
Tempted to give advice

During a recent visit to a crowded SC, I sat bored and unimpressed with the talent. I soon noticed a stunning exotic looking Latin honey working the floor for LD's. Tatted, pierced with hair extensions I assumed she was an experienced dancer.

As the honey hustled the PL's for dances, I was surprised that she was constantly turned down or was one and done with the custie's. Regardless, I waited in eager anticipation for my turn with the stunner.

She finally approached and, as expected, she was every bit the exotic stunner I expected. Naively, I asked for three dances before she even began her first.

Her first LD was the worst LD I ever had in a club. Awkward, mechanical, painful. I bravely endured the second dance but actually asked her to stop for the third. Of course I paid her for all three and was very gracious as I sent her away.

I'm smart enough to know not to attempt it, but I was tempted to give this doll some tactful/gentle advice on how to greatly improve her revenue stream. This baby doll has the looks to make bank every song but instead was constantly being turned down due to her horrible LD's.

Of course there are many variations of this. Have you ever given a dancer advice on how to improve her game and how did it go over?


  • Subraman
    11 years ago
    The douchebag in me wants to say, "a guy who buys three dances from a girl he doesn't know, who he saw was either turned down by everyone or one-and-done every time, should spend all his time listening to advice, not giving it." Honestly not trying to be snarky, but you must see the irony here, right?

    In general, giving advice to a girl you don't know well and who didn't ask for it, goes over spectacularly badly. I've given advice to girls who I know VERY well, either who asked for it, or if they didn't ask for it, in the form of a compliment as far as what works for me personally ("when you do your lapdances slow like that, you're the sexiest girl in the club", she'll infer she shouldn't dance fast for me, without me having to say it.)
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Fools go where angels fear.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    @Subraman: lol, so true. The only defense for the stupidity is that the honey was stunning erotic beauty.

    And, yea, anytime I've ever even touched the border of giving advice it was a complete and total disaster.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I've known one dancer forever. She's in her 40's. She will always sit and talk with me but gets a little pissed because I always refuse her dances. I keep telling her I don't like her rough dances. She just says - "that's how I dance and I can't change".

    Dancers can be stubborn to accept advice.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I'm a bit surprised to hear this. I don't exactly offer unsolicited advice, but I do tell dancers what I like, and they are usually happy to oblige, since it means more money for them. I can't remember it ever being a "total disaster."
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Bullwinkle put it very well.

    Whether it’s dancers or anyone else; some folks may be receptive to advice and others take it as criticism – depends on the person’s temperament/personality.

    I have given advice to a few dancers and don’t recall getting back negative feedback. Like Bull said – it is often in the delivery – I don’t’ say something like “your dances suck …”.

    It also helps that they often see me spending a good deal of $$$ in the SCs and getting a lot of LDs (they may assume I may know what I’m talking about?).

    Certain folks in business would like to receive advice in how to increase their profits; some don’t care for it – dancers may be along the same lines.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Wipe your tuna hole.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    @Ermita_Nights: I've only given tactful/gentle unsolicited advice once or twice in all my club visits.

    The one time I can remember, the Dancer got serious and told me she had been dancing for ten years and knew what the fuck she was doing before walking off in a huff. I call that a disaster.

    Learned my lesson to keep my mouth shut.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    @Lone wolf, perhaps you should use your observation of this dancer's situation to your advantage? If she is as smoking hot as you say and just your type, offer to help her out.

    Tell her you noticed she is not getting much repeat business and that maybe you could help her figure it out? If she turns you down no loss. If she takes you up on your offer it could turn into great dividends for both of you.
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I've given dancers advice a few times and it's never backfired on me.
  • HungryGiraffe
    11 years ago
    I've found giving newbie dancers advice to be an exercise in futility. The core problem is that most of them aren't really interested in providing excellent customer service. They are interested in doing whatever they want to do. They are self-absorbed. The best education for dancers with great potential is watching customer-focused dancers make lots of cash.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    If she's really so great looking, maybe it be worth buying a table dance from her. If you do, she'd believe you if you said you think she's beautiful, but her lap dance technique is not your cup of tea. Maybe she just isn't comfortable with lap dancing or the level of contact you're looking for. The bad thing would be if she quit dancing with the idea in her head that she's not good looking.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    One or twice I've given tactful advice and it's been appreciated. In fact I got 2 for free from a newbie once while gave her pointers on what was good and bad. But most of the time I don't say anything unless she asks if she was okay.

    Needless to say, the best dances are when they tell YOU what to do! My #2 did that when we first met, and believe me, the payoff for following her advice paid off then and now.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I believe there is a way to give advice to a total stranger. You already set the situation up, but you blew it after you sent her away. I give people I don't know advice all the time. Of course how it's done is that we eventually become buddies and they always put my advice into perspective
    What you should have done was at the least took the lap dances no matter how bad they were (I know how it pains a man to sit there and take bad lap dances to the face) and paid for the dances. Afterwards, have her sit on your lap (or next to you) and give her some compliments, even something like asking her why everyone was turning her down (pretend like you don't know) and just lead a conversation into lap dances, in a nice gentle way. If you don't have the speech skills to do that, then this isn't for you. This can be applied to general things in life bro (with tweakage per situation of course). If you can't do that, you have to work on your conversation skills. Or maybe I'm too much of a social butterfly.us
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Damn man, I should have read your entire post above. I liked your approach and thought I'd try it. I sat beside my boss and complimented him on some good things he was doing, etc. Then when I asked about his lap dance skills, I got fired.

    I should have read the "(with tweakage per situation of course)" part! :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Reading rockstar’s post reminded of a time early on in my pre-TUSCL SCing career where a dancer told me I should not wear a belt nor jeans to a SC (if I was planning on getting, and enjoying, LDs).

    I was appreciative of her advice and followed it; and also believed she knew what she was talking about and was more experienced than me in the SC game.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I know there have been times when dancers have solicited my advice, but after I gave it, they acted as if they didn't want it. One time at my favorite club, there was a girl who was too much of a "Wanna dance?" zombie and she asked and I told her no and then she wanted to know what she can do better. I told her that guys mostly want to hang out a bit and get to know the dancer a little bit before they get a dance from them and the wanna dance bit turns guys off, and mostly, I think she just got pissed off, probably because that's not what her pimp told her. I don't think it was a disaster, but sometimes, they just want to hear what they want to hear.
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