Detroit Strip Club Scene

avatar for Mjriddle
Detroit proper sucks, very little privacy,. Curtains are now down at all clubs and zero extras, but the suburbs are still quite good. You are not going to find much of a mix of nationalities. Detroit clubs are mostly some combination of white, African American and Middle Eastern, with maybe one or two Asians, and very few eastern Europeans and rarely any Latinas.

Most of the clubs will charge a fee for the lap dance area, and it's a standard $10 at all clubs, although some clubs will require it each time, others only the first time.

Currently the four upper tier clubs I have visited are all around $25 a song, except Criket which is $20. These four are:

• ⁠BT's in Dearborn
• ⁠Flight Club in Inkster
• ⁠Landing Strip in Romulus
• ⁠Silver Criket in Dearborn

Flight Club in Inkster has the most and hottest dancers, but is the most expensive of the four. Night shift before you even get a dance you are going to be out about $50 or more on mandatory valet, cover charge and first drink. Daytime is cheaper, usually no cover charge, but still valet and drink. This made worse where they they charge you valet fee if you don't drive yourself there. A good time here is going to cost you at least $300, and quite a few won't budge from $500. I have gotten a few for $200 or $250, but not since the pandemic.

The next two below that are Landing Strip and BT's

BT's in Dearborn has some very hot dancers, and prices are reasonable for the the place. You can avoid the valet charge if you Uber. Cover daytime was $10 the last time I visited. A good time is around $200 to $300. Not as good as it was back before the pandemic, where you could get $150. BT's has always had a lot of hustlers, but lately there have been a lot of rip off artists. One dancer tried to up charge me $400 after we were done, even though we agreed on $200. Another dancer tried to sneak into my wallet during the dance. You can still have a decent time there, but have to be on your guard.

Landing Strip in Romulus is currently my go to club of the four. It is almost on par with Flight Club in dancer quality, but with less dancers. Like FC it has a mandatory valet, but cover and drink has been less when I went, $25 for valet, cover and drink the last time I was there. No cover daytime if I recall. A good time costs about the same as at BT's, except there are a few who think they are at Flight Club. If you have trouble going up and down steps this isn't the club for you. You have to go up steps to enter the club, and then down steps to the lap dance are. Flight Club also has steps, but are a bit easier to go up and down.

Silver Criket used to be my go to club before 2019. No valet and a fence enclosed parking lot, and $10 cover. Lower quality dancers than the three previous club, with quite a few older and overweight dancers, but still some good ones, but lately I have left because few of the dancers appealed to me and those who did were not available. Night shift dancers lean more towards African American by around a 7/3 ratio. The clientele is younger and often a bit rougher. Day shift leans more towards white and Middle Eastern and the clientele is mostly older.

Below these four are Bogart's Lounge and Henry the VIII.

Both clubs are basically interchangeable. Cover is cheap at $5, drinks are reasonable, no valet, with OK parking lots. Warning, unlike the other clubs which good ventilation, these two clubs don't and smell cigarettes to the point where I often almost choke. Even if there is no one smoking, the smoke smell is so prevalent that even after 10 minutes in the club you will reek of cigarettes once you leave.

Dances are $20 a dance, and a one time fee of $10 for the "VIP" room. Dancer quality is low, older heavier but also a lot sluttier, with maybe one or two gems working. Some of my best dances over the years have been at these two clubs, so I typically visit, but often leave after 20 minutes due to no dancers appealing to me. But if you find one you like you can have a fun time for as low as $80 but typically around $100 to $150.

As far as OTC with the gals. I have rarely gotten OTC offers, in the Detroit area, probably because of how good the extras are. The few times it's been brought up it's been about $300 to $500, and mostly from Silver Criket and Landing Strip dancers.


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avatar for stainglass
10 months ago
Whoa man! I am sad to hear all this hoopla.

I've heard that Canada is awesome. and so is ATL or FL. Sad that y'all have to stick to clubs who charge for VALET - my blood boils just hearing that...

For 500$, a roundtrip from DTW to ATL or MIA flight in spirit / Frontier would be less than a 150$, hit the clubs and go back home for the night! - way better girls, way better extras.
avatar for Electronman
10 months ago
I appreciate articles that provide comparisons across different clubs (or even comparisons across different cities). It can be helpful in making a selection when options are available.

