
Managing Several Professional Relationships at One Club

Tried looking this up online with multiple searches to no avail. That said, I am a newbie. I started going to one club in November. This is also the first period in my life that I go to club on a regular basis. There is one girl who I really enjoy being with. I like her taste in stage music, conversations with substance, her body, dancing, and the VIP room experience. I am content if I see her each time that I visit, I want to expand my dancer network in this club. I am unsure about tipping other girls on stage to make that next step towards have 4 or 5 girls that flock to me. I know this is strictly a professional relationship. But I don't want to piss her off because I want to go to the VIP room with someone else.

Maybe I'm being paranoid and apprehensive but I just don't know how to broaden my pleasure at this club. I feel like I want a second opinion but am worried about upsetting the long-time family doctor.

Can someone please offer some advice?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    When I figure that one out, I will let you know. I face the same problem and I am no newbie. Dancer B has me locked in and I don't want to lose her. She has introduced me to dancer A, who is her best friend. Grabbing my dick, dancer B told dancer A that this is mine. If I am not here, You and only you are to take care of it. I have no problem getting fluffed by other dancers but I am locked into VIP with B or A.

    I have tried to vary the times/days that I show up at the club but so far one or the other is always there. Right now I think that my best chances are to come in, in a disguise. :)
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Unfortunately, spending money on other dancers may piss off Dancer #1. There is less money being thrown around in the clubs with the economy the way it is. Once a stripper knows she is your favorite, she gets possessive over your wallet. Ask her if you can sample other dancers an see what her reaction is. She might get pissed or "be okay" with it even though she hates seeing that disposable income going to others. Even when you show up when she isn't working and sample other talent, she will know. Word travels through the stripper dressing room like wildfire. Try going to other clubs.
  • mdn8rdr
    13 years ago
    once you have reached the level where you are considered someones "regular", you are pretty much screwed, until she is not around or you start going to another club. Best way to handle this is not to get into that situation in the first place. I used to do that all the time and it was nice because whenever I would go in the club, she would come over almost immediately. But of course, the downside is no matter how hot she is, eventually you will see something else you want. So now, when I go in, I will get a few dances from someone I like, maybe chat and be friendly, then move on to another the same night. If you establish that 1) you have money to spend and 2) you spend it on different girls and 3) you are friendly and enjoyable to hang with than you keep that situation from happening in the first place and you can still get dances from who you want, even the same girls you did on other nights. But once you take the approach of "I am taking care of you and only you for the next few hours" and you give her a reason to think its exclusive, it can be virtually impossible to back out of that without a lot of backlash. Easier said than done I know, especially when you see someone SOOO hot you want to monopolize her.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I've had different experiences than some of you, above. I've been a regular at several clubs where I had several favorite dancers. That I was aware of, that was never a problem for me. If there were any jealousies, I didn't hear about it. Maybe that stayed in the dressing room. My approach was to treat them all equally. I would usually get the same number of dances from each dancer when I went in. Also, I liked it when they all knew each other. I encouraged that. It worked well for me.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    It's simple. If they get bent out of shape, because you want to be with other "vendors". So be it. Your money is the boss here. I don't really care if they get upset. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • bluemonday
    13 years ago
    Make sure you getting plenty extra back off your regular girl though so that it works both ways. if your putting all your time (and money) in with her, she should treat you right too. If you feel you really are getting a good deal, then ok you might not want to spoil it. There is no doubt if your now established with her as her customer and then start to dance with someone else, she will find out straight away even if she not working at that time. Often a girl loves to take another girls guy and they can't wait to say 'hey i took your guy for a dance' etc

    You say it is strictly a professional relationship, if so, she should be professional enough to not mind at all if you have your fun with others. If you want to end up more OTC 'friends' then its different. as SINCLAIR says, ask if you like, but she prob gonna say she would be upset even if she aint, its her job to make sure as much of your money goes on her, not someone else?

