How flame wars start
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Hey stupid dumbasses.
A simple factual dispute certainly doesn't warrant the response given by Bullwinke, and jester just doesn't appear to have bothered to read anything, just assuming the first attack was Dougster's.
Attacking him when he's *right* is guaranteed to get an attack dog response. All the rest of you trolls ought to be able to recognize the absolute glee with which he's going to pounce when it's clearly obvious to even the most oblivious reader (those who bothered to read) who threw the first mud pie in this one.
And you retards wonder how flame wars start. "Flamewars Illustrated" could publish that thread as a recipe.
A simple factual dispute certainly doesn't warrant the response given by Bullwinke, and jester just doesn't appear to have bothered to read anything, just assuming the first attack was Dougster's.
Attacking him when he's *right* is guaranteed to get an attack dog response. All the rest of you trolls ought to be able to recognize the absolute glee with which he's going to pounce when it's clearly obvious to even the most oblivious reader (those who bothered to read) who threw the first mud pie in this one.
And you retards wonder how flame wars start. "Flamewars Illustrated" could publish that thread as a recipe.
Where is Candydude to tell us all to buy some twizzlers pull 'n peels and jack it to some groovy porno? That guy has sage advice.
So don't be fussin' 'n fightin' is all about the candy and porno!
With trolls like this it doesn't matter what others do. Note his hundreds of random and out of nowhere attacks against people who haven't even posted in a given thread? When someone openly states they enjoy "flame wars" and actively stir shit up for years then it really doesn't matter what anyone else does.
It does seem like Bull is trying to get me to, but I'll give him some leeway. See what road he wants to go down. If he elects enemies - cool! The current ones aren't that challenging (and that includes you jestie). I think bull could put up a good fight. I'd prefer friendly but it's his choice.
As for Dougster you just gotta ignore him. I mean he's the most hated member on TUSCL. What good does it do getting in a flame war with him? He's got nothing to lose, and you have nothing to gain by getting involved in it. He wants you to respond.
I ignore crazy people when I come across them, and Doug certainly falls in that category. Last time I heard he was in a Seattle psychiatric ward, they let him keep his phone, so that's why on he's on TUSCL 24/7 as himself or another alias (txtittyfag).
Let Doug get the help he needs, and let's continue to enjoy these strippers!
Better put clinically depressed jestie-girl-214 on your list then, Nukey!
And you are right. If you are a "player" and the best a "player" can do is those girls in your photography, than I am, proudly, not a "player".
United we stand. Divided we fall.
Silly boys.
Now jestie is normally too scared to confront me head on beyond potshots but when he saw Bullwinkle taking a run, he figured he might try it if it would be two against one. So will jestie continue or slink back under his rock like the chicken-shit that he is? Guess it all depends if he thinks Bullwinkle will be in his corner or not.