
What does your regular say behind your back?

Thursday, March 22, 2012 8:41 AM
So upon entering one of my favorite clubs last night, I right away spot three favorite dancers with whom I frequently spend quality time when in the club. It's like I hit the mother lode - a relatively slow weekday night with three beautiful and intelligent women, with time on their hands. How could I go wrong? I was in SC heaven... But NO, each in turn when she briefly saw me (either on stage or walking to the restroom), proceeded to say how she was already locked down with another regular who spends big money just to sit, talk, and otherwise monopolize big chunks of her time. Drat! But hey, it happens and I understand the economics of SC life. And in truth, I did see each previously talking with said regular when I walked in. But it's what they said next that floored me. Each referred to how she'd really prefer to sit with me, but she's already stuck with that unattractive lout over there whose only redeeming value is parting with a couple Franklins for little work on her part. In fact, each found her regular to be rather disgusting, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to pay the rent. Then, when they returned to their regulars, they acted all cutesy and interested, and I'm left thinking, "If those poor bastards only knew..." At first I thought all this seemed okay; I got the inside scoop. Then I wondered whether they say the same thing about me behind my back to others? I understand I'm a PL and time is money, although it's not required to pay them when they just sit and talk. But they know I'm always good for a couple lapdances, a couple drinks, and an extra $20 or so for their time. And I always thought they reasonably enjoyed my company and our conversation. Now I'm not so sure... Would you be shocked to discover your favorites bad mouth you behind your back? Or do you think they really like you and simply confide with you how they find other regulars to be disgusting, but put up with them because it's their job and they need the money? Of course, you being different than the standard SC PL, would understand...


  • joesparty
    12 years ago
    I hear this BS all the time and take it for what it's worth . . . just BS. It could be that she really does think those things. Or, maybe she just says them to inflate your ego a little bit, as in, "You're so awesome, I'd rather sit with you, but stinky balls over there has promised me $200 to sit with him."
  • hakanlube
    12 years ago
    Dancers want you to think that you're "special," so they'll tell you that they hate their other customers and that they wish they could spend all their time with you. So, yes, it's a fairly safe bet that they're telling everyone else that you're a loser and that they wish they didn't have to spend time with you. Whether or not that's true is a different question.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    @hakanlube: Your tuscl handle just has to make me ask: Are you from Calgary?
  • hakanlube
    12 years ago
    @farmerart: I'm in Connecticut, but my family is from Calgary and I'm a big Flames fan. Loob was my favorite player as a kid, but I though the alternate spelling of his name would work better on here.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    As long as she sucks my dick and fucks me good hell I don't even care what my s.o. thanks let alone my reg striper friends
  • hard10
    12 years ago
    Of course, the payback is what we say about them on this site...
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Dancers lie to make you feel good and keep you coming back. If a dancer has a big spender on the hook, she will milk him (to mix metaphors) for as long as she can and ignore other customers. Dancers will tell you that they like you better, but this is mostly BS.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Okay, this is the second time in as many weeks where I'm getting a bit of a SC reality check. Fair enough. I'll still enjoy the process, but won't fool myself into thinking that somehow I'm any different than the other PLs in the club. It is what it is - an escape from the every day to enjoy contrived affection, titillation, and the occasional sexual release. I'm good with that. Let the SC action continue unabated...
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I don't know, and I don't care. It's what she says to my face and, even more importantly, what she does for me that count. I can live with even the most blatently obvious stripper shit most of the time, as long as I'm getting what I want.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    "Would you be shocked to discover your favorites bad mouth you behind your back?" Not at all! I know I am a 63 year old, somewhat overweight, graying man. Now this only applies to the majority of dancers. There are a total of about 3 that it would surprise me to hear that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @Rod8432, That's a pretty mature way of accepting your fellow TUSCL(ers) advice/opinions. I think most of us need that "reality check" every once in a while. It is real easy for "most" guys to be taken by a beautiful woman saying beautiful things. It's probably has happened for as long as there has been civilization. Heck, it is well documented how many governments use ladies as the most effective types of spies. Bottom line - as long as there is $$$ involved, then there is a conflict of interest. If we were to be honest w/ ourselves, do we think we would be getting the same treatment from these "favorites" if we were not spending $$$ on them? It can happen, but it's definitely the exception and not the norm. We have to take it for what it is. P.S. Good Post!
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    They all tell you what you want to hear anyway, excpet of course for my ATF...what the hell, she tells me what I want to hear as well, she's just better at delivering the goods, which is why she's the ATF!!!
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Fuck those bitches !!!......juice !
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "excpet of course for my ATF...what the hell, she tells me what I want to hear as well, she's just better at delivering the goods, which is why she's the ATF" I have to agree with that statement! LMAO
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    As georgemicrodong put it so well I don't know, and I don't care. It's what she says to my face and, even more importantly, what she does for me that count. I can live with even the most blatently obvious stripper shit most of the time, as long as I'm getting what I want
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I don't know, and I don't care. It's what she says to my face and, even more importantly, what she does for me that count" I can agree with gmd's statement.
  • LeeH
    12 years ago
    Add another thumbs-up to gmd's sentiment. As far as the OP, in my mind, any guy who takes a fave away from me is an asshole. So if she says that she'd rather be with me than him, it makes perfect sense to me. ;-)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I don't think she says anything....just laughs
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "Of course, the payback is what we say about them on this site.." Fer sure "Payback's a bitch, Ivan(a)" CSM
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    As usual, gmd's comment was spot on. All I care about is the time we spend together, and whether or not she makes me happy. What she does or says when I'm not with her doesn't concern me.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Just don't expect much and you won't be disappointed.
