Raffle, dancer rejects my $25 dollar lap-dance request and $2 "tip-out" asked fo

avatar for GoVikings
Man you guys, I had 3 things happen last night at the club that I've never experienced before, and I'm here to share these short stories with you.

First of all, I had a dancer reject my lap-dancer offer. She claimed she "doesn't do $25 lap-dances". This has never happened to me before and I was very surprised and not pleased. I went to the stage and tipped this girl a couple of dollars and then asked her for a dance and she rejected it. This club has dances that start at $25 and then go to $60, $100, $150,$250 and $450. She said she only does $60 and up. She was clearly one of the best looking girls working. Don't know if that had anything to do with her rejecting my lap dance offer or not. The reason this really surprised me is because she turned down making money, her whole purpose of being there. And it's not like she had a ton of other guys lined up offering to buy more expensive lap dances, that wasn't the case. This would be like if I owned a gas station and told people I'll only accept gas purchases of $20 bucks or more, and then turned down the rest of the people who were willingly ready to pay for $10 bucks of gas. Makes NO sense to me, but I guess making as much money as she can isn't her priority.

The second thing that happened is they had a $3 lap dance raffle. You buy a ticket for $3, if your ticket gets pulled out of the hat, you get a lap dance for the amount you paid to enter the raffle, $3. I didn't participate.

The last thing is something called a "tip-out" which of course they didn't mention until AFTER I received the lap dance. They wanted me to pay an extra $2 bucks for the dance, but I had spent all my money, so the stripper who gave me a dance covered it.

The raffle was cool, but the other two things were whack, one of you veterans better start explaining. ;)


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avatar for topmandd
13 years ago
Curious where was this club - because honestly I'd avoid it. I know times are tough - but there are always going to be the "high class" girls who need to pay for something. I've seen that in many places where if you have like a $20 dance and 3 for $100 - that they won't do anything except the 3 for. And really look disgusted at you if you ask for just the sampler.

She obviously get's the price, but i try to avoid them when they are like that.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I've never heard of that tip out thing either. I wouldn't pay it. I'll tip a dancer generously if I feel it is deserved but I won't pay forced or requested tips.

I have heard of dancers not doing anything except VIP type dances. I guess if you're making big bucks you can turn the little guys down. What goes around comes around though, she'll find that out if she tries to be a career stripper.

The raffle thing is cool, but I'll bet the winner doesn't get a very good dance unless the dancer is somehow compensated.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
topmandd- It was at Pure Pleasure in Richmond, Virginia.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
my former regular club has raffles all the time when ther are enough customer in house
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Wow. Any dancer that turns someone down because she's an arrogant bitch deserves to go home broke. Let's see her good-looks buy groceries or pay the rent.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
Lap-dances are business transactions - just b/c one is willing/desiring to pay, doesn’t mean the other party is willing to sell.

We customers turn down dancers all the time and I’m sure many of the dancers may have a particular view on this.

As has been said in many other threads, it’s just business – we can’t take it personal – we just need to be wise “consumers”.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
I've encountered dancers who will not do a "regular" (i.e. lowest cost) dance and a few that won't do "high mileage (i.e. more expensive dances that involve two way contact). Some clubs try to set rules that dancers cannot turn down any dance request -- but this treads on the "dancers are independent contractor" BS legal fiction. The raffle is a new one to me, but likely a money-maker for the club. The "tip-out" is usually paid by the dancer -- sounds like the club is trying to get the customers to ante up. Pure Pleasure is under new management for a while now and they've been making changes to the dance structure, etc., not unlike Paper Moon. Since I've been able to hit a few more NC clubs lately, I am less willing to put up with the limited offerings in VA.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I understand. Apparently she thinks she is an Apple product where her price is set in stone. Unless the club works like that.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I don't think I've ever had a dancer flat-out turn me down. I've had them tell me they'll be right back and then disappear.

