Well an escort was buying me lunches, dinners, shoes, haircuts, and then finally hit me up for a $2000 loan. She had the worst excuse ever and that ended it.
kinda sorta. i mean she said her customer came in and i asked for a dance before she left and she said she couldnt or shed lose the customer forever. no idea what that was all about
It has haooened to a few times. And the first one/time she got So in love with Ne I coukdn't sat no as much as u wanted to quickly end the relationshio . I hace had girls reject Ny advances or offers for cash before because i was considered so cute sexy or Hot. I also have dated quite a number of stripers from single to Married. Even got a few fighting over dating Me as we speak. But thats beside the point
Yeah, I had two dancers double team me attempting to get a double dance. When I told them no thanks, one dancer said how about a tip? I thought a tip for asking me? Oh well, I decided to give each dancer a dollar. Suddenly the dancer doing all the talking told me I needed that dollar a whole lot more than she did and gave it back. Then she had the other dancer give the dollar back to me. Here I thought I had to tip them to leave peacefully. I suddenly felt special. I felt really special after I changed seats and they asked me again not more than 10 minutes later not remembering me at all.
It's extremely rare to meet someone who will turn down money. I did hear about someone who went to a strip club with $5000 cash and after a dancer asked for a dance, he said how about we skip the dance and head out to a motel? I heard the dancer told him he found the wrong girl for that. I bet that made him feel special.
I once got a free lap dance but it was because I speak Russian and had relatives in the Ukranian hinterland, where this girl was from. I tipped her the price of the dance anyway.
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