
How have you found the clubs during the holidays ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

For those that have SCed in the last 10 days or so; have you noticed any difference in the talent (either in #s or quality)?

I was thinking perhaps many dancers may take time off to be w/ family or travel to where they have family.

I myself have been out of club circulation since early December so I have not been able to find out for myself.


  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I found the Sunday before Christmas to have a very poor turn out of dancers. Should have stayed home.

    Last Saturday things were pretty normal. I won't go again until next weekend.
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    Saturday night my fave local club was packed here in Minneapolis. Had the day off yesterday and figured I'd try a change of pace and try the lunch-hour special at the local Deja Vu. Fortunately before paying my cover, the doorman tells me there's just one dancer working so I bailed. Couldn't believe the local superstore of strip clubs would have just one dancer.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    I went to Partners Tavern in Erie this past weekend. I found it using the GPS app on my phone.
  • rl27
    11 years ago
    Kahoots the Friday after Christmas was packed. All four of my current regular dancers, only one wasn't busy, and luckily she was the best of the four. So she lucked out and got all my songs that day.

    Five of my alternates were all there and wanting dances too. Not to mention quite a few of the dancers I would rather never be bothered with were constantly asking for dances.

    New Years Eve is normally a lot less crowded, so I may head out later this evening so I can get my last dance of the year from a few of my favorites, who were unavailable friday.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Halloween has been both quite enjoyable and at other times, boring.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    There's one difference here in Seattle about clubbing around the holidays, more so Christmas. That's only because it's close to the end of the year. Washington state, like many other states, requires dancers to have a business license. Many of the cities have structured their business licenses so that they expire on Decemeber 31st. A new license must be obtained for dancers to work beginning January 1st. The clubs here seem to be pretty strict about ensuring that a dancer has a valid license before coming to work in January.

    The licenses (even renewals) are usually over $200. Most dancers budget for this as part of their December expenses. But, many don't. In addition to Christmas expenses, January 1st rent, they also have to have a couple hundred for their license renewals. It's often the case that many dancers are working on, or close to, New Year's Eve because they need money for the next year's license. It's a good time for dealing in the clubs and OTC activities as well. I have a good opportunity for the latter at the moment because of this phenomenon.
  • ABQTraveler
    11 years ago
    I hit two different SCs in Portland, OR on Friday and Saturday nights. The first, Stars in Tigard, was relatively dead and only a couple of girls above a 6 working and mostly low class guys. I chose an 8 and got a series of lap dances from her. We spread them out a bit so she could skip her turn on stage because no one was tipping. Better mileage than I have gotten in the past in Portland, and I may have been able to get more. Got digits.

    Second club was Saturday night at Wild Orchid in SE Portland. Crazy busy. I couldn't get a seat, played some video poker and bolted after a half hour or so. There appeared to be some high quality dancers working, but I never got close.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    Two recent visits:

    Today, NY eve afternoon went to Lawrence, KS topless alcohol club. Six dancers, not all my type but none a ringer. Several coed cuties. Staff decorating for tonight's party. Medium VIP mileage but good vibe. Good place to ring in the New Year even w/o HE. About five guys there when I left at six.

    Visited downtown KC/MO club this past Saturday evening. Last Sat of month AND year. At least 15 ladies working. I was only second man to walk in just before 10PM. Walked between two gals on stage waving me over to tipper's row and a banquet with 10 gals sitting and texting. Now I know how a woman feels walking past hard hats at a construction site!

    Most of the gals were very pretty; only two ringers. ALL were hustling for lappers. Met two new dancers. One broke all the rules of hustling: Talked about her sick daughter and needing money, etc. Initially, said NO to 30min VIP but took a chance just before leaving. Turned into one of the 3 highest mileage VIP lappers I've ever had at this club.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I found the clubs by following the smell of pussy.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Just more of the same.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I followed a star.

    Then Starr called the police when I followed her home.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I went to my favorite club the Saturday before Christmas and there were only 5 dancers there, but at least some of that was due to the fact that it snowed during my time there. One of my favorites was there, so I spent some money on her, but she was desperate to do a two-girl dance with the third girl being one I didn't know and didn't think was hot, so I passed and since the other girls there weren't anything special, I left, to go to my #3 club, which hadn't yet been hit by the snow when I arrived. That club was its typical self, with a lot of hot girls who tend to be overly content with stage tips, but I did get 2 entirely new girls to give me dances. Both of them were quite good within the limits imposed by the club and the one girl seems like the ultimate party girl, a rare beer drinker, and a Bud drinker at that. (Most of the girls who drink alcoholic beverages there drink wine coolers, and I think they are full of themselves, but the beer drinkers always seem cool, even if it's only Bud Light.) Then the snow hit and some of the girls left, so I left, too.

    Last Saturday, I went to my #2 club, which was the last day it was open for the year, as the owner always has his vacation over New Years. My favorite dancer there was gone, and a number of regular dancers were gone. I did see my #2 favorite dancer there, and while it was nice to actually see her this time (my previous visit, she was occupied with another regular and every time I wanted to see her, she was gone, and eventually I gave up), she seemed bored and her dances were lackluster. I tried out this one new dancer, only it turned out she wasn't really new, being she previously worked there about 5 years ago, when the club was in the dumps, and she still wasn't anything special, so I left.

    So in the end, most of my faves were gone and the only way to get anything was with a new girl, but it wouldn't always work for the best.
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