Like you I love going to clubs to watch attractive young ladies dance, have a few drinks and purchase some action but I'm not a particularly "big" spender (i.e. < $1k per visit). I typically drop a couple hundred and get treated pretty well by the girls but I am curious to know what the consensus is for what kind of dough some of you are putting out in your forays to the land of the flesh and what you expect for that cash outlay.
This subject comes up periodically, but just for shits and giggles, I'll post again.
It depends on what I'm going for. If just to look, maybe $150-200. If I'm "hunting" for OTC contacts, probably double that. Most of my "club" money isn't actually spent int he clubs, but in hotel rooms. :)
$60 - $100 for exploration fun and games. $300 for BBBJ / CFS in VIP. Have spent $100-$200 for HJ foreplay then CFS in either CR or VIP. Exploration can run up money as many will play games about meeting otc when its just a hustle.
Skittish about spending over $100 bc I can get pussy from fav otc for that.
Rarely, I drop up to $500-600 in a (long) night. My experience has been that the clubs where the action is are usually LESS expensive than the "Ritz" style clubs. I have enjoyed itc fs action, and some of my best nights out, spending $300 or less! Most nights in a SC I spend less than $200 and still have a good time, just no fs.
Now if I lived in Detroit, Houston or Miami I would be spending (and getting) much more! In those towns, there is just TOO much action NOT to buy in, often!!!!!!
depends on the club, nad how much the LD are. i have gone in to some with $40 for exploration and have great things happen. others where i know that in VIP extras happen i take up to $120. average for me would be $80-100 a nite but i am not a huge spender, i like to spread the money around to mutiple strippers and not spend it all on one stripper. i would put 20-30 on stage tips, 30-40 on LD and if xtras present itself i have 50 for a BBBJ or CIP
second thing we all see the reviews on here and can pick out the clubs that are cheap and most of those clubs depending on the part of town and reviews you can tell that xtras occur and can plan for the visit and your stash accordingly, most of the time i know what is going to occur and what to expect before i walk in the door. the only thing i dont know is who does what in the club before i go but once inside you can read the strippers and know who is willing to do what for the amount in your wallet. a tip keep a spare 20-30 in the ride just in case you get an offer you cant refuse and for a great deal
Depends on the club and what I'm looking for... while I don't have any OTC experience yet, I find that at some places with minimal cash (<$100), a good amount of fun can be had. It's all about doing your homework if you are looking to be frugal...
Usually I spend about $100-$150 for a 2-3 hour visit. The clubs I frequent offer lap dances for $10-$20 so you can have a good time for not a lot of money.
In my younger days I went to watch & get lap dances. NOW I want BBBJCIM or Fucking. But I prefer the BBBJ! My money output is not outside the totals mentioned here. Just depends.
My regular playground is Detroit. I budget $200-250 per visit that includes parking, drinks, and tips. I've had the full range of services ITC for that amount. Sometimes I even leave with a few $$ in my pocket. Spending varies with my mood, dancer, and whats offered. As always, YMMV.
If I am just looking and having fun, I will drop about $200 or so for a long night. I have spent as much as $500 or so for FS. (This includes club fees, drinks, and tip for the dancer).
IMO, $1000 is too much unless you are in the top tier clubs. For half that you should be able to get the same quality girl in a mid level club.
Costs depend on the club, the girl, and the economy of your area. You can spend $1K on a 10 or spend $300 to $500 on a 7 and get the same FS but the 7 will often be better.
I go to clubs in the Carolinas and I usually take $200 for everything. On a particularly good day, I have had to go to the car for more $, but typically I come home with at least some of the $200.
Shadowcat, Good question..not sure I went to get more $$ but there were mass quantities of beer involved on my part so who knows? I did come home with (a little) cash though lol.
I guess I might be on the upper end of the spectrum here; but I only spend what I can afford on a particular evening. If I spend less than $500 on any given visit, then I probably didn't have a very good time. But I probably don't frequent the clubs as often as many others on this board, so maybe we should be talking about some sort of average over a particular time period. If I spend $500 once or twice a month, then I'm saving money compared to someone else who spends $200 per visit but goes a couple of times a week, no? (8 visits a month x $200 = $1600)
Guess what I'm saying is that frequency of visit needs to be factored in before the total dollar amount per visit is judged.
I tend to visit clubs in chunks, like 2 or 3 visits over a weekend usually once a month or so. I've been known to go to a club and spend no more than one drink for myself but I'm probably more picky than most and I never go to the VIP rooms. I never go in with less than $200 expecting to leave with at least a few 20's left over so maybe 100-120 per visit.
Depends on the club and the reason I am going. If it's a club with feature acts like Columbus Gold it's usually under $80, which includes $20 cover, $20 in drinks and tips to the waitress and dancer, and possibly $40 or so for a lap dance and photos with the feature. If its Kahoots then $150 to cover tip, drink and up to 3 dances from one dancer
Otherwise if it's one of the good lap dance clubs I'll bring around $350 for a few dances. Usually there is only one or two of my favorites working so I end up spending under $200. The extra $150 is if more of my favorites are there, or one specific dancer is working.
I am not much of a lapdance person but I am very much about the OTC, so my club nights generally tend toward one extreme or the other.