  • HonestT
    12 years ago
    I swear that cute banker teller has the hots for me, as she's always so nice and flirty. Then on the next visit there is a line of male customers in front of me. I notice that she is nice and flirty with almost every one. <ego deflated somewhat>. Then I get my turn with her, and she's all charming and remembering personal details. It dawns on me that she just really good at customer service. I have to imagine strippers are doing the same thing, except they get naked and play Bump-A-Log all day. Gotta enjoy your time with her while it lasts.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Bump-a-log LOL I'm gonna remember that one.
    12 years ago
    HonestT, lol, does the cute bank teller at least give a good grind....
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    put me in GMD's camp also.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    I once asked on a strip club forum why it was that I got ignored at a certain club where I routinely bought the 5-for-50 dance package, and a dancer from the club did reply to me there. She said that since it was known I'd only be spending about $50, the girls were going to try the unknown quantities in the remainder of the crowded room first. Maybe that is the situation that the OP is getting into. Sounds like he's good for $75 - $100, and that's it. He's reliable, but unfortunately a smaller fish in a room filled with whales. The dancers may be telling him the whales are unattractive, etc, to soothe his ego, but like the message I got, the Benjamins will dictate where they sit. They're probably NOT talking bad about HIM because they're not making excuses to the whales.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Hmmmm... (said in my best Yoda impression) much sense 3LeggedMan makes. Reliable I am, but you're right, I'm not a whale. And I got that sense when talking with my favorites during earlier visits. They enjoy sitting with me and getting my less-than-whale attention when whales are otherwise not present. But they're always whale spotting, and when one swims into view, they make the economically wise choice. I'm okay with that choice, on both the dancer's part and mine. It's just SC reality and it's good to get my head on straight about it. On with the fun. Thanks, Gents...
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Rod - She told me that you are an ass hole. :))
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Now boys! :)
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Shadow - I think perhaps you misheard her, what with all that loud music playing and all. You think she said, "He is an asshole," when it really was, "He likes my asshole." Now that I'll admit to... :)
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Maybe it was something about BRassPole.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Rod, you cannot put too much stock in what a stripper tells you in these situations. And if any of the guys spotted his dancer of choice chatting with you for a bit and inquired when she returned, we can only imagine what she said about you in turn. Thinking about it is a waste of time. But what I WOULD be thinking about is how I went 0 for 3 during an entire strip club visit on a slow night with three girls that I have dealt with before. Were all three really making that much from these guys? Is there any other possible cause for this? If this keeps happening and the issue really is monetary, might you need to save up a little more between visits? Anyway, just a few thoughts.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Rick - Good point and advice. Actually, I do think in this instance it was just a rare misalignment of my SC stars. On other nights with all other things being equal, I've been besieged by the same three dancers, each awaiting her turn for a drink, little conversation, and couple spins in my lap. In fact, on these good evenings I often can't believe my incredible luck - like, how did I all of a sudden get so interesting and desirable? Then other nights, I swear I must be wearing my "Do Not Dance For Me" hat (which I think LeeH discussed in earlier posts). If this situation were consistent, I'd worry, but mostly it's just an occasional annoyance. So, c'est la vie and tomorrow's another day in this most enjoyable of hobbies.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "In fact, on these good evenings I often can't believe my incredible luck - like, how did I all of a sudden get so interesting and desirable? Then other nights, I swear I must be wearing my "Do Not Dance For Me" " I avoid this inconsistency by having an ATF who provides a known & consistent performance & behavior. And by using only 1 dancer, I have PLENTY of $$$$ for keeping her attention & not having her wander about looking for other sources of income on the days when I'm with her. That's how I do it and it WORKS well!
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I find most dancers are terrible at acting so if they are really doing a bad job at looking interested, I'll pick up on that real quick. I'd rather dancers not be spending much time talking about me. I don't need a train of dancers asking for dances. I did notice the other night I was largely ignored by many unknown dancers. Then suddenly after they saw me get dances from a couple of dancers, I suddenly had a train of several others keep asking me.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Also good advice, Alucard. Focus your resources so one will give you what many cannot. Worth checking out...
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    So Rod - let me get this straight. I'm supposed to reply that you like ass holes?:)
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Shadow - Well, let's say I'm partial to cute pink ones owned by certain dancers we know and love...
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    What do they say about the juice ? That dude got a little pecker but, god damn can he fuck a pussy !
  • SquareCastle
    5 months ago
    I talk mad shit behind their backs too so I guess it’s [view link]. Personally, I don’t mind it because no matter what, it’s never going to change my opinion of myself. 2) I just want good service so I pretend like I care too, even though I truly don’t give a F about the goals they’re probably never going to achieve or their life outside of the 15-30 minutes I spend with them. It’s all in the game.
  • Muddy
    5 months ago
    lol great thread Rod
  • ilbbaicnl
    5 months ago
    Will I ever stop getting burned by these zombie threads? farmerart and JuceBox, those were the days.
  • Rod8432
    5 months ago
    Thanks, Muddy. And Ilbbacnl, to your point, Zombie threads is right! I wrote this12 years ago. Weird reading it all this time later...
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