avatar for Dancinggal
Seriously, I am extremely enraged right now. So this new girl started working at my club about a week ago. This girl was overly nice to me. Which made me feel a little suspicious but whatever. Some people are just nice. This girl proved me wrong. She constantly was asking me how I was doing/ how much money I was making , ect. I was vague and just kinda ignored her. So tonight I was doing really well and I had about 500$ on me and was in the process of changing my money from one purse to another and was gonna put it in a locker. A girl told me one of the customers was asking for me, I had about 200 in one purse and in a hurry I put it in the zipper pocket in a zipped up purse and then in a bigger bag and zipped it up. I came back up in a hour and noticed my bag was sitting out, so I immediately counted my cash. I had 20$ and a stack of ones that was OBVIOUSLY less than I had left it. I was also missing one of the VIP tickets. (At my club if you get a VIP, they give you a ticket with your name on it and hold the cash for you till the end of the night). I immediately told my manager. Then I sat in the office with him and watched the security tape. As we're watching it, a girl comes and knocks on the door asking to checkout. I watched this SAME stupid bitch on camera, sit down near my stuff and go through my shit. Then she grabs a shirt, looks around and puts it over my purse. She walks away, (still on camera), takes my money out and sets the purse back down. Apparently she also tried to cash my ticket out at the bar, WITH my name on it. The manager got her in the office and got the money back, as I'm walking up the stairs , she's walking down, I looked at her(she wouldn't make eye contact ) and I said "Three words. SECURITY CAMERAS, bitch." Then I went into the office and watched her getting escorted out. My manager walkied the bouncer and said "don't even walk her past the door. Shut the door and leave her out there. ". So the bouncer shut the door and left her ass out in the cold. My manager also told me there'd be a report made and she'd never work at any of the [many] clubs out company owns. BYE BITCH.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
She definitely didn't make a good first impression. haha. But yeah, unfortunately some people don't won't to work for what they get and would rather try to take the easy way out.

Glad you got yo loot back, Dancinggal.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
I figure it makes sense that she doesn't make any money because she doesn't know how to brush her hair and she wears the same underwear everyday without washing them.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
But thanks, I'm glad I got my money back too. I work my ass off for it!
avatar for CarlosDanger
11 years ago
She's a bitch for stealing your money. But did I misread that or did you seriously leave $200 in an unsecured bag instead of putting it in your locker?
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
No, you didn't misread. I made a big mistake doing that >.< I was in such a hurry to get downstairs. Also, I know that everytime a girl had stolen she's gotten caught, had to give the money back, and then gotten fired. Our club takes that stuff VERY SERIOUSLY. So I guess I thought it wouldn't happen, and felt a false sense of security.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Unfortunately this type of shit goes on at just about every strip club. Last year one of my favorites who had been married for about 10 years offered to let a fellow dancer live at her home until she got back on her feet. She caught the bitch fucking her husband. Not only was she too embarrassed to go back to work at that club, She and her husband moved out of the state.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
It's good the club has your back like that. Consider yourself lucky. I can't tell you how many times I've heard similar stories, but without the happy ending yours had. Sure, *some* of them were lying for sympathy, but not all.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
That's so shady, shadow....

I get that , GM , but my manager knows me well and he knows that I am not the kind of girl to lie, or drink at work, or do drugs, or anything shady. I've been working there and he's never had any issues with me at all. So that's a factor too.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
In my work, security camera are everywhere. Not that I would if they weren't there, but one has to be a real lower life form to steal from others.

As far as cameras go, just about your entire life is being watched. Just look at news reports of everything "caught on cameras". They are everywhere and everyone has one.


Damn happy they caught and BOOTED her!
avatar for rh48hr
11 years ago
What a stupid bitch. You reap what you sow. She's lucky her ass isn't in jail.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Heard a similar story from a dancer recently - culprit was also a new dancer. Why can't these girls stick to ripping off the customers like everyone else?

