When you are talking to a dancer before you negotiate or do a dance do you: 1] sit silently 2] talk of you past clubbing experiences, pretend to be a novice or somewhere between 3] her past club experiences 4] talk about out wife and kids, ex-wife and kids or lack there of (your family if any) 5] her family (kids etc.) 6] her or her career outside of the club (they usually have one even if is fiction) 7] your work truthfully (most ask) or do you make up your work 8] the weather 9] food, books, television, movies, broadway musicals 10] other girls working at the club, club patrons or club staff 11] her plastic surgery plans or tats 12] body attributes (hers or yours) 13] impress her with your BS 14] begin negotiations immediately
Sometimes: 1] sit silently 2] talk of you past clubbing experiences, pretend to be a novice or somewhere between 3] her past club experiences 10] other girls working at the club, club patrons or club staff 13] impress her with your BS
Never if I can help it: 4] talk about out wife and kids, ex-wife and kids or lack there of (your family if any) 5] her family (kids etc.) 6] her or her career outside of the club (they usually have one even if is fiction) 7] your work truthfully (most ask) or do you make up your work 8] the weather 9] food, books, television, movies, broadway musicals
I like to throw them off and talk about something weird. Whats your favorite flavor of ice cream. What color are the walls in your bedroom, do you prefer dogs or cats, are you afraid of snakes, tell me about your favorite customer of all time and why then I try to one up that customer. You can learn a lot about a person with these questions.
2,3,6,9,10 but I'm gonna steal Lion's method from now on (hope you don't mind). Sometimes the chat might as well be a script. What a way to break the routine.
1] sit silently [when I want her to go away] 2] talk of you past clubbing experiences [depending upon circumstances, but not too often] 3] her past club experiences [often - this is good intel] 4] talk about out wife and kids, ex-wife and kids or lack there of [only if asked] 5] her family (kids etc.) [often - like to know if she is a single mom] 6] her or her career outside of the club (they usually have one even if is fiction) [only when she brings it up] 7] your work truthfully (most ask) 8] the weather [if the weather sucks outside] 10] other girls working at the club, club patrons or club staff [sometimes] 14] begin negotiations immediately [rarely but does happen]
Usually, I just make it up as I go along, but most of the time, if they are new to me, they want to know what my job is, so I tell them. Sometimes, if they seem familiar, I might ask if they've danced elsewhere.
Unless it's obvious or I have seen the girl on stage, my first question is always whether her boobs are real. If the answer is yes, then I am with Papi -- stare and grope. If they are fake, then I quickly start looking for another girl. I did try discussing politics with a girl one time, but I gave up when she was repeatedly unable to remember the name of the president of United States. It's best to stick with the subject of their breasts.
last comment12] body attributes (hers or yours)
1] sit silently
2] talk of you past clubbing experiences, pretend to be a novice or somewhere between
3] her past club experiences
10] other girls working at the club, club patrons or club staff
13] impress her with your BS
Never if I can help it:
4] talk about out wife and kids, ex-wife and kids or lack there of (your family if any)
5] her family (kids etc.)
6] her or her career outside of the club (they usually have one even if is fiction)
7] your work truthfully (most ask) or do you make up your work
8] the weather
9] food, books, television, movies, broadway musicals
Never ever:
14] begin negotiations immediately
I prefer to keep it vague.
1] sit silently [when I want her to go away]
2] talk of you past clubbing experiences [depending upon circumstances, but not too often]
3] her past club experiences [often - this is good intel]
4] talk about out wife and kids, ex-wife and kids or lack there of [only if asked]
5] her family (kids etc.) [often - like to know if she is a single mom]
6] her or her career outside of the club (they usually have one even if is fiction) [only when she brings it up]
7] your work truthfully (most ask)
8] the weather [if the weather sucks outside]
10] other girls working at the club, club patrons or club staff [sometimes]
14] begin negotiations immediately [rarely but does happen]
Comethink of it, you're probably correct, sir. Many stages DO have mirrors behind them. LOL