Wives don't count. Stripper or escort. You guys might not want to answer. I spent 25,000 on the girl in my avatar, 2005 to 2007. She was the only one I saw, and despite her gifts and free dinners and lunches, I did'nt do a very good job of controlling myself or my money.
I'm with rickdugan. I'd rather not think about it. Plus, how do you keep track if she's not the only one (you had it easy with only one). On a side note, I do have a pretty good idea how much I've spent total this year, which is why I'm cutting back. It's pretty depressing to think what else I could have spent that money on.
i'm not troubled by it because it hasn't been that much. i just started p4p this year and i've been lucky in that i've found some fairly hot girls that have been willing to play for alot less than what i've seen quoted by most of you guys here. so no guilt feelings here ;-)
On one girl? About 7 grand. So far. So not in your league on that score.
On the hobby? Not as much as my next door neighbor, who buys a new boat about every 5 years. Or the guy I went to school with, who now buys, breeds and races Thoroughbreds.
ATF got pretty much a thousand a week at one time. I could afford it, but these days I can think of different things to have done with that money. When it comes to strippers, being a provider is NOT what you want to do.
1k a month at least when I like one. It's better than collecting stamps. And I don't ever go on vacation any more. Got to have something you enjoy and work drug test.
I walked into my first club in 1982. If I had to guess my total spending has been at least $25k x 10
Not spent on just one person but the bulk went to a small handful of ATFs. Thanks Steve more making me feel better. When I break it down by dances per week, it's not bad. Hell, 30 years from now people will start calculating how much they have spent on double latte expresso capuchinos and they would come up with a comparable figure.
Hell the most I spent is around 1800. Come to think about it if I never liked strip clubs or rarely go like 3 times a year I would of saved up at least 5 grand for a down payment on a new car.
8% of my income this year has gone to clubbing. I was shocked when I added it up, but hey, I also got a 15% raise, so oh well. The most on one girl? IDK I doubt it ever got close to a grand. ...wait a min... $600 - $700 over five months and a dozen visits.
In my peak years I spent a lot at strip clubs, but I spread it around pretty well. I guess I might have had a couple of ATF's who got $1k/mo for a few months.
@ motorhead - That brings up an interesting point. I was sitting with a dancer and noticed the 3 hottest dancers in the club all sitting and fawning over one guy. My dancer said, "He's a high roller. Comes in every 2-3 months and drops a grand." I told her that someone that comes in every week and spends $150 was actually a better customer. She looked at me like I was crazy, lol.
Most in one visit $500......most total on one atf in a year $12,000.......all time total for one atf $60,000 over 5 years now......this hobby is what makes my life so happy and full of ambition so no regreats at all.....its what I live 4
I track my weekly spending on clubs (cover, parking, drinks, food) and on dancers (ITC and OTC), and it totals more than my entire income when I was 30. Sometimes I think I've become a fool in my old age, but most of the time I'm just happy I can afford to indulge myself. Why was I so responsible and decent when I was young? I don't track my spending by dancer and I don't really want to. If I figured out how much I've spent on my ATF this year, I would probably feel I had been screwed more than she has.
So I looked at the profile pic, and you know you've spent too much time in clubs when you spot a snatch and wonder if you've seen it before on stage. $25K is a lot to spend on one piece of pie unless you're Eliot Spitzer.
I had a friend who fell in love with a stripper at a dive club along I-90. Actually he was jealous of me coz my wife is a smokin hot stripper, so he wanted to copy me. Big mistake. This guys a house painter but had gotten about $60k in inheritance from his mom. Over the course of two years he spent ALL of it on her. He'd buy dance after dance and she never even kissed him. Then he started stalking her, going to her window late at nite to spy who she was fucking, checking which car was in her driveway, etc.. She'd call him rarely but inevitably give him some sob story and he'd give her a grand, or five. One nite we went to the club together and I boughta lap dance from her. She let me suck her tits and he was furious. He'd never even tried to in two years. Not even a kiss! Finally, he just had to try one last time and went to her bank and deposited ten grand for her, thinking he could persuade her to love him. With that she moved down to Denver and last I heard dances at the Bus Stop in Boulder. Way to go Heidi! Mike, you're such a sucker!
last commenti just started p4p this year and i've been lucky in that i've found some fairly hot girls that have been willing to play for alot less than what i've seen quoted by most of you guys here.
so no guilt feelings here ;-)
On the hobby? Not as much as my next door neighbor, who buys a new boat about every 5 years. Or the guy I went to school with, who now buys, breeds and races Thoroughbreds.
most i've ever spent on one was about 180
and that was just for a few lap dances (on a few visits)
shit dude... I don't make 1k per week
Not spent on just one person but the bulk went to a small handful of ATFs. Thanks Steve more making me feel better. When I break it down by dances per week, it's not bad. Hell, 30 years from now people will start calculating how much they have spent on double latte expresso capuchinos and they would come up with a comparable figure.