Old Porn

avatar for SlickSpic
Bienvenidos mi amigos. I moved about a month ago. During the move, I went through my earthquake supply box and checked out my old paper porn mags. In this day and age of free, Internet porn, I kept the paper mags just in case. Since. I usually jerk off to memory, I got rid off those old Playboys. I'm gonna miss those girls-Sung Hi Lee, Maria Checa, Lisa Boyle, Hiromi Oshima, the Bernoala twins, etc.
Anybody still have any paper porn or did y'all also get rid of them.


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avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
When the pages stuck together I tossed them.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I had a nice little stash. But I did a major house cleaning a few years back and now they're gone. Probably will regrei someday. Most DVDs gone too. Glad I have the Internet
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"will regret it"
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Sung Hi Lee! OMG!!!
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I still have some, mostly big tit porn from the Score group of magazines (Score, Voluptuous, Naughty Neighbors, etc.). I got Playboy thru the mail for a year, but got rid of them when I had to do some cleaning. There is a porn shop near me called Romantix, which I believe is a chain with quite a few stores, which will sell current magazines and 3-packs of older magazines and once in a great while, I'll get the 3-packs if I like the two on the outside. It's been a while since that happened, though.
avatar for grand1511
11 years ago
Just stumbled upon some vintage Christy Canyon online. She was one-of-a-kind.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Grand-Adam Carolla went to the prom with Christy Canyon's sister.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
I still have some of that old paper porn. Brings back memories from being a teenager and being nervous about weather they would sell it to you or not when trying to buy it. The heart beating fast, the thrill of looking at a magazint for the first time. They were not supposed to sell it to people under 18
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
@DandyDan: I have the same type of collection you do, and I have a porn shop near me. But, I might use the store sell them the box of old '60's through '90's porn mags that I still have. The box is buried in my garage; I never look at it anymore. I'll sift through it first to separate the old Playboys. There may be some better money for the in-demand issues (if I have any of those).

@grand 1511: I liked Christy Canyon too. For more of her see:
1. http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs… (links to her work)
2. http://www.bigtits.com/search?… (28 videos)
3. www.bing.com/videos Enter "Christy Canyon."
avatar for newmark
11 years ago
If I had a dollar for every porn mag I have thrown out over the years I would be able to throw a really nice party for myself and a couple of my favorite strippers.
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
Yep...no need for them when you can see just about anything/anyone you want on the internet for free. I'm not even sure how pay websites stay afloat with all of the free material out there!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@ VH-I totally agree with you. I remember looking at poem mags at liqour stores as a kid then getting kicked out. I remember finding porn in the field behind my house. Kids these days won't have any cool porn stories to tell.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
No, I got rid of all that stuff about 5 years ago when I started going to strip clubs. Let me tell you something though, I had a HUGE collection of magazines and DVD's. I could have had a garage sale with all those DVD's and magazines.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
I used to find discarded porn (soft and hard) along the railroad tracks and in the woods around town. For a twelve year old it was a great find. Too easy these days although I really enjoy being a dr warm club for my naked girl fun. My collection of mags did not survive my first house move. Those glossys were too heavy when bagged up.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I have a couple dozen Playboys. Either ones I picked up new because I had some interest or because I thought they might have some value in the future.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
@Grand and @Slick, I once DJ'd for Christy Canyon back in the 90s. That was pretty cool. She featured art a club I worked in Columbus, Ohio.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
11 years ago
Grand, Slick, Sam: In my profile photos you'll find one of Lauryl Canyon sitting in my lap. I always assumed she was Christy's sister but don't know for sure.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I have yet to look for pictures of porn stars with me in the picture lying around my house somewhere. My house is probably full of antiques by some people's standards now. I still have tshirts from strip clubs where dancers got body paint on their tits etc and then smashed their tits or whatever onto the tshirt. I wonder if anything is worth some money.
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