Seriously, glad things worked out for you. Hopefully when you cool down you can go back to using paragraphs too ;)
avatar for Ironcat
11 years ago
Dancers like her and ROBs are what give the whole strip club scene a bad name. I appreciate an honest relationship with dancers I know, which is why I am always leery of new dancers until I get to know them - I guess it is the same when you work with them.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Good thing there were cameras there.
What club you work at, dancinggal? Sounds like they got your back and take care of their dancers.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I'm glad you got your money back. So many people can't be trusted.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
DG, To elaborate on what GMD said: You're lucky to work in a club where management cares enough about its dancers to take the time and effort to help you. There are plenty of clubs, that even with security cameras that could be viewed to reveal a thief, the club management won't take the time to do it. They might say to you, "You're an independent contractor. How you take care of, and manage your own business is up to you." You are fortunate that your problem got resolved so easily.
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
My ATF has had her locker broken into several times (usually when she forgets to lock it). Once a dancer on her last day at the club, stole about 15 dancer outfits. Several months later my ATF learned where she was living, went to her house and rang the doorbell. The girl came to the door, greeted her like an old friend and asked, "Do you want your clothes back?" And handed them over. How do you spell sociopath?
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
@ Duke1: You're quite wrong!
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
gmd is right on. many clubs wouldn't give a shit.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
So wait just a minute! Not only do you work in a club that gives a ahit about their dancers, but your manager is *not* a douchebag?

I'm beginning to wonder if you're really a stripper. :)))
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Glad she got caught but unfortunately, she probably didn't learn the lesson she should have. Call the police and have her arrested. Theft is a crime you can do jail time for. Unfortunately, I believe the police are called for these types of crimes so little, some strippers just learn to be a bit smarter next time at a different club. They learn where the security cameras are and then disguise themselves or wait for a better opportunity. Even worse if she steals from other dancers, she might think nothing of stealing from or ripping off customers whenever the opportunity comes up. I'm happy to hear at least she was somewhat inconvenienced for her crime.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I believe most clubs and people in them what as little to do with the police as possible.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
GM, just ask lopaw. She's been to my club and has met the manager who delt with this issue. I honestly can say I'm blessed at the club I work at. My manager is a really cool person. For the most part, no he does not care about the girls. But he has told me "happy girls, more money". He's a smart business man and not a perv. He does NOT put up with drinking or drugs either. I love this. He will fire a girl on the spot if he finds out about that. No second chances. I have a lot of respect for him. My other three managers, aren't really my favorite.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
And just like at any club, we have the perverted managers and bouncers that wanna fuck the girls. But THIS particularly manager I am speaking about, is cool. Also, I am not a dude. What the hell? Those of you in California, come see for yourself. I'm a real live stripper with boobies and everything -_-
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
You're stupid. I am not a guy. Like I said, anyone who's in California come see for yourself.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
DG, In case the smilie didn't give it away, *my* comment was a joke. :)
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
I figured that, GM. But I don't think duke is kidding.

I don't see why someone would waste their time writing mutiple, detailed articles and discussions about the experiences of a stripper if they were not.
avatar for luvthepus
11 years ago
One night not long ago I was hanging with my Favorite and at the end of the night her shoes, not her dancing shoes but the ones she wore to come in the club were stolen by 3 jealous girls. Who didn't make any money that night and left early. Kind of makes you wonder. I know in my job we trust each other with far more than money and never have problems. The girls need to learn to respect each other a little bit more in the long run some one needs to have your back. I am sure they are not all the same but it seems to be not much of a sisterhood in the clubs.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
"I don't see why someone would waste their time writing mutiple, detailed articles and discussions about the experiences of a stripper if they were not."

Well, someone who does waste their time writing mutiple, detailed articles and discussions about their imaginary experiences with strippers might think that.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
A lot of strippers are drug addicts, only looking out for themselves. I don't trust a single girl into club. Other girls have maybe one girl they trust that they hangout with outside of the club. The problem with having a sisterhood in this industry, is that we're all competing. So as soon as a girl sees you making a lot of money, sees you going back to the VIP all the time, and that girl/ or those girls get jealous, they or she are gonna turn on you so fast. Even if they're nice to your face.

