
The Prime Of Your Life

I caught an interesting Dougster comment in that unending tattoo thread. He asserted that the years of one's 50s, 60s, and 70s were the prime of one's life. I can't comment about my 70s since I am not there yet. In my 50s I was still a pretty fit physical specimen and I was starting to cash in on my years of experience as I built my first company. Not so physically fit now that I am in my 60s but my mind seems to be sharper than ever and I am enjoying unparalleled success in business, doing deals that I wouldn't even have dreamed of only ten years ago.

Sexually, my 60s have been the best years of my life although that statement is more an indictment of wasted time and opportunities in my younger years.

Any other of my elderly tuscl compadres have the same observations?


  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    My 60s are a great time. I'm in good health and I exercise every day. Now that the weather is finally warming up here in Michigan, I plan to take 25 to 30 mile bike rides as often as possible. I am financially secure, and I can retire any time I want and still maintain my current lifestyle. And thanks to strip clubs I have sex with hot girls in their 20s a couple times a week.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Art: "He asserted that the years of one's 50s, 60s, and 70s were the prime of one's life."

    I was actually mocking alutard. 50s probably are your prime in terms of making money and power in the corporate/business world. In any other respect, I think it comes earlier.

    But yeah, I would like to hear what others think.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    With as hard as I've worked toiled and labered my 40s should be my kick off to all this power and wild sex stuff.....
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    My 60 well it should be my end...big men dont live forever yea know...so my prime is realy from 40 to 60
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    at 71 I am sexually way past my. Thank goodness for ED meds. I'm in my 4th year of retirement and not rich but living very comfortable. I have a nice covey of quail taking care of me at my favorite club at reasonable prices. I still have a full head of hair and don't rely on glasses. Even my ex wife says that I do not look my age. I'm happy.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I'm a lot closer to 70 than to 60. My late 50's and early 60's were chacterized by frequent assignations with escorts all over America. They were just what I needed but the impersonal nature of the sex led me to seek a partner who could help me explore new and different aspects of the sexual experience. Now, for the past 4 years I've enjoyed the favors of a young wench who was born on my 40th birthday. With her I've had sex with her literally hundreds of times using every orifice in the human body, using toys, bringing friends to join in, and while my health and wealth have taken a beating, there's little I'd change. She and I have developed a bond and we've laughed together cried together, and had a fucking ball. Like Shadow I'm ready to nominate the inventor of Viagra for a Nobel prize. I'm off for a nooner today.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    I'll let you guys know when I get there.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Now why do I get the feeling that sick liver's answer is going to be strong skewed toward his drinking prime. Keep drinking like you do now, sick liver and see if your liver even makes it to your 60s and beyond.

    (Ok, now go ahead and attack me from your stupid "Douugster" account. Waiting...)
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Just went under 200 lbs. for the first time in 10 years. Was 169 the day I married back in 70. Still get around just fine, but to much damage to my legs over the years to do anything else. Health wise, the doc says I'm doing good. Tried the retirement thing, not for me, yet. Have my wife, kids, friends, and my Harley, so life is good.

    Now if I knew what I know now back when I was about 12, I think I would have made MANY different choices during the years.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Sorry Fagster like I already told you you twit you're not worth my time invested in creating multiple accounts here. You, on the other hand, apparently have nothing but time on your hands so you seem to have several. Maybe you're an invalid and homebound? It would explain a lot.

  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Look how pissed off sick liver gets when I point out his multi and multiply stupid aliases. Guess he still hasn't gone to bed after his latest drinking/hitting on lesbos binge last night.
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Out of consideration for everyone else here I'm not going to help you turn yet another thread into a stupid flame war. So take your unprovoked asinine remarks and stick them up your ignorant ass. You aren't worthy of anger. Only pity.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    I can just see sick liver spazzing out as he writes from the floor of his vegas hotel room - "Hick, pass me another fuckin' whiskey..."
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    An interesting thread. I'm not sure unless you're talking about someone who is comfortable both socially and economically who had a solid family and reasonable health and even then I doubt all of them would consider it there "prime".

    Deserves some more consideration though.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Very intriguing. My late thirties have been better than my twenties-wasted opportunity. Why don't we recognize the truly important things in life when we should? Anyways, y'all make me hopeful for the future. Every year gets better for me. If my sixties and seventies are like y'all, then life is good.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    In my early 40s and my 40s have been better than my 30s – and my 30s better than my 20s.

    It’s different for different folks – some peak early and then go downhill – others are late bloomers.
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