Sam's topic about hotels and OTC got me thinking about this. Two cities that I know well for SC fun (Detroit and Toronto) both have these amazing clusters of clubs encircling their respective airports. Lots of hotels nearby as well. This happy circumstance does not apply to other cities that I know well (Edmonton. Calgary, and Vancouver).
Does my observation about airports and fun clubs fit other noted US cities - Tampa, Houston, Miami, Dallas, Atlanta; or are the special clubs sprinkled everywhere in those cities?
The two cities that I've lived in, Los Angeles and Seattle, had a poor choice of clubs NEAREST the airport. At the time, in L.A. there was a club (now closed), named the Century Lounge. It was right on Century Blvd. which is the main drag into the airport. Century Blvd. is a classy street with high-rise office buildings and name hotels. But the Century Lounge was a run-down dive of a place. I went there just once when I was near the airport, and never went in a gain. I think Lopaw will disagree with me, though.
Here in Seattle, the nearest club to the airport is the Deja Vu, in Tukwila. It advertises itself as "Deja Vu-Airport." So, it's obviously trying to capitalize on airport traffic. The club itself was given a thorough interior remodeling last year. So it looks nice on the inside only, but it's in a sleazy area. Two ill-maintained convenience stores and a vacant formerly full service gas station are next door or close by. Police cars cruise the area all the time. The club suffers from a lack of dancer talent and a lack of customers. If the neighboring few buildings were remodeled with the gentle touch of a bulldozer, the Tukwila Vu might be a good place to go.
Are you asking the question about clubs that are near hotels for OTC action? Or, are you asking about good clubs to go to, near the airport, so that visiting mongers can go to these clubs?
There were 2 pretty good clubs for good action in the club near the Philadelphia airport. Unfortunately, they have become tame and dull lately, following an alleged assault on a patron by the owner of both. He just recently died from a drug related situation, so hopefully the LE will be backing off, and things will return to normal. The clubs were Oasis and Christines' Cabaret. Purple Orchid is right there also. Decent action but mostly black and latino girls. Cheerleaders is near by, closer to the stadiums. Bikini bar with good looking girls. Much tamer than the previous clubs mentioned.
I'd be interested in what Indy is like, considering the Super Bowl is there in a week and a half. I know Brad's isn't close, but you know some people will only go to what's close to their hotel, which may be by the airport. Not that there's a snowball's chance in hell of me going to the Super Bowl.
Back in 87 when I moved to Atlanta there were several clubs near the airport. A copuple died of natural causes and several more got killed during the cleanup for the 96 Olympics.Only a handful remain. Of those only the Goldrush Showbar is worth the effort. Most clubs art on the north side of town when the population is centered.
Dandy Dan- Indy is not blessed with many good clubs. There is only one club downtown near the convention hotels, The Red Garter, and it is lame. Brad's is quite a way from both downtown and especially far from the airport and it is not nearly as great a club as some PLs seem to believe.
Gotta disagree a bit withn the Philly comments, at least as far as Oasis is concerned. While YMMV is always the rule, with the exception of about a two week period after the crackdown at Oasis, things have been back to normal with outstanding mileage.
Two of Louisville's clubs, Godfather II and Trixie's, are within a couple minutes of the airport, a couple of others are a few more minutes away. Many of them, however, are not what I'd call "convenient" to the airport.
Pure Platinum in San Diego is pretty close to the airport, and I guess Fantasy Shots isn't too far off, but neither one is a place where you'd really want to go. Especially so since Pure Platinum lost their liquor license.
A little further north is the Deja Vu/Les Girls/Pacers/Body Shop cluster, but those are located where they are more because of the military presence (MCRD and former Naval Training Center) than because of the airport.
There aren't any clubs near the Minneapolis airport, but rumor has it there's action to be had in the bathroom's there if you want your cock sucked. LOL
I've always thought that a club in an airport would be outstanding, though there would probably be alot of missed flights. Some of these hard up airlines would do well to petition for a club in their wing of the airport...people like me would fly their airline just because of the club by the gate.....why stop there...let's get flight attendents to give lap dances in first class!!!
W.r.t. Miami airport, there aren't any clubs near it. Although it is not near the airport - Tootsies Cabaret (in the nearby city of Miami Gardens) is defenitely worth checking out if you are ever in the city.
They are kinda sprinkled around MIA and FLL, but the WPB airport has about 3 clubs within 5-10 minutes driving, and another 3 within another 5-10 minutes.
All depending on your definition of "close" Phoenix has many clubs really close to the airport including Top 10 club Bourbon Street Circus. (15 min away).
The club that was near the Miami airport that has been closed for "remodeling" was called Pink Pussy Cat (mostly hispanic dancers and cliantale). It had been there since the 80's I think. A lot of clubs closed for "remodeling" actually have legal or financial troubles.
There is also one nearby called Porky's. It's also mostly hispanic but is kind of a whole in the wall. Last time I was there had very few dancers.
last commentHere in Seattle, the nearest club to the airport is the Deja Vu, in Tukwila. It advertises itself as "Deja Vu-Airport." So, it's obviously trying to capitalize on airport traffic. The club itself was given a thorough interior remodeling last year. So it looks nice on the inside only, but it's in a sleazy area. Two ill-maintained convenience stores and a vacant formerly full service gas station are next door or close by. Police cars cruise the area all the time. The club suffers from a lack of dancer talent and a lack of customers. If the neighboring few buildings were remodeled with the gentle touch of a bulldozer, the Tukwila Vu might be a good place to go.
There were 2 pretty good clubs for good action in the club near the Philadelphia airport. Unfortunately, they have become tame and dull lately, following an alleged assault on a patron by the owner of both. He just recently died from a drug related situation, so hopefully the LE will be backing off, and things will return to normal. The clubs were Oasis and Christines' Cabaret. Purple Orchid is right there also. Decent action but mostly black and latino girls. Cheerleaders is near by, closer to the stadiums. Bikini bar with good looking girls. Much tamer than the previous clubs mentioned.
Indy is not blessed with many good clubs. There is only one club downtown near the convention hotels, The Red Garter, and it is lame. Brad's is quite a way from both downtown and especially far from the airport and it is not nearly as great a club as some PLs seem to believe.
A little further north is the Deja Vu/Les Girls/Pacers/Body Shop cluster, but those are located where they are more because of the military presence (MCRD and former Naval Training Center) than because of the airport.
And by US congressmen by all accounts! :))
W.r.t. Miami airport, there aren't any clubs near it. Although it is not near the airport - Tootsies Cabaret (in the nearby city of Miami Gardens) is defenitely worth checking out if you are ever in the city.
The club that was near the Miami airport that has been closed for "remodeling" was called Pink Pussy Cat (mostly hispanic dancers and cliantale). It had been there since the 80's I think. A lot of clubs closed for "remodeling" actually have legal or financial troubles.
There is also one nearby called Porky's. It's also mostly hispanic but is kind of a whole in the wall. Last time I was there had very few dancers.