Most of the girls in this industry are greedy, and they see other girls making big money, when they're only making a hundred or less, they wanna hurt YOUR money, because they think it helps them.
avatar for Dancinggal
11 years ago
I see that, Steve. But the way juice writes is clearly illiterate with the purpose of being funny. Or he thinks he is?

I think that if he made an account pretending to be a stripper it would be more a long the lines of
"I lyke jizz in ma face ya fuck ya I do" or some dumb shit like that.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Two shoes, three dancers? Wow, they really can't do math. Personally, I think they should have checked for the two single amputees, one left, one right. ;-)
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
@dancinggal- duke1 is juice, duke is just one of many juice aliases.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Dancinggal- make the ignore button work for you :)
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
N rancan iz stil a lieng piece ov shit ! ! !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Dansing gall iz rly one ov my copyerz jus read her last line she b letn it escape !
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Duke n dancing gull r da same person both ther namez startn wit a d.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
Oh DancingGal, I expect to see a new Juice alias any day now with the idea of him posing as a dancer. :) Even funnier if he gets Alucard to come to his defense!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

The customers don't have the money. They've given it all to the dancers. :)
avatar for trixxi
11 years ago
dancinggal: where i dance the dressing room is a tiny closet about 3ft by 8ft. there are no lockers so i keep all my belongings in a large cloth duffel bag that i lock. technically i could lose, if a girl brought a knife my security system would be over. so far this hasnt happened. if you have a lot of cash i suggest to change it out at bar and ALWAYS keep cash and all valubles with u AT ALL TIMES. u already know that the other girls cannot be trusted. i know that my dancing climate is different than yours so these are solutions to theft that have so far worked for me. all the best
avatar for Anabellaohio
11 years ago
Sorry that happened. You are very lucky that the cameras caught her. There are a lot of thieving girls. I have heard of cell phones, shoes, all kinds of shit getting stolen from the dressing room. I am lucky I have never had anything taken. I don't ever leave even one dollar out and unattended. And at the end of the shift when changing, I immediately put my cash in my pants pocket and put my pants on. I have seen girls get their money stolen by sitting it down while changing and turning their back for one minute.

Be careful!
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Over 40 comments, and no one asked "you don't have lockers"?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
The dressing room sounds pretty cutthroat Anabella!

It does explain something: I used to have a daytime fav that I would see at the tail end of her shift. Often, if she had a good day, she would sit at my table and count out her money, and then ask me to watch her purse while she went to change to go home. I guess she felt more comfortable leaving her money with a regular than taking a chance in the DR.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
One of my favorites had $200 taken from her purse when she had her back turned for just a minute. She never got it back, but the girl the other dancers suspected was gone in about two weeks.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

That is quite common with me. Even if I don't know the dancer well. Sometimes even during our first encounter.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
Clubber/steve229: Have you guys ever considered how badly a dancer could fuck you over by claiming that you'd stolen something while she was gone? That's not a hypothetical situation either; I watched a dancer try that very thing on another customer. Fortunately for him, I was behind him the whole time she was away and saw him never even touch her purse.

For someone I've known for a while, I have done it, but for someone I just met? Not a chance.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
@GMD - you bring up a valid point. Maybe I'm too trusting. I should probably stop rummaging through her purse while she's gone, too,
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
@ motor: In a previous thread, DG mentioned her club has lockers. (It was where discussion was made of dancers on their cell phones, an excessive amount of time, while on the floor. DG indicated that it was her practice to keep her cell phone in her locker.)
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

As steve said, "..a valid point." But I wouldn't do it in a club where I am not known. If club personnel knows you well enough, they might likely take your word against a new dancer. Also, I don't know any clubs that don't have cameras.

So steve, found anything good in their purses? :)
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