    There are defo benefits in sticking to same girl, but make sure your getting those benefits, otherwise you should feel free to play around? Just go for it and see what happens, even if she is 'upset', the money always talks and you'll soon get her back onside once your spending on her again.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @beinnhart: It's really only <b><i>very</i></b> difficult if you let it be; it's only slightly, and briefly, uncomfortable otherwise. As others have said, it's your money, and it's not like she spends all of <i>her</i> time with you now, is it?

    She will be disappointed that you're no longer spending all of your money on her, but that's perfectly understandable, given that this is her livelihood we're talking about here. As long as you continue to spend some on her, she won't be too upset (at least not for real, irrespective of any histrionics she might employ to convince you otherwise) over the long run.

    Do not, however, be an asshole about it right off the bat. :) You obviously do like her, and don't want to spoil what you have, just expand what's available. Just explain that you do in fact still plan to spend money on her (because after all, that's what she <i>really</i> cares about), and that you're just interested in a little variety.

    And who knows, maybe the competition will expand her repertoire a little, if you're interested in that sort of thing.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I at times have had several favorites. Yes at times some of my favorites have acted pissed off I was spending so much time with someone else. Guess what? They got over it real quick. They did not want to lose me and the income they routinely got from me. We are not married and it is my money I'm spending. One girl actually started calling me a player which I thought was ridiculous. I'm spending money in a strip club and a dancer calls me a player, I'm thinking that is so ridiculous.

    Last night a few favorites returned to a club a couple of which I hadn't seen in months. I kept wondering why this hot young dancer kept coming over to me asking for dances. I thought she probably wants a lot more than I usually pay so I just so maybe later. On my ride home, I believe I remember she started dancing for me off and on for a couple of months but that was over a month or two ago. I forgot all about her. I have that many favorites I can't remember them all. They come and go. Usually there is almost always one or two working in a club even on the really slow nights when everyone seems to be gone. The only time I get in trouble is when 8 or more are working in a club on the same night. However you can spend more time talking with them and then you'll never get around to seeing all of them. Or you could only do one two for $30 set of dances.

    I have a favorite at one club that I knew something was up when she bought me a beer. That was a few months ago and I haven't seen her since. I don't know if she quit the business or had to take a leave for some reason. It's possible her bouncer boyfriend was injured and she is taking care of him. I don't know. She could be working at another club. I miss her but I have over half a dozen other favorites and keep getting new ones.

    PS, the only dancer I had to get really pissed off at me or she acted that way was one that I slept with the previous weekend and apparently she bonded to me a lot more than I realized. She thought if I was spending a lot of time with another dancer I was sleeping with the other dancer too. I told her no, not the case. Besides it's not like we are married or like she is only dancing for one guy in the club. If she doesn't want to dance for only one guy, we should be free to get dances from as many dancers as we want.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Don't worry about it too much. They have plenty of other customers and they are just actresses. If anything they will step up their performance because of jealousy and competition.
  • chimark
    13 years ago
    A few thoughts on this subject.

    I've told a few of my favs, that tonite I'm here to sample the field a little bit and told her that i'm ok if she's working the floor. I told her that if i'm not busy or she's not busy we may end up just spending time anyway. The girls typically are more appreciative of that then sitting with me and I'm either just in the mood to look and not partake much or didn't bring a load of cash to spend on her. The last thing a girl wants is to spend time with one of the regs and the regs didn't cash in to their expectation, especially if it's a busy night this can lead to other issues down the road...

    I've even had one of my favs come to me and let me know that a customer just came up to her blindly and asked to take her to the VIP and she's come up to me and asked me if it's a problem because she doesn't want me to get mad and in return she said that sh'es cool if I spend time with a different girl that night because she's busy.... (one of the times this happened she had a rotten experience from the VIP, and I reaped benefits from her later that same night that are still paying off!)

    Because of those discussions, she knows that I sometimes have a wandering eye (and wallet) and I tell her that early on and she's cool with it.

