
Facial attractiveness

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
I have a strange hunch this is mostly irrelevant. Not to say that I don't see some women's faces as pretty, and others not so much. But I think that human beings can somehow sense a lot about someone's personality by looking at their face. When women's faces seem unattractive to me, if I have a conversation with them, I find they have some kind of immediately obvious personality problem. Typically it's an excess of hostility. Or extreme spaceyness. Before you conclude I'm a retard, yes, I know there are lots of women with quite pretty faces who are as evil as Hitler. But it seems to me that their evilness doesn't jump out at you within the first 30 seconds of talking to them. You become aware of it more gradually (hopefully before your bank account is completely drained). Just as they are good at hiding their evilness (or other failings) in their social interactions, they are able to hide it somehow in their faces. Obviously, if this is true, it would be very hard to get solid data to prove it.

Obviously there are some people who's appearance is affected due to injury or serious illness. But that is fortunately the exception, at least in well-off parts of the world.

One contradiction is that I do find large eyes and full lips to be sexy, but for me, a woman can still have a pretty face without them.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "When women's faces seem unattractive to me, if I have a conversation with them, I find they have some kind of immediately obvious personality problem"

    TOTALLY disagree! IMHO there is absolutely no connection between facial looks and personality. I think your theory is BS Sir!
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I'm the opposite. If I meet a woman whose face I feel is unattractive, I immediately find myself assuming that she must have other redeeming qualities that make up for being shortchanged in the looks dept. Then when we talk I try and discover what those great qualities are.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Fatal attractiveness?
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Could be the beautiful girl says things that you overlook because you are overcome with her attractiveness. The uglier one may say the very same things but you hear them differently. You give the hot one the benefit of the doubt, and you don't with the uglier one. Simple enough.
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Ugly people have to work harder. People with fake parts value their body more than it's worth, work softer, and look for shortcuts with no thought toward the future. Naturally beatiful people can be a delight if raised well.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Nope. I find the correlation between good looks and personality is a positive one. (Not saying the correlation coefficient is 1 for all those morons out there (alutard?) getting ready to attack your strawman.) I think the basic mechanism is good looking women = halo effect = presumable good by most of society = treated better = have reason to be happy an reciprocate.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Once I get past a woman's tits and ass upon seeing her for the first time, then I notice her face. But a beautiful face only means a woman is physically beautiful.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Is T & A what you look at 1st pablo? I usually look in their eyes. Can be rather telling.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I recently read one very wrong. Went to a new place to grab lunch. The woman behind the bar/counter was attractive, but she sure had the "bitch" look about her. Turned out she is a lovely single mother and an enjoyable woman to have working there when I go in.

    Let's face it, the first thing we truly see of a person we meet is their face.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    No way, too all over the board.

    The only exception I've possibly seen a solid pattern is with fat women. And I mean really obese. In my experience they are generally either very very friendly or very very bitchy, so even then it's not set in stone.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I think that looneylarry got it right.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    So many studies of income levels prove that people deemed to be attractive, both women and men, have higher average incomes than people deemed to be unattractive or ordinary in appearance.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Many studies have been done with the same woman needing help from guys. When the clothing and make up is hot, she gets all the help she needs. When the make up and dress is frumpy, no help. We are just pigs, I guess. OINK OINK!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "We are just pigs, I guess. OINK OINK!"

    Speak yourself, not I.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I'd have to agree with Dougster, at least about a possible explanation. Based on my own experience, I don't think the correlation is even particularly *close* to 1, though. Better than half maybe, but not much. That's *my* experience, others' may vary.

    I also think looneylarry makes a good point. We overlook bad things about people all the time, and attractiveness is one of the things that obviously causes us to do that. Sometimes it's rational, such as when I overlook my SB's flakiness and weed obsession for the sake of the far more important hot bareback fucking,, and sometimes it's not, such as when abuse victims stay with their abusers.
  • goodsouthernboy
    12 years ago
    I usually look in their eyes. Can be rather telling.

    Omg, I agree with Alucard on something!!!
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Alucard, your like a starbursts. Full of contrifictions. You don't claim yourself as a pig yet you pay to get your dick sucked? You belong in a book club or church. Church has all the hypocrisy you need and the book club is full of less attractive women with pleasent conversation and you must look in their eyes. Personally, I don't directly associate good looks with persona, I connect facial expressions and hygene. Like we all know, women who pput extra time in their day to look beautiful generally have a 50/50 chance of being a bitch because they hold their noses so high they're the first to get hit with rain. Of course, there's always those who do little to maintain a presentable figure that they have low self esteem or a dark outlook on life (the government is a conspiracy, america sucks, war is bad and that's why I'm a vegan). Though of course everything is interchangable, so you can't expect too much since the age old saying is true "everyone's different". Though sometimes just through facial expression and the way one carries themselves gives a general idea of their personality.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    You go Esta... well said.

  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    I can't help it. Alucards avatar cracks me up!
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    ive gotten away from going after the hottest girls in the club because in my experience when a dancer knows shes hot ... she feels like the money is just in the bank. i prefer now to find the girls who i still find attractive (like with a great rack) but who still knows how to treat her customers right
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    facial attractiveness is important to me for some strange reason
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Mikeya02 what wrong with a pic of Bela?

    Estafador I don't act like a PIG or an Asshole when I am in a club like many members here probably do & perhaps even you. The business transactions I have with dancers for a slice of their time and some physical interactions are equal on both sides. The dancer can accept or decline. And I can accept or decline their offers. I treat the dancers in a gentlemanly manner. It seems to me based on what I read in this forum that a great many posting members view & treat dancers like a piece of meat. You really need to grow up Estafador and be a mature individual instead of a little kid giving in meekly to peer pressure.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @Alutard: if you don't act like an asshole in the clubs that is a 180 if your behavior here. You are so deluded though you probably think you are acting like a perfect gentlemen when, in fact, you are being a complete cock-sucker.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You and the other Assholes here IMO dislike my strong opinions, my unyielding expression of the opinions and my repeated expression of the opinions. Plus I refuse to follow your vile "Herd Mentali" regarding dancers and other persons you attack and mock.

    I won't kiss your ass or anyone else's here. Just keep on with your ridiculous guessing about me. Maybe in a couple of billion years you might actually make a half way correct guess. But I doubt it.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    The cut off word is Mentality.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Actually what I don't like about you alutard is your strange psychological combination of being masochistic, narcissistic, and manic plus whatever developmental you havecthat triggered all of those. But I've laid out how you operate pretty plainly for the rest of the board to see and will continue to do so going forward, as long as you continue to insist on being such a fuckhead. You know it too and that is why you feebly try to lash out at me.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Actuall you're the one with the issues Dougster as any unbiased member can easily see. Enough of this.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    If you are giving them a facial, does it really matter?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh I think the unbiased members have spoken pretty loud and clear about you alutard.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Shadowcat that was funny.

    Alucard, just because you "act" gentlemanly around a stripper doesn't mean what your actions are doesn't make you any less piggish. Assuming your telling the truth about acting "gentlemanly" that's all it is to the woman, an act. They know underneath that is just a horndog who will offer money to get his wang slang. Just because you ask (or beg) nicely doesn't make it any less piggish. Paying for sex and with multiple people is piggish. And how am I being immature? Explain that to me? And if you can't then it is you who needs to reevaluate your maturity since even refussing to help on your usual dumb basises (you are old enough to figure it out) is childish....or did we forget our mannarism when we became 21?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Wise words, estie. Think you nailed it. Alutard is nearly triple your age, but you are the wiser one. As they say, not by age but by knowledge does one gain wisdom.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    If they have more facial hair than me it is not attractive
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