
Just Joking On The Liberals

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 7:48 AM
I recently asked my neighbors' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President someday. Both of her parents, are liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?' She replied, ‘I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.' Her parents beamed with pride. 'Wow…what a worthy goal.' I told her, ‘But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that! You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and rake my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.‘ She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?” I said, ‘Welcome to the Republican Party.' Her parents still aren't speaking to me.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    One more-Do you know how many liberals it takes to screw in a light bulb? Nobody knows. They expect the government to do it for them.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Well I'm a social liberal and I agree able bodied people should work as opposed to expecting handouts. But every revolution (except ours) in history has been caused by starvation among the masses. When it comes to programs like food stamps, that actually go mostly to the working poor with children, I think we can afford a few of our tax dollars to help out. Plus it's in our self interest.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    rockstar666: "When it comes to programs like food stamps, that actually go mostly to the working poor with children, I think we can afford a few of our tax dollars to help out." And you know it's going to get spent right away anyway and start circulating in the economy. Almost like mini-fiscal stimulus (not as good as building infrastructure, of course, but it's something).
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Q Do you know how to upset an Obama supporter? A hide his food stamps in his work boots.
  • Prim0
    11 years ago
    You know I'm all about the government minding it's business. Do you all think the government is really the most efficient way to help people? They've been fighting hunger, homelessness, poverty, drugs and who knows what else for years...and how are they doing. If I didn't have so much money coming out through taxes, I could probably do more to directly help others in need. Instead, the government has a huge bureaucracy that has to be paid to take the money from me and then give it to that someone in need. it's ridiculous.
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Two out of three dollars that taxpayers pay for welfare goes to administrative costs so spare me the drivel about how great food stamps are. Most people who collect do not work at all.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    As Margret Thatcher said: "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money!" Liberals in the media, educational system and government have been promulgating the lie that government is the source of wealth and money were as the exact opposite is true. The government creates nothing and only consumes what others create. The government cannot create jobs it only can facilitate an environment where people/businesses create jobs. Government's goal is to subjugate the populous why do you think you think all federal employees are exempt from the laws we are oppressed with such as the ACA. Congress and the President as well as Congressional and Presidential employees are exempt from insider trading laws. Example: Martha Stewart went to jail for acting on a tip mentioned in casual conversation to not loose money and Nancy Pelosi has made hundreds of millions on inside congressional information and steering government contract to her husbands firm (it is un ethical but not illegal for a member of the higher government to get rich by stealing from us).
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    All I have to say is: Barrack "you didn't build your business, the government did" Obama Nancy " we won't know what's in the bill until we pass the bill" Pelosi Joe "this is a big fucking deal" Biden Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton Al "global warming" Gore Nuff said
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Conservatives want Constitutional rights protected, except for abortion. If they defended abortion rights as hard as gun rights I might have some sympathy. Conservatives want less government interference except when it comes to marriage rights, access to birth control, access to abortion and voting rights. In these cases government interference is encouraged. Liberals want a nanny state where government has an obligation to protect us from ourselves by restricting foix gras, transfats, guns, motorcycle helmets, seat belts...anything they can criminalize for 'our own good' they will. Liberals think government can run industries better than the private sector. Liberals think everyone is entitled to the same rights even if this is patently unfair: why shouldn't fat people pay more for airline tickets? And I don't believe a word of the above...the reality is somewhere between the two. Frankly I think good and bad policy gets so mired in the politics of it, that people lose sight of what good policy IS. They just hate everything the other side comes up with out of hand without examining what's really going on.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Well said.
  • looneylarry
    11 years ago
    Stellar analysis and commentary. Let me pose this: we have had philanthropy from the very beginning, but we still have poverty. How's that working out? And how much money is spent feting the big donors in their tuxes and tails--administrative costs and overhead, wouldn't you say? We found out during the government shutdown that our friends and neighbors were federal workers and their money circulates in the economy just the same as those who are privately employed. I want to see some of you try to make your food stamps food stretch far enough so that you don't go hungry. And by definition we go to SCs and drop our disposable income on self-gratification, yet some of us carry this chip on our shoulders that there are millions out there screwing us out of our hard-earned cash. That really is, shall we say. . .rich.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Philanthropy isn't supposed to end poverty. It just keeps the unwashed masses quiet. And helps hungry children get meal; after all it's not their fault they're hungry. The shutdown did indeed teach us that government spending is a significant part of our economy whether we like it or not. But we do need highways, bridges, national parks, maintenance on aircraft carriers and jet fighters, scientific research...lots of these tasks are contracted to the private sector. That means people with families. Is there waste in government? Of course and we should always try to cut fat. But one man's pork is another state's jobs program.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Actually I take a more libertarian view. Abortion should be a state issue. Note there is no federal statute on murder unless it occurs on federal property or crosses a state line. Prostitution; (willing seller willing buyer) I think we would be better off if it was legal with health regs and crucifixion for child molesters in the town square. Pot should be legal with the same rules and taxed at least as heavily as liquor and tobacco. Pot should also be included in the DUI laws with the same penalties. Etc. The government should get out of the marriage business and license a legal partnership and let churches conduct "marriages". The argument about the government defining what a marriage is BS. Call it a legal partnership and be done with it and stop wasting my money over frivolous law suits. The same goes for religious items on public property. If a Christian group wants to put a crèche on the courthouse lawn that is ok just like if a Jewish group wants a menorah or a Buddhist want a Buddha during their holy time. They are citizens and they own that lawn and have the right the use of it periodically as long as the display is not dangerous in bad taste. The same goes for the atheists want nothing on the lawn because they believe in "nothing" they can have at it during their "nothing" time of year. Do not expect me to honor Allah, Buddha or a magic wand or make special concessions to your special group. The constitution states that the government shall "prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion". By limiting the expression of one persons religion over another like is happening today the government is promoting is own court chosen religion of no religion by suppressing other ones. This trick was used by the NAZI's and later the Soviets by making it illegal to practice your religion outside the walls of you church building. If government is the answer it must be a REALLY stupid question!
