First question, is where can I find a prostitute or just an anonymous sex encounter. Also, if you think this is a good idea? i'm 24, and increasingly self-conscious of the fact that i'm a virgin, i declined at least one opportunity in college at a party, and i feel lately having hit a dry streak dating wise, that maybe this would be a good thing for me, just to have some sexual encounter, and get that out of the way, so i can not have to feel like i'm constantly having to catch up to my peers in terms of dating experience and everything else. our society is so sex-obsessed and sometimes i fall into that, i guess. of course, i also try finding dates, making female friends and all of that, but the whole process can be very slow. Sometimes, I also go to bars with the aim of losing my virginity, usually i just end up getting someone's phone number at best and that usually doesn't lead to much.
If you found this site, you can find what your looking for on CL, BP, or even Just look, there is no secret way to fuck these hoes.... Just gotta get to looking.
Dude...don't listen to these PLs. Wanna lose yo' virginity? Buy a bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay then go to a bus stop. When you see a pretty girl whip yo' schlong out. If she screams back off. Don't want too come on too strong. But if she seems okay with it you should then say "yo beyotch...what say you suck my ding a ling after I put a drumstick up yo' tight little asshole?"
Trust will get LAID!!! Works for me all the time. Plus you get fried chicken.
Another good trick is to walk around speaking Klingonese. For example, look for a pretty girl and say "Suvlu'taHvIS yapbe' HoS neH". You will get LAID 'cos chicks dig Klingon shizzle.
Jus remember, potlhbe’chugh yay qatlh pe’’eghlu’.
But gator dude...SnackDude needs some game to get what he wants! Plus, cops can arrest you for picking up hookers if you ask 'em for sex in Klingonese. Look it is in the constitution. The second amendment actual confers the right to bear bat'leth.
Klingon warriors are for more formidable than you gun nuts. One o' you cranky ol' gun nuts draw on a Klingon warrior and he's all tugh qoH nachDaj je chevlu'ta' on yo' ass!
Snack, don't go to a street hooker for your first. She'll eat you up (figuratively). She will rush you and humiliate you. She will have no respect for your virginity. Save your money and get a proper escort.
last commentIf you turned down pussy in college, you have deeper issues than just being a virgin.
Trust will get LAID!!! Works for me all the time. Plus you get fried chicken.
Jus remember, potlhbe’chugh yay qatlh pe’’eghlu’.
Klingon warriors are for more formidable than you gun nuts. One o' you cranky ol' gun nuts draw on a Klingon warrior and he's all tugh qoH nachDaj je chevlu'ta' on yo' ass!
Fuck yeah!!!
My sock puppet trolls defensive off
ho, ho, hooo.
When a girl says yes?