I keep detailed records of my SC Hobby spending. Most of my spending nowadays is with providers whether an x stripper or some gal off a Sugar Dating site. I usually stick with one main girl and a couple of others for varity. Not much spending on club activities, lap dances but this was my main thing when starting out (2004). Why - I recently spent $110 at the Ritz on inferior dances and some drinks. The next day I had a gal off roster for $100 at motel so the money I spent at the club woulda paid for pussy. I keep detailed records in a password protected spreadsheet as to amount spent, what for, number of sessions per girl, facts about their performance, and on a flash drive an extensive photo archive of girls I have done.
If you knew you spent x dollars over a few years do you wish you had spent a percentage less and that money would be in your bank acct or savings / retirement. During good times its easy to spend but we never know when the bad times will hit. When the bad times hit the feelings of regret about not saving more money can sink in. It can really drag a person down. Its wonderful banging a hot young stripper x times a month. But these costs add up and over time she will drain money from what would buy a car or more. Then later on it may eat away at you lets say your hit with some emergency like illness or job loss. You could be forced into early social due to unemployment then looking back thinking you had saved more money. Certainly this is not a place you want to be.
A close friend is 74. When he left his wife at 65 to date strippers he had 12 rent houses. Now he is down to one in which he has a reverse mortgage on and exists entirely on social security. He has no regrets about the many gals he has fucked. He tells me you cant push the water back under the bridge. A couple of years ago he had bladder cancer and which also resulted in a prostectomy. He has to use a pump to get it up but this has not kept him from getting girls over to his house. I recently fixed him up with a 39 yo gal on my roster who he will be seeing at his house for $100. I want to concentrate on the two other gals on roster one a 31 yo x stripper and the other a 35 yo off SA.
While I have experienced regrets at spending especially over a period of time (why could I have not spent 40% less) we never know when life or sexual ability will end. You cant wait until 70 to enjoy life.
If your spending 5% of income on hobbying thats a nice controllable vector but if it creeps above 10% into the rance of 20% you might ask yourself if its an addiction and if this is leaving you vulnerable to bad times.
I want to warn you that when bad times come it may eat away at you a lot what you spent and you may wish you had spent say 40% less. When good times return don't forget this and believe bad times won't return.
Of course if your really well off spending 10-25 k a year on strippers and providers is chump change.
No regrets so far. Having a great time. Managing clubbing costs like any other entertainment I enjoy. I'm a golfer that plays nice courses and take a few golf trips annually. No regrets there either. It's entertainment I enjoy and can fit in the budget.
I regret every fucking penny I am forced to spend on parking when visiting a club.
Other than that no regrets about any other pennies that I have spent pursuing the hobby.
My BIG regret is not spending more. I am still beating myself up about a girl I saw in a Red Deer club three years ago. She was (and still is) the most beautiful girl I have encountered in any strip club anywhere. The day that I saw her was not my best SC performance. I was in filthy work clothes and I was grubby myself after checking out an old tractor I was aiming to buy. The beauty wouldn't even give me the time of day let alone a lap dance. BUT I had $20K cash in my pockets to buy that tractor.
If I had waved that wad of cash under the beauty's nose might I have done better than a mere lap dance? I will never know and it is most probable that I will never see that beauty again.
I know what you mean, but for me if I didn't spend it on clubs/dances I would probably spend it somewhere else. I am actually fairly conservative with spending money except when it comes to vices... that is to say I'm a saver most of the time. I used to drink alcohol every day until I noticed it was really effecting my health. I decided to quit before I wind up giving myself cirrhosis. Now, I would rather spend money on getting some lap dances and such rather than spending money to slowly kill my liver.
I have spent a great deal in the last 4 years, mostly on OTC activities. I'm retired and my wife has Alzheimer's . What I don't spend whoring, some nursing home will get. Now when I was young I fucked some beautiful women, but none of them compare with my ATF when it comes to frankness and openness in regard to sex. Fucking this woman who's 40 years younger than me has been an education. She taught me to be a better lover ( she says I've still got a long way to go ), she taught me better ways to eat pussy, and she encouraged me to lose weight & improve my physical condition. I don't regret one penny of the 10's of thousands of dollars spent.
I spend about $160/month. I regret that about three times a year. What's important to me is how much I see pussy, how much the girls masturbates for me, and how hard I cum.
"The greater part of what my neighbors call good I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well? "--Henry David Thoreau
After a lifetime of being hardworking and responsible, I regret the fun that I missed when I was young. I'm filling my golden years with strippers and pussy.
I have been doing one about 30 years younger for over 4 years. She is most wonderful one I have done and a really good fuck. She danced at a club where I am VIP and is in her 3rd marriage. A sexy x blonde cheerleader type she resembles Kendra Wilkinson. Being married does not stop her whoring with me. Even before she met me she was an extras girl. She has a nice tight one and fantastic skills and gets me off so good. Its like she was specially designed at the factory / built to be a mistress / provider.