    Remember this isn't an exclusive arrangement, she's interested in your wallet and you're interested in her body.... if you don't spend $ on her, she won't stick around anyway....
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    #1 its your money and that makes you the fuckin boss !
    #2 she is seeing more than just you !
    #3 she needs to know if the bitch don't act right money will get tight
    #4 I've got 2 to 4 fav with at all times and you should to !
    #5 this is not a marriage !
    #6 your a fuckin pimp ! Act like one goddamn't !
    #7 bitch step out of line fuckin smack that ho ! Its called dissaplin !
    #8 google "Pimpology" by Pimpin Ken and read it and act on it !
    #9 make that ho suck you off for free if she gets all wtf ?
    #10 call me D'a juice and I will show you how to be a mother fuckin P.I.M.P. !
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Jeez, shadowcat and others, this road warrior's heart just bleeds for your terrible problem.

    Coming in 'cold' to a new club when I am traveling is like drilling a wildcat well - lots of dusters with only the occasional gusher.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    But ya ! If you can't get out of lockdown just go to a nother club and cheat on your atf their ! But then you will be lockdown in 2 spots ! Sounds like a plain to me ! Good luck man : )
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Lately I've been going with ATFs, so I guess the other Dancers know I'm "Off Limits". But during the first few yrs of my Clubbing, I had a couple of Clubs where I had several Strippers that I spent time & money on. I didn't notice any problems with the Dancers being upset because on one certain day that I spent more $$$ on 1 particular Dancer.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    This is an ongoing problem for many of us. There really is no clear cut answer on how to deal with this and come out unscathed.
  • JackKash
    13 years ago
    Mentioned a few times and worth repeating... When you're not there, she's dancing for her other "regulars." So why be the only one who's exclusive.
  • beinnhart
    13 years ago
    38DDD thanks to all for the input. I really needed the advice!
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    I agree with Lopaw, only somebody who knows the dancer in question can help you here. If you haven't realized already, it's almost always a bad bet to be exclusive with a fav because you think the "relationship" will develop into something more.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Get vm to go with you. That seems to work for me. ALL dancers stay away! : )
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Seriously, I told you about my experience with "C" at my fave club. I just check if her car is there, and then decide if I wish to go in or not.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Clubber - Welcome home. I know that is right. :)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Clubber lol stop it ! : )
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I just hope a bunch of dancers don't ever surprise me and get together and want to do a foursome or 5some, that would be too much. I figure they all have boyfriends or other regulars and are just pulling my leg if they ever say they have no boyfriend. I was wondering last night if it wasn't a very good idea telling a couple of dancers where I've been but they kept asking. If they tried to surprise me, they would get surprised if I showed up at the club they typically work at.

    I like to limit the number of favorites working at any one club because I can't afford too many dances unless they drop their prices more than they are supposed to. I once had a dancer doing lap dances at $5 per dance, I could do that all night and did for over 30 minutes apparently because the following weekend she said she had to limit her time in the back with me.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    First, you could be honest with her. "I really like you, Bambi, and the Easter Bunny. I'd like to spend time with all of you while I'm here so I'm spending $60 on each of you. No more, no less". I don't know any dancer that's going to be pissed if you're straight like that. I know we're not always straight with you but you could be the grown up and break the chain.

  • Clackport
    13 years ago
    If you're worrying about upsetting a dancer, you're in the strip club for the wrong reason. It's your money, you can do anything you want with it. If anything it will make the dances that much better if she's jealous.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Clubber speaks da truth. When the dancers take note of that 2 foot long snake in my pants, they do run away screaming. :)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "it's almost always a bad bet to be exclusive with a fav"

    I completely & TOTALLY disagree! For me an ATF provides a pretty much guaranteed "experience" in the VIP. NO gambling of time & $$$ on the UNKNOWN.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    A dancer that sees that she has comp with work that much harder for your paper ! Just like civis be an ass and a jerk and they will be all over you : )
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