
Perception of opportunity

Friday, August 9, 2013 11:12 AM
I, and probably most of society, have a perception that pretty young women have an abundance of opportunity to live a life filled with abundance and wealth. All they have to do is make the right decisions in their life. But is that perception true? Thing is, it seems like there are beautiful young women everywhere in our modern age. So, I believe being beautiful is no longer an automatic ticket for wealth. Plus, fewer men of wealth are getting married and when they do it usually comes with a solid pre-nup. Over all point is this...when I see these beautiful young honey's dancing in some dive SC I used to think they had choices but just made the wrong decisions. Now, I think they may have no choice. It is either the SC or trailer park with some loser.


  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    the truth is usually somewhere in the middle
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    It is often said that good looking people often get better treatment and often more opportunities in life (e.g. are more often or more easily promoted; etc.). I also recall seeing programs on TVs based on experiments that had been done where babies are shown faces of attractive people and not so attractive people with the babies reacting more positively to the pictures of attractive people (per the study). IMO; good looking people do often have it better/easier and will often either be given things or the bar for them is lower (e.g. a singer can be ok but be very attractive and thus very popular - where another singer could have a very talented voice but be fugly and thus not very popular).
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    The truth is a lie
  • Dain
    11 years ago
    The problem with many good-looking people is egoism. Unless they make a conscious effort to control it, they will be happy only by accident.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    All things being equal, beauty certainly helps, but it is certainly not enough as a standalone trait. Brains, self confidence, poise and character also factor heavily into how a person does in life, at least in my experiences. There are plenty of beautiful girls out there, but only a subset of them have the other skills and traits necessary to use their beauty to give themselves any long-term advantages. For most, it is gone before they can do anything meaningful with it.
  • DBJP101
    11 years ago
    Anyone here has a chance to make, it just takes work ethic, which most American women don't have. Many girls with the right hustle and at the right club can make six-figure incomes, and pay next to nothing in taxes. It's too bad most dancers blow it all (no pun intended). Either get an education, or sock most of your income away. No one has sympathy for an old twat who has saved nothing.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    The Beautiful People, The Beautiful People!! The Beautiful People, The Beautiful People!!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Except for me. The Machine Elves told me I was invaluable to their research into the minds of humanity. Oh the power of DMT.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    My ATF's brother once said to her at Christmas,"honey, you may be the prettiest bulb on the tree, but you ain't the brightest."
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I've always thought that people generally gravitate towards more attractive people, which gives the more attractive people more social opportunity and social skills. Social skills in turn help a lot no matter what business you're in.
  • TxVegas
    11 years ago
    Being attractive is generally an advantage for women, but most wouldn't hire an attractive female sales rep if the intended audience was women in general. They are their own worst critics and often think the pretty women got her position because of looks and not ability. All things equal in America, it is better to be attractive.
  • stenton1
    11 years ago
    The problem is that most dancers that are attractive, their beauty is only skin deep. Most of them are ugly underneath. In this society, the smart ones bank up their money because their relationships usually don't last. I've thought many times that the smart ones plan ahead. What they can sell today, they won't be able to give away tomorrow. Beauty is in the eye if the beholder, and more importantly, it's also fleeting.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If a woman is attractive she can simply latch on to the right guy and live a life of wealth. But many women wouldn't want to do that and the ones who would usually don't have the foresight. Aside from that I think Papi summed it up well.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    @DBJP101: not limited to women. @lone_wolf: "It is either the SC or trailer park with some loser"... no, it's the SC and the trailer park with some loser long story short, I also think papi's got it covered, there is a strong correlation with beautiful people getting more 'breaks' in life. Also, IMO I think there is always a choice. The OP also seems (IMO) to assume an SC worker didn't try and fail at something else only to "fall back" on stripping. Probably a very small minority, but could happen. Dancer could have 'made a good choice' at the time but didn't work out.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Nowadays women have other means besides what's between their legs to get money. Many attractive women use their looks to get the guys they are horny for rather than get money from guys.
  • HungryGiraffe
    11 years ago
    Very interesting, thought-provoking post. Very nice Lone_Wolf. Funny how society generally equates beauty with success, and associates stripping, particularly in a dive SC, with failure. Obviously, neither one of these broad-brush stereotypes is always true. I like what stenton1 said, particularly, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and more importantly, it's also fleeting." We live in a competitive world. It's about survival of the fittest. Beauty is part of being perceived as fit. I'm fascinated how average looking women (and men) can make themselves "beautiful" through a wide range of physical treatments. Ever see some of the pics of entertainment stars without makeup? If a person combines a few outer enhancements, if necessary, with intellect and positive character attributes, she or he has a leg up in society. Lots of evidence out there that stripping, even in a dive SC, doesn't automatically equate to failure. I've met plenty of "successful" sex workers playing in the dancer/stripper segment of the industry. Many of them not only make a great living, but enable success for their children and extended families. That very attractive dancer working in a dive club, just might be having fun intelligently working a career option that is a terrific fit for her and those she loves.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Hungrygirrafe-I mirror your sentiments. If also like to add that my Gramma use to say that beauty is a gift that we can't take with us. Enjoy it while you can.
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