJCIM and CFS in the champagne court, the dancer told me in conversation "I'm not a prostitute". I've been thinking about this and can't figure out how she can say this.
last commentWelcome to Strip Clubbing
Once I was in a club that is known for FS VIPs. Two of the dancers started a fight. When the bouncer broke it up one of the dancers said that the fight started when the other dancer called her a whore. Ironic since both girls were known to offer anything in VIP. I think dancers consider prostitution as something that only happens with street walkers.
Have you heard about the various books, telling women how to marry a successful, i.e. rich guy? News flash -- none of these book says "how to be an extremely successful prostitute". Prostitute is just something to call someone to be rude. It is supposed to mean one who sells sex. But in truth we only call people this to mock them when they sell sex cheaply, or when they sell it for more than we want to pay. Or, when two women seek to sell sex to the same guy, one will call the other a prostitute if she undercuts her.
I have a CF who asks me for money when she's broke, promising to pay it Back. Other times she'll ask me to take her shopping. When she's up to $300 to $400, she'll suggest we get a hotel &we'll fuck like minks. No money changes hands and no mention is made of the money she "borrowed". She's 25 and I'm 68. She swears she's never had sex for money and says she fucks me cuz we "have a connection". She started stripping when she was 21 and while I've fucked her several times in the Champagne Room, she's never charged me for extras. She's only worked several weeks in the past year and is supported by male friends with whom she has a "connection".
Gawker: This stripper has also never charged me extra, but I tip anyway.
Snowtime : I agree she might not like the word.
Maybe she figures she chooses who she offers extras to so it's different? Being a regular has its advantages.
Gosh, I love the older guys on this website. Between Gawker, Shadow, Art, they provide a model on defying the myth of getting old. So which of you is the most interesting man in the world?
Stay horny, my friend!
I love it when I enter a club and a dancer runs up to me and says "ooohhh my horny little ho is back!"
I got a feeling that if I said the same thing to her it wouldn't go over so well.
I had a similar experience. A girl explaining to me that she was not a prostitute as I was giving her a ride home after FS. A couple of her rationalization were - she charged more than girls working on the street, and had sex with many fewer guys (only me according to her, and, no, of course I didn't believe her when she said that).
I have been told that I'm special and the only one that received this treatment, lie #1. I'm a entertainer not a whore, lie #2. Most of them are delusional.
Even the ones who don't do any extras are still sex workers.
Maybe they object to having judgment passed on them. How would you like being judged as just a (fill in the word) "John" or some other objectionable name.
Ya, it's a bit of denial. That said, who cares what self-image they have to craft, as long as I'm getting the interaction I want. If they don't like being called prostitute or whore, I am perfectly fine abiding by their wishes. As long as I'm getting my extras, they're all princesses to me :) :) lol
I'm ok with them not being prostitutes. A bj isn't really sex either. It's just a good time.
Some people are always going to think of any exchange for sex in return for something else as prostitution but I believe most women do not feel that way. You'd have a whole lot of angry wives if they were all called prostitutes because they almost always got something from the husband during the marriage. If there was no sex, the husband would not be happy. Women are good at getting something in return for sex or whatever it is. If a guy never gave a girl anything before or after having sex or held out the promise of her getting something, she would be gone in the vast majority of cases I believe.
I just love discussions like this one because most all of the what is said here are keys to bagging a stripper.
I say awesome to you guys for getting to this level, method to the madness is here.
Who really cares how she sees herself? If she fucks you for money but insists she is not a hooker than fine, I don't really care what she calls herself.
Yeah, in the end it costs you NOTHING to treat her in ways that don't demolish her self-image and self-respect. No skin off my nose if I think she's in a bit of denial.
By way of contrast, once a no-extras girl in a no-extras club was sitting with me, and was called onstage. All the girls carry around these little boxes for their cash, issued by the club. As the stripper stands up, she says to me, "can you watch my slut box?" Me: "your what?" Her: "all my whore money is in my slut box. Keep an eye on it for me!" Me and her: hahahahahaha! I loved how she totally shamelessly owned these terms
I can't figure it out either, how did she speak with your dick in her mouth?
"how she can say this"?
Just like some guys on this board say "I'm not a PL"
"I'm not a prostitute."
Neither am I.
Just to clarify, I didn't respond when she made the "I'm not a prostitute" comment. I don't care how she views herself,I just wanted this forums opinion on what she said. I found it funny at the time, but kept a straight face. I wanted to share because this forum is awesome and all the great responses that came from one question.
There's nothing better than chilling at your favorite club with hot strippers, drinks, and good food...then taking your girl into the court for anything goes.
I know one who was married and supporting her family while traveling the country working in clubs doing extras and also a lingerie shop that did what ever the guys paid for, in her mind she never cheated on her husband because she always went home to him and she loved him. How she feeds her family is a totally different she has no feelings of love for the customers so she never cheated on him. Real hard to figure a girl out like that.
That's really pretty easy. It's the rationalization that makes it possible for her to perform her "services" while still being faithful to her husband.
While I was over a strippers house for the purpose of having sex for money she went on a rant for 5 minutes about how much she hated "whores". I figure it is sort of like the George Carlin joke: everyone who drives faster than you is a maniac and everyone who drives slower is an asshole. While for strippers everyone who does more milage is a whore... so by definition they can't be whores.
I once had a girl at my favorite club tell me she "never cheats on her husband".
Next thing I know, she's stroking my cock and giving me a BJ.
I think some of these girls think that having sex is fucking only.
Still trying to figure out how she never cheats on her husband though... lol.
Dancers are entertainers that may or may not provide sexual services. A prostitute provides sexual services and may or may not be entertaining.
It's a fine line between genius and utter stupidity.
Awesome well put!