Yes she has drained more money from me than all the others, but when that day comes my life is over I will have no regrets. There are times what I have spent on her or the hobby in total will eat away at me especially during bad times. A close friend told me I cant "push back the water under the bridge." He is a hobbyist and although 74 and living entirely on social security in his reversed mortgaged home he has no regrets. He divorced his wife when he was 65 and moved into one of their dozen rent houses and probably fucked close to 60 girls (mostly strippers) since then. I remember us going to singles bars in 2003 to chase women. It was a waste of time. The men outnumbered the women who where interested in younger men anyhow or had numerous issues or hangups and many of them in retrospect were ugly as shit anyhow. On one occasion I urged him to try a SC, and he scored $100 with a gal otc on his first visit (he said it was like discovering warp drive after the summer of wasting his time in sngles bars). I quickly followed suit and a few months later scored with one on regular otc basis after giving up my lap dance mode of operation. Since then I have had many more and my otc fav who no longer strips.
I do believe you should enjoy the hobby bc we never know when this life will end or illness will derail our functions. I have kept going with the hobby even during bad times determined not to let that undermine it.
There have been clubs that I have spent to much in and reget ever having gone in because of the ROBs. We you get back to home or hotel you think why did I waste money on that place, but over all no since to do other things cost just as much. NFL tickets are $$$. If you pay for a friend, park, food and drinks afterward plus gas you are above $500 minimum. Broadway tour shows are $60 to $100 per ticket. Concerts are the same price. Hell movie tickets are North of $15 many places. I do alot of clubbing while traveling so my choice is to sit in a hotel room of club and since I have no other expenses while traveling (expense account) I waste some cash on dancers.
@alutard: How about if I buy you a nice straight jacket, and a one way trip to a white room with padded walls? Then you can rant-rave there about how people should not smoke, drink, do drugs, or cheat, oh, yes, but paying hookers $60 to cum in their mouth is perfectly acceptable for a fine gentleman to do.
"He is a hobbyist and although 74 and living entirely on social security in his reversed mortgaged home he has no regrets. He divorced his wife when he was 65 and moved into one of their dozen rent houses and probably fucked close to 60 girls (mostly strippers) since then"
Lol, no way. Are you serious? He's fucked 60 girls since his divorce? AND HE'S 74 YEARS OLD!!!
I've heard everything now. I can't be the only one who finds this extremely far-fetched.
You never know when you'll reach the exit point... so you might as well enjoy somethings in life while you can. I have a budget for hobbies and stick to it.
I think regretting what one spends may have to do a bit with one’s financial personality. Me for example, I am a saver and not a risk taker – not that this is a good thing – just the way I am programmed pretty much – have been this way (a saver) since I was a little boy.
Thus being the saver non-risk-taking type, in the past I often regretted and beat myself up for the kind of $$$ I was spending (often all of my disposable income).
I am too lazy to keep accurate track of what I spend – but every now and then I take a look and do some calculations/approximations and my jaw drops at how much I’ve spent in a year’s time per se.
I often don’t SC based on a budget (not a good thing) and will often go when I feel like it and spend enough to feel like I left satisfied – this definitely gets me in financial trouble at times – when it does, I just stop SCing for a while – it’s kind of feast of famine for me.
I started SCing regularly when I was ~30 and I am now in my early 40s. Now that I am a bit older and see how much shit life can throw at you sometimes, I now regret my spending less b/c I truly do enjoy myself and personally there is nothing else that gives me more enjoyment for the buck.
So I regret it less now than when I was in my 30s and was constantly worried about the future – I’ve learned to enjoy it while I can – nobody knows what tomorrow will bring :)
I've regretted some individual excursions that didn't go well but am happy with my SC experience and spending. I do wish I'd spent more when I was younger.
I was thinking about this thread the other day. I don't have a whole year or two of liquid funds for an emergency. If I got fed up with my job because my boss wants me to work 60 to 70 hours a week with no pay increase I might have thought about just telling him he can find someone else to do the work. However I've calmed down since I thought about that. I don't regret having fun in strip clubs.
I have had second thoughts about not hooking up with a girl who asked me to do a one night stand with her and a few other girls on occasion probably passing up free sex if you don't include the cost of a hotel room and condoms. I do not regret not going to Vegas with one dancer. I do not regret passing up sex with all the girls who asked but wanted money too. I don't even regret passing up sex with female customers in strip clubs who didn't even hint at wanting money. I'm still not used to girls coming up to me out of the blue and asking to have sex first without even an introduction. Does this happen a few times to others here? I'ved only had 2 girls in strip clubs do this. They must have thought any guy in a strip club must be desperate for sex. Guess I showed them wrong. Of course in hind site, if they hadn't taken me by surprise and if I wasn't busy with another girl, I could have taken their name and phone number. I kind of like talking to someone first before I even agree to a dance.
last commentThat would be me.
