I asked a dancer if she would give me bareback head and she said yes and named her price. I put the money in her hand and she took out a rubber, I told her we agreed on bareback and she said im using this. After much argument she refused to give the money back or do the bareback head. What was I supposed to do?
Wear the raincoat this time so at least you get off for the price you paid otherwise she keeps the money and you get nothing. And remember who she is and black list her and never spend another dime with her. Warn other guys that she is a ROB as well as post it on here. You need to at least warn guys in a review.
Difficult to "humiliate the hell out of her in front of every one". What are you going to do, stand up and say, "Hey, I paid her for a BBBJ and she pulls out a rubber and kept my money!"
I had a dancer once insist on prepayment. Staring that is how the club works. I had been going there as a regular for years and has never prepaid. She didnt ask for prepayment until we got back in the private room. I argued with her a little and knew the ss ance was going to be bad at that point, so I said I guess were not doing any dances then. I stood up and walked back out into the club.
I knew all the staff there well so when I walked the guy in charge of the private rooms gave me a funny look but I think he quickly figured out she fucked up
The only you can do at this point is never get a dance from her again. Flag her down as a ROB in your review. After that, there's really not much one can do. You got had. It's happened to us all. Charge her to the game and chalk it up as a learning experience.
I did have a new girl make me prepay once and then I had to ask her to even just take her top off, and she asked for more money for that! Considering I wasn't even asking for extras, I was mad at first that she thought going topless was an 'extra'. Needless to say I never saw her in the club again.
@bigtimer23 most dancers don't trust the customer and would prefer to get paid first so they don't get ripped off by the customer, and if they're a ROB it's a chance to get more money for less effort.
I show them the cash and tell them they can have it after it has been earned, otherwise I'm not interested. If they're not a ROB, or not stupid, they get to work and earn it, if they still resist, you still have your cash, so cut it short and walk out.
They're there for the money, the vast majority of them will change their tune really fast when they sense they're about to lose your cash. The ones that don't, don't stay in the biz very long because they can't cut it.
Sometimes you have to teach them a lesson in how it works. Don't be an asshole about it, but do the rest of us a favor and don't be a pushover either.
@knightwish every once in a while I'll pre-pay a small amount up front, but I don't make a habit of it.
My stance is that you don't prepay for dances out on the floor, it is therefore absurd to pre-pay for private dances. Like I said, usually once the lady knows you're good for it, if she has half a brain, she won't make pre-pay an issue. If she sees the cash and is politely told she has to earn it, and still puts up a fuss, there's a pretty high likelihood that she is a ROB.
With that being said, I don't have an issue pre-paying with a known good, or pre-paying the room fee if there is one, but if you've negotiated a tip for extra service beyond the room and normal lappers, don't prepay it until you're happy.
It can often be a big-head vs little-head issue – when one wants that dancer really bad; often times getting ripped of is not what’s on your mind – thus your penis tends to take over the negotiations and I’ve found out my penis; especially when hard as a rock; is not a good negotiator.
VIP/extras entail a significant amount of $$$; so it’s natural to see it from the dancer’s POV that she would hate to get ripped off after performing the deed.
But IMO - it’s too risky; especially in the amount of $$$ w.r.t. extras; to just go ahead and pay up front. Not only is it a significant amount of $$$; but some dancers just absolutely hate doing extras but still want to make the big extras bucks; meaning; they will never consider actually giving them, at least to one’s satisfaction; but will still trick a custy into him paying her and then her not delivering b/c she just hates to do the extras.
You can tell the dancer that you understand her worry about not getting paid; so you could show her the $$$ like gawker stated; and then let her know that is not that you don’t intend on paying her; it’s that you have been ripped off before – and if she is not willing to accept that – then think w/ your big head and move on; she doesn’t deserve your business.
I’ve read some dancers on SW state that they feel it’s ok to take a PL’s money and not delivering the extras b/c it was “nasty†on the part of the PL to bring up the subject in the first place so they deserved to get ripped off – whether these SW chicks were posturing or being real; it can def be a possibility.