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    Republicans are death to the stock market. Rock and roll in the stock market when Democrats are in power. Not quite such a stark connection in Canada but the Liberals are much better managers of the economy than are the idiot Conservatives.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    @Farmer art Aren't those the Progressive Conservatives? I always got a chuckle out of that name when I was growing up in Brantford, Ontario. Remember the Diefendollar?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    @ tiredtraveller You seem a little confused on current laws although I do agree with some of your overall ideas. We already have laws governing impaired driving, pot, alcohol, etc. Currently abortion is a question of personal liberty as expressed by the Constitution. To say the states should regulate it (which makes sense from a political point of view) is to rescind this liberty from women. This would be quite a drastic step and in itself it might be unconstitutional the same way taking away the right for gays to marry was deemed unconstitutional. Once a right is established, you cannot take it away unless you can prove it's in the public interest. Some would argue banning abortions IS in the public interest but it would be hard to prove. As for gay marriage, the federal government gives married people specific rights (power of attorney, property rights, inheritance rights, etc.), as do the states and private businesses. So either all these rights would have to be taken away (which is impossible) or the government has to have a legal definition of marriage. I do agree there should be no laws against marriage of consenting adults, but may religions want to impose their beliefs on everyone and I think that's wrong. As for religious separation from the state, the laws are currently interpreted that no tax money can go to a religious expression, so if you want a cross on public property it has to be paid for with private funds. I often wonder how the NASCAR crowd that defends Christian prayers before a race would react to bowing to Mecca instead!
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    @ATACdawg, No. The 'Progressive' part of the name was dropped when Harpo became leader of the party. The formal name is now Conservative Party of Canada. And, yes I do remember the Diefenbuck. That old bastard, Diefenbaker, was the worst Prime Minister of my working lifetime, a total incompetent manager of anything, let alone a national economy.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    I hadn't realized they had changed their name. Dropping "Progressive" was probably the most honest thing they ever did. I was talking about a novelty item. It was a pretend dollar bill with Dief replacing the Queen and a "cut along the dotted line" at 92 1/2 % of the width the bill. They came in packs of 20. Glad someone made out on the devaluation!
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    @666 I misspoke while driving under the influence is illegal many states currently have no way to determine pot driving and have way to quantify limits. The government should get out of the religion business Whether that be Christianity or humanism (the current government religion). The government needs to define what is a legal union or partnership and put the same punishments for having that partnership they impose in married men and women. I have another question: Why is abortion legal (a woman of legal age's absolute right to control her body) but prostitution is illegal (same woman same body) ???? Yet liberals are the first to condemn it. I guess I am too stupid to see a difference. Like when I see Obama I don't see a black man I see a Chicago thug politician from a long line of Chicago thug politicians. Move to Illinois where former governors and us representatives personally will make your license plate for you. Did you know it is illegal to possess a rubber Obama Halloween mask. I remember Nixon, Carter, Reagan, bush 1&2 and Clinton masks for sale within a year of them taking office but this tinpot dictator cannot take a joke. He makes Nixon look like Chevy Chase.
  • the mighty quinn
    11 years ago
    some very serious turns here for a post starting with Joking in the title.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Best to keep religion & politics out of stripclubbing.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Great jokes slick and shadow
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    ^^^ Good Luck With That
  • etsutwigg222
    11 years ago
    Sounds like a lot of people here need to be the center of a "Ta-Ta" sandwich. Go support your local stripper.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    My ATF earns very good money but still gets food stamps. She usually sells them for crack. Another laudable social endeavor.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." -- Ronald Reagan
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Primo states, "They've been fighting hunger, homelessness, poverty, drugs and who knows what else for years...and how are they doing." He forgets their great success stories, such as fighting smoking and prostitution!
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I like Tired's comment: "I misspoke while driving under the influence..."
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    Tired is wrong about it being illegal to own an Obama mask, but this news story is pretty disturbing: [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Ermita: Funny how in their efforts to be "tolerant" they fail to see how intolerant they are.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I give donations to single mothers at strip clubs on a regular basis. I'll leave it at that.
  • rentz2
    11 years ago
    ""The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." -- Ronald Reagan" Says the guy whose family only made it through the great depression cause of gov't assistance
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    So...what I wanna know is if we flash forward 15 years will the girl become a stripper? Funny joke Slick. Most strippers seem to lean to the left, but I have met a few hard core conservatives.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    rentz2, Certainly you are not naive enough to be equating government assistance during the Great Depression with what exists today or in the 80's?
  • TortillaChip
    11 years ago
    How completely appropriate that a shill for the Republican fuqtard party is a dumbass calls himself a spic.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Tortillachip-Where'd you leave your sense of humor? In a bowl of guacamole?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Yes because republicans just GIVE out jobs (sarcasm)
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