avatar for Mandalore84


joined Jul 2009last seen Nov 2009
I love strip clubs

Comments made by Mandalore84

discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for steve229
Strip Club Phobias
Heres a phobia...I'm always afraid that the dancer I find the hottest and spend all night trying to get to come over is also actually the one that gives the world's worst friction dances. This has happened to me all too often...
discussion comment
15 years ago
avatar for Drippy
Strippers real names
I think the concept of a stage name is quite fun. I agree that it does take away the illusion if you find out their true names. That being said the only time I've ever tried to get a real name it was only because there was chemistry of some sort there. Both times I succeeded I ended up becoming friends outside of the club. So I guess what I'm saying is I prefer the stage name, and only choose to sacrifice the illusion if I am in fact going to get to know the person behind the illusion.