If there is no OTC on a given night in Queens, I am generally out for somewhere around $150-180, which includes lots of drinks and some tipping. However, Queens is expensive and in my travels to other parts of the country I can often make it out of a club for $120 or so due to cheaper booze prices and no tip walks.
If there is OTC then the tab goes up to about $500, which includes my club visit and after club festivities.
interesting you mention columbus gold. I can not go to that place and have a good time unless they have their free food (friday/saturday dayshift) or if I am willing to do their gold room (3 songs for $100 before 10pm or 3 for $150 after 10pm). I either spend $5-10 there or $100-200+.
I come in on the high end, I guess. I like to have fun and enjoy a party atmosphere. I buy a lot of drinks (for me and any dancer[s] at my table). Plus I spend a lot of time getting dances (don't pay per dance, though).
I also spend a LOT of time when I make it to the club. I come a long way and not that often, so I more than make up for it.
First, there are not too many guys spending $200+ on simple lapdances any more. Also, when they do the house often gets a cut.
Second, OTC is in addition to, and not in lieu of, money earned in a club. Often the OTC is a nice boost to the nightly take, and she does not have to share it with anyone else.
Third, there aren't too many places where good OTC can be had for $150-200, and in the places where it can be done at those prices the guys are not genrally spending big money ITC. $300 is the going rate in most places outside of parts of the south.
However, you are right in thinking that some girls won't agree to OTC if they think they can milk you in the club. That is why I try to spend enough to peak her interest, but not enough to make her fat and happy in the club.
Around here, ITC can be *more* expensive than OTC, because of the house share of the VIP. At about $150 per half hour for the VIP in clubs where such things are on the menu, of which the girl gets roughly half, most of them want at least an additional 50-75 for anything at all, and more if FS is part of the deal. On the other hand, I can count the number of times I've paid over $200 for OTC on the fingers of one foot. Even with the $50 for the room, I'm still getting more time, at least a couple of hours, formmy money than in the club.
$100-$200 for JUST lapdances, w/o any happy endings or extras is overspending, epecially if you spread it around.
Where I go most often, I can be very "happy" with spending $80-$100. At places with extras, $80, $100, $150, depenging on venue.
And what possible motivation would a girl have to meet you outside the club if you're paying her up to $200 inside the club? Well, you simply stop paying her that and tell her you prefer something else. If she wants to make money, she'll let you know.
last commentIt depends on what I'm going for. If just to look, maybe $150-200. If I'm "hunting" for OTC contacts, probably double that. Most of my "club" money isn't actually spent int he clubs, but in hotel rooms. :)
Skittish about spending over $100 bc I can get pussy from fav otc for that.
Now if I lived in Detroit, Houston or Miami I would be spending (and getting) much more! In those towns, there is just TOO much action NOT to buy in, often!!!!!!
average for me would be $80-100 a nite
but i am not a huge spender, i like to spread the money around to mutiple strippers and not spend it all on one stripper. i would put 20-30 on stage tips, 30-40 on LD and if xtras present itself i have 50 for a BBBJ or CIP
IMO, $1000 is too much unless you are in the top tier clubs. For half that you should be able to get the same quality girl in a mid level club.
Costs depend on the club, the girl, and the economy of your area. You can spend $1K on a 10 or spend $300 to $500 on a 7 and get the same FS but the 7 will often be better.
Good question..not sure I went to get more $$ but there were mass quantities of beer involved on my part so who knows? I did come home with (a little) cash though lol.
Guess what I'm saying is that frequency of visit needs to be factored in before the total dollar amount per visit is judged.
Normally more like $60-140.
You know, I always wondered what it would be like to spend 1k and feel like a 'high roller.'
Otherwise if it's one of the good lap dance clubs I'll bring around $350 for a few dances. Usually there is only one or two of my favorites working so I end up spending under $200. The extra $150 is if more of my favorites are there, or one specific dancer is working.
If there is no OTC on a given night in Queens, I am generally out for somewhere around $150-180, which includes lots of drinks and some tipping. However, Queens is expensive and in my travels to other parts of the country I can often make it out of a club for $120 or so due to cheaper booze prices and no tip walks.
If there is OTC then the tab goes up to about $500, which includes my club visit and after club festivities.
I also spend a LOT of time when I make it to the club. I come a long way and not that often, so I more than make up for it.
First, there are not too many guys spending $200+ on simple lapdances any more. Also, when they do the house often gets a cut.
Second, OTC is in addition to, and not in lieu of, money earned in a club. Often the OTC is a nice boost to the nightly take, and she does not have to share it with anyone else.
Third, there aren't too many places where good OTC can be had for $150-200, and in the places where it can be done at those prices the guys are not genrally spending big money ITC. $300 is the going rate in most places outside of parts of the south.
However, you are right in thinking that some girls won't agree to OTC if they think they can milk you in the club. That is why I try to spend enough to peak her interest, but not enough to make her fat and happy in the club.
Where I go most often, I can be very "happy" with spending $80-$100. At places with extras, $80, $100, $150, depenging on venue.
And what possible motivation would a girl have to meet you outside the club if you're paying her up to $200 inside the club? Well, you simply stop paying her that and tell her you prefer something else. If she wants to make money, she'll let you know.