Was the tip-out mandatory, and who asked you for it? The technical term for this is "rip-off" and I think it's actually illegal but I could be wrong. What if you ordered and paid for a beer, then when you're done with it the bartender demanded another couple bucks?
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Platinum Plus has a different version of the raffle. During an announced two for 1 dance special, one of the dancers is designated as the mystery dancer. If you buy the 2 for 1 from her, you win a free hour in the Champagne Room. Of course what they don't tell you is that you still have to pay the dancer/s for her time. That could easily run you $300-500.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Ermita_Nights- Yes, it was mandatory, but of course they don't tell you about this until AFTER you've gotten the dance. At this club, you have to pre-pay for your lap dances. So, the girl who I payed the money to for my dance , is the one who asked for the $2 AFTER I got the dance. The only reason I got away with not paying it, is because I literally had no money left, so the stripper who I just bought a lap dance from covered it.

lopaw- I agree with you 100%

What makes this even worse, is that I live in the wasteland of strip clubs, Virginia...where all you get is pasties and over-priced lap dances. JacksonEsskay knows what I'm talking about.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol you guys go tto north carolina for high mileage ! Shit virgina must realy fuckin suck ! Or not suck lol !.....keep going south men it gets even better ! South carolina is the shit !
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Govikings, dont take it personal. Its a little hard to explain but some girls dont think its worth the effort to do the club's bottom price dance, especially if they are fairly established.

In my own experience, i will do a bottom price dance, which is $20 in my hometown, for a nice guy. If he proves to be difficult, i cant dance for him anymore. The $20 isnt enough compensation for the grief. Yes, the whole point of going to work is to make money. If i feel, though, that the person wants too much for the money, hes either got to pay more or find another girl.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
I've seen a raffle like that once. The tickets were $3 each, the club only sold 10 tickets, and the lap dance was $20. I'm pretty sure that the dancer got her normal payment for a lap dance.

I also saw a dancer turn down a $20 dance this weekend. She told the customer that the $60 room was better and that she didn't like doing $20 lap dances. It happens.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
What a bitch!

GoVikings, you need a trip to Detroit where "$60, $100, $150,$250 and $450" means HJ, BJ, BBBJCIM, FS and 3-way.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Haven't seen the raffle thing, but have seen a fair number of dancers who don't want to do the lower cost dances. I generally just pass on the upsell.

As for the mandatory tip-out, if she doesn't tell me about it before the dance, there is nothing mandatory about it. Imagine going to the gas station, pre-paying $20 for gas, pumping your gas, and only then being told that there was a $2 service charge. Think that would fly? I don't.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
I can understand not willing to do a certain kind of dance. As another posted, customers can say no, dancers can say no too. It is just business.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Dancers are becoming desperate and greedy. To repeat my earlier post, a dancer told me she quit a Detroit club because the manager told the dancers that each trip to the VIP must earn $150.00. A bouncer checks the dancer into and out of the VIP. (The guy at The Coliseum in Detroit carries a clipboard.) Managers are tracking dancers and demanding a quota of VIP trips per shift with the required $150.00 per visit. This is why extras are routine in Detroit.

If a dancer can't make her quota on trips to the VIP, getting customers to buy drinks at the inflated "lady" price helps.

When the VIP room charge started, dancers were supposed to pay the bouncer. Dancers quickly pushed that fee on to the customer.

Club owners and managers are using dancers to collect as much extra money as possible. Thus, upselling, begging for tips, hustling drinks, rejecting $20 dances or two for one specials, cheating on the dance count and trying to shame the customer into paying are all now routine practices. (This begins to sound like the fee games now played by the airlines.)

Add to this the escalating charges for mandatory valet parking, coat checks and booth seating and you can see that the club managers believe that horny men will pay anything to see naked women. Maybe they are right.

avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I've won a raffle before at a strip club. I got a free VIP dance with the dancer of my choice. It was pretty nice.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
jackslash- lol yeah, it would be great if I lived in another area. But next month I have a vacation coming up and will be able to check out Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. I know lap dances there will be extremely expensive as well, it's Vegas, but at least it'll be different from what I'm use to. Plus I heard the girls in Vegas are stunning.

