I have stayed at a hotel that was within walking distance of platinum plus in Columbia...nothing like clubbing until the morning then eating a delicious breakfast at Embassy!
16 miles and a 25-minute drive. I used to be like lopaw, only closer. From where I live now, the closest club used to be 1.8 miles away. (It was subsequently closed and the building demolished.) When I first moved here, I joked with some of the dancers that lived in my direction: "If you want to make sure I come in to see you, pick me up on your way in. I can always walk home if I need to."
Of all the dancers I did OTC with, the greatest number came from that club. Many would just leave early if it was slow and come over to my house.
The closest listed club to my place is 7 miles, but the closest club I actually visit on any sort of regular basis is 11 miles, except that is somewhat complicated by the fact I need to take a toll bridge to get there that way.
4 miles to a dive when desparate. 12 miles to the next best one around and then only 1 mile more to three others right around. Just far enough to be slightly discrete.
where I used to live there was a club that was about a minute away...my wallet suffered the whole time i was there lol. I never knew what it was for about amonth and wondered why there were bright green lights. i just figured it was a liquor store or something until i drove farther down the road..
One of the people from one of my other online forums who I've got to meet in person lives in Lawrence, Kansas essentially up the street from the Flamingo Club, so the one time I went there with him, we walked. He apparently goes there a lot, if only because that's the closest bar to home.
last commentNo wonder I'm always broke.
Of all the dancers I did OTC with, the greatest number came from that club. Many would just leave early if it was slow and come over to my house.
The closest club worth going to is about 157 miles south, worth the drive if you have the time.