Strip club injuries?

avatar for sharkhunter
Ok, how have you been injured in strip clubs. I'm talking physical injuries. Juice got me wondering but I didn't see a thread.

I'll start. One time a dancer ducked down underneath me gyrating around pretty fast. I wasn't paying as much attention to her as I should have been. She literally jumped up in the air from a squatting position and her head hit me right in the nose and gave the bloodiest nose I've ever had. I was ticked off but it took me a minute to fully realize what just happened. After I finally got my nose to stop pouring out blood, I left.

Another time a dancer was supposed to be giving me just a table dance. It was more like she thought she wanted to ride a wild horse except she was up on top of me bouncing around and moving all around. I thought this is a table dance? Then I felt something sharp on my leg. When I went to the restroom I had blood running down my leg. I'm not sure what she had on her but she cut me.

The other incidents were minor. Like accidentally banging heads with dancers.

My clothes suffered damage a couple of times. One feature porn star ripped my shirt open when I went to tip her. I was not happy. On a different occasion, a dancer had a chance to dance for me in a private spot in the lap dance room behind a sofa. It wasn't supposed to be that private. She ripped the button off my shorts tearing my clothes off to finally get to see and grab what she wanted to.


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avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Felt my nose pop once as a dancer rammed her breastbone into it. Seemed she was none to pleased with my lengthy stay at the rail for $1 a gal for a couple rotations. Nose wound up being okay.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
This isn't an injury, but a "casualty" of getting lap dances. When I was still wearing contact lenses, I always had to let any new dancer know that before she began her dance. I did get a lens poked out of my eye once by a dancer's tit. But I had fun searching for it (heh, heh).
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I once had a drunk/stoned dancer fall down the stairs at Landing Strip (Detroit) and take me with her. We were both ok so I guess that doesn't count.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago

Otherwise I'd own a Club. LMFAO
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Lol dracula ! You just gave me a great idea ! (Light bulb)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"You just gave me a great idea ! (Light bulb)"

Are you going to get yourself "Injured" & sue the Club for so much that you can buy it?
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
the only injury I've had is leaving with no money
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
@Alucard juice would do that so could get bbfs every nite from the girls & not half to pay fro it. @juice club on bro
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I was sitting on one side of a runway-type stage when a customer on the other side thought it'd be funny to throw a drink coaster like a frisbee in my direction. It was one of those heavy cardboard stock coasters with a beer's name imprinted on it.

I don't know if he intended to hit me, to zoom it over my head at something else, or what. But I had been looking down as he threw it, and just happened to have glanced up the instant it hit me - in the eye. It was so quick, my blinking reflect didn't even have a chance to block it.

Motherfuckin' Ouch! I didn't realize it at first, but later saw it broke some blood vessels in the lower sclera (white part of the eye) where it hit, leaving me with a nasty case of red-eye. I had to make up some lame story to explain it when people inquired later, but thankfully no long term damage. I can still see my strippers just fine... :)
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Jua bruised ego...
avatar for Otto22
13 years ago
I once had a dancer take the expression "suck face" to such an extreme that I had a pair of black and blue lips for a couple of days. Hard to explain to the missus.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Dracula bang said it not me lol ! Thanks guys !
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
Girl bit my nipple pretty hard one time.

Left a bruise that took 3 weeks to heal >_<
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I forgot I have been bitten a little bit too hard at times that left marks for several days.
avatar for hotrod23
13 years ago
I have been bitten by my ATF a lot of times and it takes almost a week for the marks to go.

A new stripclub once refused to let me in since I wasn't wearing a shoe because the dancers walk around in high heels and they tend to step on customers feet and injure them, I was like WTF? I initially thought they were kidding, but no they were serious, I left and went to a different club!
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
@hotrod. The really didn't want you to slip and fall on the SS.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
had dancer in VIP loose her balance and when she tried to catch herself while falling gave me a knee in the nutts. I saw stars for about 5 minutes!!!
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I've had dancers bite me, and it leaves marks for days. I got a heel to the head one time. It was an accident, but it hurt like hell.
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