Stilleto25- You should give me a dance to make me feel better after getting rejected last Saturday night. ;)
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I have seen dancers run to the restroom when the DJ anounces a 2 for $$ special and have had dancers tell me that if we wait one or two songs before we go back it be a 2 fer. I have been in several club that raffle of a dances early in the evening to get the guy started buying lap dances.
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
"Club owners and managers are using dancers to collect as much extra money as possible. Thus, upselling, begging for tips, hustling drinks, rejecting $20 dances or two for one specials, cheating on the dance count and trying to shame the customer into paying are all now routine practices. (This begins to sound like the fee games now played by the airlines.)

Add to this the escalating charges for mandatory valet parking, coat checks and booth seating and you can see that the club managers believe that horny men will pay anything to see naked women. Maybe they are right."

With the internet, no, they are wrong. Especially with the upcoming generation, who I think, will have few social skills at all.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
When I lived in L.A., a regular club for me was the Blue Zebra in North Hollywood (2004). There was an Asian dancer there with obvious bolt-ons (can't remember her name now), who thought she was good enough to only take customers who would do the $30. nude dances with her. She refused to do the $15. topless dances. It seemed like very few customers got the nude dances. I sure didn't when topless was half the price. The other dancers were amazed at her constantly turning down money. It's just like your gasoline sales analogy. Time is money. When she turned down a $15. dance, she usually didn't have a back-up $30. customer.
avatar for umissedaspot
13 years ago
"This would be like if I owned a gas station and told people I'll only accept gas purchases of $20 bucks or more, and then turned down the rest of the people who were willingly ready to pay for $10 bucks of gas."

The difference is that gas station owners aren't selling their bodies. Some strippers won't give it up for any amount. I've never known one who viewed it as purely money for her time.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I wouldn't buy a gas station owner's body. :)
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
Columbus Gold used to have $12 table dances and I would hear rejections like that all the time about "I don't do the $12 dances". They also had $30 dances in a shared area and $100 dances. (the $100 dance was a bundle of 3 songs in a VIP area). They stopped doing the $12 table dances but they still do an hourly uptime at night for a 4 songs for $30 table dance deal. The songs are clipped short but still a reasonable deal considering all the other dance options in that club are so expensive.

avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@Govikings- If you were in my area, i would cut you a tuscl member deal :)
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
In Arlington, TX, in the late '80s / early '90s, the 2300 Club did great business. There was one prototypical hot blonde who would get great tips on stage, then put in a hot dress and sit at the bar, and not do any table-dances. She would have made a mint, but I figure she had a deal with her boyfriend or something. When customers who didn't know that came in, they would tip her more than the standard dollar or two, hoping to get her attention, to no avail.
avatar for babehunter90
11 years ago
The upcharge game will only continue as long as people are willing to pay into it. The second she refused the $25 dance, I would have just moved on. Even if you argue and she does give in, I have a suspicion that it won't exactly be the lap dance of the century.

Demanding more money after the fact, however, is completely inappropriate regardless of the circumstances. If, after the dance, you decide to tip her, that's OK, but any type of house fee or other mandatory surcharge is to be disclosed up front. To use the gas station analogy again, this would be like setting my pumps for $3.49/gal, then telling you AFTER you filled up that the real price is $3.59/gal and that you need to pay the difference.

Ladies, remember: If you don't take care of the customer, someone else will!
avatar for rl27
11 years ago
XCalibur in Columbus had two different dance areas $20 and $40, the main difference was the $20 dances were sheer curtains, and the $40 more private. XCal was never that well run, but it occasionally had some fairly hot dancers. There was a while there where at least half the dancers refused to do the $20 dances.

The only reason I went there, was because two of my favorites at another club moved there for a while. When they left I stopped going.

A similar thing happened at Sirens years ago when they had the $20, $40 and $60 dances. Several dancers, not always the hottest either, would refuse the $20 or $40.
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