
avatar for Papi_Chulo
I know this has been discussed on many threads. I am not big into them but there is one thing in particular that really bothers me about them.

I love to touch/grope and love to suck titty and nipple piercings definitely get in the way of titty groping and sucking.

What has been your experience with nipple piercings – don't bother you – hate them – like them?

Any comments on piercings in general?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
A guy could chip a tooth. Hate em. :)
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Beyond earrings I find piercings VERY unattractive on women, and ANY on men unattractive and useless.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Not a fan. But young people seem to love them.
avatar for crsm27
12 years ago
Tongue stud.....nice if she knows how to use it.

Nipples.....not a big fan. But don't like the ring can deal with the bar.

Clit......not a fan. But if it gets them off....why not.

Now that is on my strippers......0n civ women.....only thing i like are tongue stud....but you know the saying....if she has her tongue pierced she must love to suck cock....and 99% of them do.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
Tongue piercing- I like
Clit Piercing- I like
Belly Piercing- I like
Nipple Piercing- I don't like
Lip Piercing- I don't like
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
If her nipples are pierced just ask her if those squirt 3 ways.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Hate nipple piercing. I love to suck tit so won't even get a dance if I know.

A former ATF had a pierced lower lip. Rarely had it in cuz she knew I didn't like it. But did have a DFK session once with it in and was surprised it never got in the way.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
12 years ago
Don't mind piercings. But don't seek them either.
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
I generally prefer natural in every way, which means no piercings. I don't mind them so much though. One of my faves has nose, nipples, navel, hood, lip, and eyebrow. Other than occasionally snagging one of them and causing a little squeal I don't really notice.
avatar for occurious
12 years ago
I'm not a fan of piercings especially clit and lip. Belly is ok and nipple doesn't bother me that much but I agree I'm not into sucking on metal. I will have to say though a while back I got a great set of dances from a girl that had her nipples pierced and she definitely was into me sucking on them. She made it very clear what she wanted me to do with my mouth and her nipples were very responsive, in that case I enjoyed the piercings but only because of her reactions.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
*Love* them! Unpierced women are sooooo boring. :)

Well placed hardware can cause some awesome sensations for a good many women who get them, and I like causing those sensations.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
Have never been a fan of piercings since I nearly cut my tongue on a girl's earring in Jr. High many years ago. But I've learned to tolerate them on strippers. Like some of you have said, I also like to suck on nipples and have found most piercings there to be an annoyance. And lip piercings always turn me off. To me they just look too extreme on a girl's face.

Other piercings that really make me shake my head are the body piercings. Those above or below the breasts or above their ass. Really don't care for those. But I have found belly button piercings intriguing and most often attractive.

But ever since Jr. High, I still don't like earrings.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
hate 'em
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Clit rings
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
Im not a fan of nipple or kitty piercings. I have a thing for belly button piercings when they are done well. I think it depends on the girl ... one may rock a piercing and it works and the next may have the same piercing and its a turn off.

I had a experience where a dancer told me I couldn't touch her tits cause her nipples were sore cause she just had them pierced ... that was the first and last dance with her

Today met a dancer who had an eyebrow done which I normally don't like but it worked for her
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I got a couple dances from a girl with a bar through each nipple today. I still sucked them and didn't miss a beat. She had a really small stud in her lip but I didn't notice even after a DFK session.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
My ATF used to have a tongue stud which I liked when she'd run it up and down the base of my cock. One day she showed up without it. When my dick came out of her mouth, I asked her where it was. She said another customer had told her it made her look like a cheap whore. I was outraged and told her that he was wrong because she was a high priced whore. I've still got some of the bruises.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Lol gawker
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
It seems someone here prefers there men without piercings...

I have my ears pierced.

I think nipple piercings and tongue piercings look hot on some girls. Belly piercing too. I absolutely despise the growing trend of girls getting their cheeks pierced. My ex did it; she says it's because she wanted dimples, and the piercings leave dimples when they're removed. A stupid ass she was.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
A girl has piercings because she wants them to be seen. Hence I'm favorably disposed towards them. I've recently done DATY on a dancer with a clit ring and liked it!
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Tongue piercings I find pretty erotic. The single bulb ones. I had a girl suck my dick with one and man she knew how to suck some dick. The snakebites, eh I'm not much of a fan of. And belly button piercings with the little ornament hanging around the belly button; damn sexy. But those my only piercing spots I approve on girls (besides the general lobe area).
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I love girls with nipple rings, but those with bars, not so much. My ATF briefly had nipple rings, but she got an infected nipple out of it, so she removed both of them because only one pierced nipple looks stupid, or so she says. Actually, I agree with that, but with some girls, they can make it work.

I'm not a fan of lip or eyebrow piercings, but I had a favorite with two lip piercings and I thought it made her even hotter than she already was.

I agree with cnyknight and think that if two girls have the same piercing, it can look hot on one and awful on the other.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
Don't like tongue piercings...ruins the DFK experience. Same with clitty piercings. Ears and eyebrows... OK. But please, no other metal sticking out of the face - anywhere else! On the navel, it looks good but doesn't feel so great rubbing against my belly.
avatar for tenisbum1776
12 years ago
Belly and ear I've got no problem.

Other places, man I guess I'm just too much of an old fuddy-duddy
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Alutard also likes his women to have cocks.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Hah! What a bunch of pansies! Afraid of a little hardware. "Oooh, I might chip a tooth! I might cut my tongue!" As opposed to what? Having your hobby outed to your friends and family? Being arrested on charges of prostitution? Being beaten up by a jealous BF/SO? Contracting a life threatening disease?

It's all good though. Different strokes and all that. More hot pain sluts for me that way, anywho.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
For me is not so much that piercings are unattractive – for me it has to do more w/ functionality.

To me the nipple area is a sensitive area and I feel a bit squeamish about rubbing/sucking that area if they have piercings stuck on there – I feel I may hurt that area (nipples) w/ my fondling b/c of the hardware.

The metal also gets in the way of having full and unabated access to the nips.
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
Belly button rings - fine, earrings - fine. Not a fan of the other stuff.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Earrings OK
Belly Button OK
More maybe if not to excess
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
So dam hot
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