I'm tired of hearing the dancer excuse that they want to be paid up front because too many guys have stiffed them. I'd like to know what percentage of customers have ever not paid their bill. I'll be it's a damn small percent and what has she got invested... 3-7 minutes of her time. BFD!
A shady looking man sidles up to Lemuel and asks him if he'd like to buy some smart pills for $10. Lemuel agrees and hands over the money. The shady man hands over a plastic baggie full of greenish round pellets, and Lemuel immediately pops a few in his mouth. Seconds later, Lemuel is spitting them out, as he exclaims "Hey, these aren't smart pills, these are Rabbit Turds!" The shady man replies: "See, you're getting smarter already!".
If new dancers wonder why I often do not buy dances from someone new, here is a reason, sometimes they want to be prepaid and sometimes they are a rob who do not do the dances they promised. They take the money and run skipping out on doing the dances promised. same tactic, just less expensive than getting promised extras and not getting what was promised.
happened to me before.. I actually let it happen twice, over a couple years' period. It is your education you have paid for. That whore taught you something. I basically show her that I have the money but tell her I prefer to pay after so I can decide on a tip. if she won't roll with that, move on... there are whores EVERYWHERE and not a single one is worth gambling on.
last commenthumiliate the hell out of her in front of every one
never get a dance from her again
Difficult to "humiliate the hell out of her in front of every one". What are you going to do, stand up and say, "Hey, I paid her for a BBBJ and she pulls out a rubber and kept my money!"
Lodge a complaint with the local Chamber of Commerce.
Go to the club manager and demand a refund because she wouldn't suck your dick without a rubber.
Give the DJ a big tip to announce to everyone in the club that she is a rip-off artist because she won't take your load in her mouth.
Be a man and rough her up until she either refunds you or gets down there and does the job right.
File a complaint with the local PD. After all, you WERE robbed, right?
I knew all the staff there well so when I walked the guy in charge of the private rooms gave me a funny look but I think he quickly figured out she fucked up
Next time, offer 2% 10 net 30 terms
I show them the cash and tell them they can have it after it has been earned, otherwise I'm not interested. If they're not a ROB, or not stupid, they get to work and earn it, if they still resist, you still have your cash, so cut it short and walk out.
They're there for the money, the vast majority of them will change their tune really fast when they sense they're about to lose your cash. The ones that don't, don't stay in the biz very long because they can't cut it.
Sometimes you have to teach them a lesson in how it works. Don't be an asshole about it, but do the rest of us a favor and don't be a pushover either.
My stance is that you don't prepay for dances out on the floor, it is therefore absurd to pre-pay for private dances. Like I said, usually once the lady knows you're good for it, if she has half a brain, she won't make pre-pay an issue. If she sees the cash and is politely told she has to earn it, and still puts up a fuss, there's a pretty high likelihood that she is a ROB.
With that being said, I don't have an issue pre-paying with a known good, or pre-paying the room fee if there is one, but if you've negotiated a tip for extra service beyond the room and normal lappers, don't prepay it until you're happy.
VIP/extras entail a significant amount of $$$; so it’s natural to see it from the dancer’s POV that she would hate to get ripped off after performing the deed.
But IMO - it’s too risky; especially in the amount of $$$ w.r.t. extras; to just go ahead and pay up front. Not only is it a significant amount of $$$; but some dancers just absolutely hate doing extras but still want to make the big extras bucks; meaning; they will never consider actually giving them, at least to one’s satisfaction; but will still trick a custy into him paying her and then her not delivering b/c she just hates to do the extras.
You can tell the dancer that you understand her worry about not getting paid; so you could show her the $$$ like gawker stated; and then let her know that is not that you don’t intend on paying her; it’s that you have been ripped off before – and if she is not willing to accept that – then think w/ your big head and move on; she doesn’t deserve your business.
Pay close attention when your money is separated from you.
Really, there's nothing you can do, short of shaming her on the internet. I don't really know how effective that is, though.
I basically show her that I have the money but tell her I prefer to pay after so I can decide on a tip. if she won't roll with that, move on... there are whores EVERYWHERE and not a single one is worth gambling on.