Other than that no regrets about any other pennies that I have spent pursuing the hobby.
My BIG regret is not spending more. I am still beating myself up about a girl I saw in a Red Deer club three years ago. She was (and still is) the most beautiful girl I have encountered in any strip club anywhere. The day that I saw her was not my best SC performance. I was in filthy work clothes and I was grubby myself after checking out an old tractor I was aiming to buy. The beauty wouldn't even give me the time of day let alone a lap dance. BUT I had $20K cash in my pockets to buy that tractor.
If I had waved that wad of cash under the beauty's nose might I have done better than a mere lap dance? I will never know and it is most probable that I will never see that beauty again.
Now when I was young I fucked some beautiful women, but none of them compare with my ATF when it comes to frankness and openness in regard to sex. Fucking this woman who's 40 years younger than me has been an education. She taught me to be a better lover ( she says I've still got a long way to go ), she taught me better ways to eat pussy, and she encouraged me to lose weight & improve my physical condition.
I don't regret one penny of the 10's of thousands of dollars spent.
After a lifetime of being hardworking and responsible, I regret the fun that I missed when I was young. I'm filling my golden years with strippers and pussy.
I have been doing one about 30 years younger for over 4 years. She is most wonderful one I have done and a really good fuck. She danced at a club where I am VIP and is in her 3rd marriage. A sexy x blonde cheerleader type she resembles Kendra Wilkinson. Being married does not stop her whoring with me. Even before she met me she was an extras girl. She has a nice tight one and fantastic skills and gets me off so good. Its like she was specially designed at the factory / built to be a mistress / provider.
Yes she has drained more money from me than all the others, but when that day comes my life is over I will have no regrets. There are times what I have spent on her or the hobby in total will eat away at me especially during bad times. A close friend told me I cant "push back the water under the bridge." He is a hobbyist and although 74 and living entirely on social security in his reversed mortgaged home he has no regrets. He divorced his wife when he was 65 and moved into one of their dozen rent houses and probably fucked close to 60 girls (mostly strippers) since then. I remember us going to singles bars in 2003 to chase women. It was a waste of time. The men outnumbered the women who where interested in younger men anyhow or had numerous issues or hangups and many of them in retrospect were ugly as shit anyhow. On one occasion I urged him to try a SC, and he scored $100 with a gal otc on his first visit (he said it was like discovering warp drive after the summer of wasting his time in sngles bars). I quickly followed suit and a few months later scored with one on regular otc basis after giving up my lap dance mode of operation. Since then I have had many more and my otc fav who no longer strips.
I do believe you should enjoy the hobby bc we never know when this life will end or illness will derail our functions. I have kept going with the hobby even during bad times determined not to let that undermine it.
Only when I have had an encounter with a ROB.
" "Of course if your really well off spending 10-25 k a year on strippers and providers is chump change."
That would be me."
You have a bankroll comparable to Art? Hmm...
I have an idea about something you should buy...
Lol, no way. Are you serious? He's fucked 60 girls since his divorce? AND HE'S 74 YEARS OLD!!!
I've heard everything now. I can't be the only one who finds this extremely far-fetched.
You never know when you'll reach the exit point... so you might as well enjoy somethings in life while you can. I have a budget for hobbies and stick to it.
Thus being the saver non-risk-taking type, in the past I often regretted and beat myself up for the kind of $$$ I was spending (often all of my disposable income).
I am too lazy to keep accurate track of what I spend – but every now and then I take a look and do some calculations/approximations and my jaw drops at how much I’ve spent in a year’s time per se.
I often don’t SC based on a budget (not a good thing) and will often go when I feel like it and spend enough to feel like I left satisfied – this definitely gets me in financial trouble at times – when it does, I just stop SCing for a while – it’s kind of feast of famine for me.
I started SCing regularly when I was ~30 and I am now in my early 40s. Now that I am a bit older and see how much shit life can throw at you sometimes, I now regret my spending less b/c I truly do enjoy myself and personally there is nothing else that gives me more enjoyment for the buck.
So I regret it less now than when I was in my 30s and was constantly worried about the future – I’ve learned to enjoy it while I can – nobody knows what tomorrow will bring :)
I have had second thoughts about not hooking up with a girl who asked me to do a one night stand with her and a few other girls on occasion probably passing up free sex if you don't include the cost of a hotel room and condoms. I do not regret not going to Vegas with one dancer. I do not regret passing up sex with all the girls who asked but wanted money too. I don't even regret passing up sex with female customers in strip clubs who didn't even hint at wanting money. I'm still not used to girls coming up to me out of the blue and asking to have sex first without even an introduction. Does this happen a few times to others here? I'ved only had 2 girls in strip clubs do this. They must have thought any guy in a strip club must be desperate for sex. Guess I showed them wrong. Of course in hind site, if they hadn't taken me by surprise and if I wasn't busy with another girl, I could have taken their name and phone number. I kind of like talking to someone first before I even agree to a dance.