I agree with most of the above analysis. You might also mention two more clubs in the Detroit suburbs that can be pretty good: Dream Girls (Lincoln Park) and Subi's in South Gate. Dream Girls has a great facility but inconsistent talent. Subi's has a neighborhood bar feel and the talent can be variable but is often pretty good, on par with Criket (yes, that is the correct spelling).
avatar for solemnfarrow
10 months ago
How is centerfold off of 8 Mile? I work near there and have been thinking of stopping by
avatar for PoundKing
10 months ago
I’ve been to Florida many times. If you like Latinas Florida is way better. If you don’t like Latinas Detroit is way better
avatar for 3131
10 months ago
I have never paid the valet when Uber or lyfttakes me to any of these clubs.

Lately BT FC and LS have been up and down. I will agree FC has the most consistency. It's a good thing it's a short uber from BT or LS to FC.

FC actually does have a VIP area on the main level. It's somewhat obscured behind the door girl's desk,by the edge of the bar. I think they save it for those of us that are mobility challenged. I don't get up and down stairs nearly as fast as I used to so it was a nice option.

avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
10 months ago
I just got back from Detroit and I don’t know where you getting those numbers from. I always get what I want for 150 or less anymore and your a chump buddy
avatar for DrStab
10 months ago
@solemfarrow… Centerfolds is a Detroit bar - no hard extras, but you can get a good grind upstairs. No frills bar, plays rock music, not too expensive. Sometimes quite fun with right expectations.
avatar for Pussylicker2
10 months ago
I've never been to Flight Club or Landing Strip because both clubs require you to give them your keys. I carry, and I can't bring my piece in the club, and I'm not going to leave it in my car. Valets steal things from your car as well. But my biggest problem with LS and FC is if a dancer says you owe her money you won't get your keys back. Besides mandatory valet and cover charge there's also mandatory coat check and booth fee. Bogarts and Henry's do smell like cigarettes, but all it costs is $5 cover, which is waived for veterans.
avatar for PoundKing
10 months ago
I go to Flight Club and Landing Strip to avoid cuntfaces like pussy licker
avatar for PepsiMan
10 months ago
Going to Canada is a hassle. Need your passport and getting thru customs after drinking is asking for trouble. Better off staying overnight or have a designated driver. Western Wayne County has the top shelf (FC) to the truely dives (Boogies or Hanks) and many more in between. Extras available and a little negotiating prices can be reasonable.
avatar for Jascoi
10 months ago
with higher prices that some of the girls are asking in Tijuana, I'm definitely going to have to make a trip sometime to Detroit area.
avatar for Jascoi
10 months ago
so I'm going to guess that late spring and fall are probably nice times to go to Detroit. and probably too hot and humid in the summer.
avatar for Pussylicker2
10 months ago
I grew up near Detroit. We used to have the Empress burlesque and Stone burlesque, both on Woodward. Then we had "improve your dancing". You'd buy dance tickets and ask a girl to dance. They had an open area, a semi-private, and a private area. In the open area you could grope her tits, in semi-private you could get s handy. I never went to the private area. We had "top less shoe shine" on third street. I heard you could get a shoeshine and blowie. Fancy pants was interesting, the girls would walk around letting custies suck their tits for a dollar.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
10 months ago
Damn the good old days of Detroit's "dance improvement" program. I recall hitting there when I lived in Toronto in the late 80s (IIRC) and wondering WTF that was all about. I found out quick. Never been to Flight Club, have heard about it, have wanted to make a trip for a while now, glad to have this clarifying info -- seems there would be more ancillary expenses than would be PLEASANT. I hate the whole upsell (mandatory Valet parking; VIP-room entry fees; etc.), and although I would simply budget into my brain those expenses as rational expectations, irrationally I'm more annoyed by them than if they were rolled in to the cost less explicitly. Or if they weren't charged at all, of course, duh.
avatar for Pussylicker2
9 months ago
I liked the old Henry the 8th south. There weren't private booths, there was just an "orgy" room. It was a circle of chairs all facing each other. Some guys are just getting dances, others (like me) whip it out and get sucked off. I'd watch the other girls and when a song would end and a girl is about to leave I'd ask for a dance, just like the one she just gave the last guy. Some guys would flat out fuck in the room. It was great.
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