Not every dancer is a damsel in distress

Some of us really, truly, enjoy the job. It’s not often, but every so often I’ll come across a guest who seems insistent on emphasizing that “I shouldn’t be here” or, who says something along the lines of “Oh, you’re just trying to get money out of me”. Neither of those statements are wholly true, and one is more false than the other.
I am the kind of girl that should be there. Right now, there’s not much more I would choose to be doing. My time is flexible and I love to make boys blush.
That last reason counts for why the latter guest claim is false, too. I absolutely am trying to get money out of you. That said, that’s not ALL I’m trying to do.
Sometimes I wish that kind of customer would understand that women have inner sensual lives, too. That we may get something out of dancing for you; maybe just as much “something” is received by us. Maybe even more.
Also, dancing is a constant learning experience, believes it or not. I’ve made valuable connections with people who can mentor me in paths I’d never otherwise have access to.
I plan to dance for as long as my joints can stand it and my looks hold up. We all know that is not forever, but for me, it’s my chosen “now”.
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last commentNice hearing your point of view!
And I love it when a girl really is into it!
Great post!
You go girl.
Very Good insight.
Thank you for your POV.
I'm surprised this got approved but yeah the damsel in distress thing is patronizing.