commonsence or plain scare #2

avatar for bang69
A while back i posted a discussion topic about hooking with a escort. Well I have decided not do that. For these reasons.

1. could robed
2. murdered
3. druged & loose a kidney. I've herd that has happened before.

So I'm going to strip clubs & cfs its. Its a lot safer. For this reason. The security staff will be there like flys on a fresh pile of horse shit. So what do y'all think.

To the spelling & gramer police. Excuse my gramer & any miss spellings.


last comment
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I hear ya.

I've never done an escort either. I think about - but on balance I prefer strippers. Too many unknowns with the escorts. Not just safety - but how do they really look??

I have high standards. I don't wanna fuck for the mere sake of fucking. Too many stories of the girls not the ones pictured. As discussed in another thread, I would rather have a GFE with a hot 9 stripper I know (but doesn't include FS) than a wham bam thank you mam fuck with a escort that's a 4/5
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
if you're looking for an escort on backpage, then maybe yeah. if you call a reputable, up-scale agency then it's all good.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
I've used escorts all over the country and have never had a major problem. I had one chick whose husband followed her and he started banging on the hotel room door. Luckily, she was banging on the bed. In Vegas I had a chick rip me off of $400 just taking the money and walking out the door. The escort service called to see if everything went ok, I told the woman. She offered to come to my room and blow me for nothing. My complaint with escorts is that it is so impersonal. At a SC I get to know the women. With my favorites I've gotten to know the good, the bad, and the ugly. The "human experience" magnifies the pleasure for me. It also allows me to better gauge the risks vs reward.
avatar for grand1511
12 years ago
The clubs I've been to, the security guys don't seem to that concerned about my safety as they are about the girls'.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Strip clubs are the best option
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I also prefer strippers OTC. I get to meet the strippers, see what they really look like and test drive them ITC.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I may be one of the few guys on here that has never even looked into escorts. When I first started going to strip clubs I never gave any thought to doing OTC with strippers. Now that I know OTC can be done, I still don't have any interest in escorts.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Overall, I have to agree with the gawker on how much the human experience factors into the equation for me.

That said, Your first thread on this topic picked my interest, and I've looked into escorts since then. I've never gotten extras in a club even though they have been offered a time or two, but if I move that direction, it seems logical to pay for what you really want. Why pour money into a stripper trying to get her to do something that she could turn you down for? Why not just buy what you really want to start with? It seems like buying a moped and spending money to try to turn it into a Harley....

avatar for michael_oxbig
12 years ago
I've done both and each has its advantages.

With strippers ITC, what you see is what you get. You can negotiate the price of her services. Less likely to get robbed or caught in a sting.

However, with ITC the session is rushed, limited number of positions depending on the club layout, you come home smelling like cigarettes and cheap perfume--which may be the smoking gun for some of you who have wives. Unless you are her first customer of the day, she may not be freshly showered. Sessions with a stripper are less intimate, if you care about that sort of thing. You don't get to choose what outfit she will wear.

With escorts, there is a much higher risk of bait & switch. Prices are higher, you have to give her some of your personal info as part of the screening process. But, the sessions tend to be longer, more enjoyable, you pick her outfit if she's open to requests, you can tactfully make sure she's clean by suggesting you both shower together, and you don't come home smelling like a stripper.

There are greateer risks associated with escorts but if you spend more time collecting intel and using common sense, these risks can be mitigated. For example, if you are paranoid about getting robbed, as soon as you get to the incall location, tactfully check the bathroom or closest by asking to use the bathroom, and asking to hang up your jacket. Don't park in the lot of the incall location. In the event you are caught in a sting, the cops could impound your car. Cancel the appointment if you find yourself in a room that connects to the adjacent room. Don't ask the front desk where so&so's room is, nor where the elevator is. Consider getting your own room and have her do outcall.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Stick with what makes you more cinder bang....hell imagine getting all stressed out and not being able to perform....Shit happens
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Here's a follow up ? for y'all: What are your levels of fear regarding STDs when getting extras or meeting an escort? Wear a rubber and risk it? I guess this is particularly applicable to those with wives or SOs that would be affected...
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
I have had good experiences both ways. (See my recent article) Now I have found a sort of hybrid. I found a dancer that was happy to see me OTC and, after a few good experiences, invited another dancer to join us for only an additional $100. They are both bisexual so it's great to have them servicing me and each other too. Unlike BP no fear of LEO and unlike escort services I know who I will be with. Altogether a win-win.
avatar for mjx01
12 years ago
OT: the whole drugged and stolen kidney thing seems wildly unlikely.

1. The odds of a random John's kidney successfully matching some other totally random person is exceedingly small. The donor and recipient have to be biologically compatible for a transplant to work and then the recipient still has to be on carefully monitored anti-rejection meds for the rest of the recipients life.

2. The odds of living through a kidney removal surgery in a non-sterile environment with a presumably unskilled surgeon is also exceedingly small. So, you'd almost certainly wind up dead, not missing a kidney.
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I checked out TER to learn a little more after some other discussions on here and don't think escorts are for me either. The services are hit-&-miss, even when you find a good one they all do screening or you set up an account with a screening service that says your ok to them. Individual providers are high risk as OP says.

Yeah to me strippers are the way to go.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Robbed? Probably the most likely, but easy to prevent. Rent a room in a decent hotel, have her meet you somewhere and then go to the room. Make sure anything valuable is either not with you or somewhere she can't get it. Keep your eye on her the whole time.

Murdered? Maybe, but extremely unlikely.

Drugged and lose a kidney?? Just silly. If you're really worried, don't drink anything around her.

Use well reviewed providers and send them packing if they aren't who they are supposed to be.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean, Bang69, by the security staff will be there. To throw you out? To shake you down for the 15 songs she says she performed for you when you were on the couch for for 9 minutes? Please elaborate, I'm interested in how security in a club is beneficial for the customer is dispute situations.
avatar for mausercat
12 years ago
Well, I guess if a stripper pulls a gun on you, security will take it away and spank the lovely lady.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I'm sure that Bang69 means to protect you from dancer pimps, BFs, etc.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Shad! It's 10:45! Do you know where your pills are?
avatar for Experimental
12 years ago
If you get with an escort it isn't much different safety wise than with a stripper. As long as you control most of the variables, primarily being location, safety wouldn't be a huge concern. Quality and performance is a different story.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
ok what i mean by securtiy will be there in a flash. any trouble hapens in a sc the bouncer is there in a flash. ie cat fight between 2 strippers, drunk patron,stripper patron fight. club security is there to pertect the interest of the club owner/owners as well as keeping order in the club
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