Dooes anyone occassionally visit other strip club sites besides this one and str

avatar for sharkhunter

Just wondering.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
11 yrs ago

I occasionally look at USAsexguide.

avatar for stenton1
11 yrs ago


avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 yrs ago

Before I was aware of TUSCL, I mainly relied on for advice, but, for the Washington state clubs, it's now a trash heap. I still look at it occasionally. When I lived in L.A., is a very well-known site there, and likely more helpful to Southern California residents. Although I'm out of California now, I still look at it too, sometimes. TUSCL is not nearly as well-known in So. Cal as Zbone is. There are some other strip club websites that only cover certain regions of the country.

avatar for Pundi
11 yrs ago

There are no other strip club sites other than this one. The rest are just unfounded rumors.

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

I occassionall visit usasexguide but for clubbing its extremely lame. No organized list. Just a forum and where the club is told by the users who do a pretty piss poor job

avatar for jackslash
11 yrs ago covers Michigan strip clubs. But it's no competition for TUSCL It lacks the intelligent analysis and witty discussions we're used to on TUSCL.

avatar for londonguy
11 yrs ago

I visit usasexguide mainly for the gossip on casino girls.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

This is just my opinion-USA Sex Guide us only ok. Same with Stripclublist. I don't frequent Strippersweb. I do like ZBone but then again I'm in So Cal. is also for So Cal residents. Great roll call info.

TUSCL is still the most entertaining and informative.

avatar for rl27
11 yrs ago

Same here

avatar for motorhead
11 yrs ago

When I first joined in 2006, I noticed there wasn't a lot of regular posters from California. I even started a thread about it. Lopaw was an occasional contributor but not many others I knew of.

I'm glad we have Slick on board from Cali.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

TUSCL seems to be the most complete and comprehensive for strip clubs. Others mentioned are better or worse for different segments of adult entertainment, depending on location.

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

" covers Michigan strip clubs. But it's no competition for TUSCL It lacks the intelligent analysis and witty discussions we're used to on TUSCL."

I disagree a great deal.

avatar for sclvr5005
11 yrs ago

I have been visiting way more lately since all of my clubbing is in the LA area. Zbone has more relevant info for me and most importantly - no trolls. Definitely better for us SoCal clubbers.

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

We need a NY centric strip club site. Its a major region and yet it doesn't have a dedicated site. What's up with that

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

@Estefador-You just came up with a money making idea. Come up with a catchy name and you got something there.

avatar for motorhead
11 yrs ago

Some may think the TwoSheds board is a Detroit centric board. But the site says "Reviews and discussion of the strip clubs in Southwestern Michigan and beyond". Detroit clubs were added because -- well Detroit is just too much fun to be ignored.

I think most of the discussion still involves clubs in Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Jackson but just about every club in Michigsn is listed now.

avatar for DandyDan
11 yrs ago has some info on all Iowa strip clubs plus the ones here in Omaha and Lincoln and some in Wisconsin, although there's no chattering like here.

avatar for Cheo_D
11 yrs ago

Most often: TUSCL, Stripperweb

Not as often: usasexguide specially for SoFla, zbone/bonedin when thinking of travel to SoCal, NOLA Strip Club Review (blog).

On the more SW side of things, for more perspectives on the ladies' POV, the Tits & Sass blog.

TUSCL does IMO tend to leave other general-purpose strip club sites behind in the area of a broad range of locations and a comprehensive variety of reviews. Regional-specific boards like zbone or the aforementioned TwoSheds are always appreciated when travelling to that specific location, but other than standouts like zbone very few seem to be properly kept up.

The sites like usasexguide do tend to get more focused on other areas of service and in the case of strip clubs tend to contain a whole lot of "So-And-So from Club A, is she now dancing at Club B?" as opposed to proper reviews/reports.

avatar for Player11
11 yrs ago

I have a SC locater app on my I phone called "Strip Me."

avatar for caliman20
11 yrs ago althought it isn't great for SC, but I use it for my international mongering activities!

avatar for rickdugan
11 yrs ago

Occasionally I will use the zip code search feature on stripclublist in order to get a starting point before moving the search to tuscl's map function, but otherwise I don't really have a need to rely upon other sites. If tuscl had a similar zip code search feature I'd never use SCL at all.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

I'll look at every once in a while although it pretty much sucks and barely has any reviews - but it serves to quickly find black and only black SCs in different cities w/o having to fish for them on TUSCL.

I'll sometimes find a black SC on & then read the reviews on TUSCL.

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