
I might start something here but seems interesting. Sharing BF-GF/ favorite Patr

New York
Friday, January 24, 2014 4:51 PM
Out of Curiousity I point this for opinion gathering This just popped in my Mind and whether I get negatives or Kudos lets see I know from Experience and from being told and especially reminded on here that visiting a stripper gf is a no-no but lets ponder this. Whether a Particular Male/Female is just a favorite customer/patron of a particular popular stripper/dancer or her boyfriend/girlfriend He/she happens to appear at the club because of necessity etc... or a special invite because of a party going or a special performance by a popular pornstar stripper he/she admires. The place maybe packed because of the event or semi packed. Once in while she a popular stripper may go up to him/her kiss him/her on cheek rub hands do hugs bumps snd grinds while next to Him/Her even semi short lapdances in an open area FOR FREE(Or its not aware how much he/she has given Her.) Some of the patrons have thought they've seen Him/Her before whilst others are in doubt Lets say. He/she if noticed by some patrons has not pulled a dollar out of His/Her pocket signifying that there must be something more. Other than buying drinks and perhaps tipping girls on stage he/she is reluctant to do lapdances or approach others for a bit or it appears no one is approaching Him/Her or He/she gives out dollar tips to those who approach and rejects lapdances lets say. All of a sudden she approaches Him/Her and invites another stripper to entertain Him/Her where they hit it off chatting drinking and he/she tips Her and even goes for a Lapdance. Because it had been a while since he/she had someone other then HER approach Or He finally went for a LapDance He seems jubilant and happy. She meaning the girl that first girl is smiling etc back to Him or to her or pointing fingers towards Him/Her and pointing Him/Her out to other strippers. whether other strippers smile laugh or don't say anything lets say a combination of that happens. One Patron in particular or a group of patrons catch whim and start smiling and semi saluting Him whilst another patron or few patrons look with disgust, With one of them saying outloud "The nerve of this DUDE." or another stripper says to another outloud whilst having watched this saying "If I were her I'd beat that girl up or Id leave His/Her ass." Another quips "If He/she is there for Her why isn't she entertaining -Him/Her." What's your opinion of said scenario and what nicknames or comments would you leave her the stripper or Him if you had to. Or just give your opinion. Or would you entertain that stripper with drinks tips or lapdances?-Hmmm


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I read the last part about giving an opinion. My opinion is that you should hit the return key every few lines if you want very many people to read what you post.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    TL:DR Paragraphs -- they're your friend.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    I think that there is something interesting buried in there somewhere but I'll be damned if I can figure out what it is.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    he/she just needs to come out and say whatever it is instead of beating around the bush.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    this guy has posted a few threads like this where he writes these long nonsensical things. The overwhelming replies when looking through the old threads he made was what the fuck did you write.
  • BagBoyJames
    10 years ago
    God damn that Alucard and all his aliases
  • Djscudmaster
    10 years ago
    Okay lets make it short then about if you had to give an opinion You go to visit one of your favorite perfect 9/10 strippers at a particular club. She's happy to see you or co-workers point you out to her. She spends a little bit of quality time with you chit chatting and drinking and maybe you tip her a few dollars. when she has to excuse herself to entertain other clients. Ever so often she stops by you to smile laugh at a joke you said etc....Because she can't entertain You she can't stay and chat or you know its the hustle she's got to make the money. So she comes back with another Dancer maybe less attractive and asks her to entertain you whilst she is busy. You both laugh hit it off and now your off to the races I mean lapdance room or vip. Some other strippers seeing this tip her off about this where her reaction is so what? Or she is too busy to think/react, Some strippers react with disgust too. Other Patrons on the club are looking at this dude like what is/was he thinking whilst others are saying He's got game. Opinions on this scenario. what nicknames would you give all parties involved if you had too. Or would you run to entertain this 9/10 stripper reguardless if tou knew he was a regular.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    So you like a hot stripper but she doesn't have time for you and is bringing over a not so hot friend? If you like her friend that's fine. A number of times, I don't care to be hooked up with their dancers that one dancer thinks I will be happy with. They are often wrong and I just have to get rid of the other dancer and it wastes my time. If the first dancer is a favorite I'll let her know I don't care for the ther dancer. Why would you need to get hooked up? Dancers just come over anyway don't they? I often hate it when one dancer says here is her friend. I had a recent pleasant experience but that is the exception. They wanted to do a double dance for me at first too. No thanks.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Was I supposed to be able to comprehend that? I reads like something a bot would write.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    I gave up after about three lines. It looks like Shark made his way through it. It would take someone with the name "Sharkhunter" to accomplish that task. I got the gist of the story from his comments.
  • duomaxwell
    10 years ago
    I think you're preoccupied with all of the imaginary gossip that you think is happening.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ True dat duo. Didn't really try to read since it didn't appear worthwhile, but a quick scan of it elicited a response similar to duo's. Write using paragraphs DJscud my man. Or go full on Juicinese, but keep it short you know... Whut u thank if u gots a 9 o 10 striper bich an shit don go way u lik??? Or write in Esperanto. You're choice dude.
  • MrDeuce
    10 years ago
    OP tries again: "Okay lets make it short then . . ." LMFAO! OP can't seem to "make it short" (or comprehensible) to save his life.
  • ReadyPayerOne
    10 years ago
    Reading this person's posts is like reading the pages of a Choose Your Own Adventure book in sequential order.
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