
Jealous Stripper? I find it quite funny!

Just a little background first: I'm kind of new to the strip club scene. I've been going about once a month on average for about a year and a half now. When I go to a strip club, I go to have a couple beers, relax, and interact with some cute half naked dancers...nothing more. By no means am I wealthy. My favorite night to go to the club is 2 for $20 night. I tip at the stage and buy private dances. If the dances are good, I usually spend $40 on 4 dances and tip $5. I've never spent more than $200 in a night.

With that being said, my last few visits have been kind of strange...and quite amusing. I pulled up to the club and one of the dancers (for simplicity I'll label her as my CF) was outside smoking. She ran up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said she'd visit me inside. I went in, ordered my beer and had a seat. I was instantly joined by a dancer who told me she was new and we chatted for a bit. I noticed my CF coming in from outside and she headed my way. She quickly noticed the other dancer sitting with me and she stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at us. She angrily turned around and headed to the back. A few minutes later the new dancer gets called to stage. My CF comes out of the back and literally runs over to me.

Next visit was a couple of weeks later. It was a stressful week for me so I decided to go out. I walk in and order a beer and didn't notice my CF. Before my beer is delivered, another new dancer joins me. We start chatting then I hear them call my CF to the stage. My CF gets on stage and walks down and starts dancing at the end I'm sitting at...and just stares at me the entire time. She basically does the crab walk type of move...where she sticks her crotch up in the air...for the entire first song. I'm still talking to this other dancer but I glance up every now and then and my CF is just staring....either at me or the other dancer....not sure which...but she was not happy.

CF finishes her 2 song set and I'm still talking with the other dancer (turns out she is originally from St. Pete, Florida....I LOVE St. Pete. I've vacationed there many times) My CF goes back and sits with an older guy...then I see them start walking my way...they were heading back to the private dance area. The other dancer is still sitting with me and we are chatting and laughing. My CF walks by and just stares daggers at us. If looks could kill, both myself and the other dancer would be dead. At first I thought she was just kidding around...so when my eyes met my CF eyes, I smile and chuckle. She doesn't smile or chuckle. She was seriously pissed. Or jealous. Or something.

Shortly after that, the new dancer got called up to stage. When my CF came back out of the private dance area, she looked my way...then went and sat with another guy. By this time, I had been there about 30 minutes...and the place was dead. I wanted to talk to my CF to see what was up with her...but she was sitting with another guy. So, I told myself I'd give her 10 minutes...if she didn't make her way to my table in 10 minutes, I was leaving. 10 minutes later, I got up and left.

My most recent visit (about a month after the above visit) I walk in and notice my CF hanging out with one of her (I assume) regulars. She went back to the back and gave him a few private dances. When she was finished in the back, she came over to me and had this absolute shit eating grin on her face and said, "What's up, fucker?" She hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. After she kissed me, she snapped, "Where the fuck did this glitter come from?" I said, "Oh....probably from her" and I point to the stage. I continue, "She gave me a quick table dance before you came over." My CF replied, "I'm gonna beat her ass in the back!" I thought she was joking so I laughed...but my CF didn't laugh. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

We shoot the shit and catch up on things then we head to the back and I get 4 dances from her. 2 for $20...plus I tipped her $5. So I spent $45. After the dances, she went outside to smoke...when she came back in she went on stage. Then another guy she knew walked in and she joined him. She never really "hangs out" with me at my table. When she first approaches we shoot the shit for a few minutes...then we go to the back for a few dances...then that's it. I have no idea why she is acting all possessive. Honestly, I think it's pretty damn funny!

Anyone else had similar experiences?


  • Bavarian
    8 years ago
    Maybe she likes you or she is just a nutcase.

    No sane dancer would fight over a $50 customer. A whale, maybe.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    she's just trying to make her territory itc.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Mjx01 is correct.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    Many dancers are very possessive about customers. Seven years ago I did many CR visits with a very young dancer which included Bbbjcim and FS. Then I met my ATF and stopped visiting her, but would still see her for a dance now & then. We stayed in touch and over the intervening 6 years we probably did 4 or 5 OTC visits, but would meet for coffee and road head every now & then. She knows my ATF has moved and when I saw her she says, you remember when she stole you from me?
    I didn't realize I'd been stolen.
  • rockie
    8 years ago
    I've grown immune to that bullshit in my thirteen years in strip clubs. No dancer has to make me a priority in their working night, and I don't feel the need to re-prioritize any part of my visit for any one of them.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    Just enjoy yourself. Its your money and you are the customer.

    If the dancer behavior persists - drop her from the dance rotation.
    We all like many women. That's why we go to strip clubs and spend our money.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Yea, it's way too much stripper drama when they start pulling that shit. It's not like they never give dances to other customers, but they want us to wait for them and only them.

    I have the potential to deal with this if I'm not cautious. I just dropped a girl I've been seeing for nearly four years. She doesn't know it yet either! But I've met another dancer at the same club and if I have to actually go into the club and they are both there I'll have to warn the new girl. It may be lots of fun to watch but I would hate to see anything physical happen between the two. The new girl is a spinner while the one I dropped is tall and strong in the sexiest way. It could be a beat down!
  • Eve
    8 years ago
    As a dancer, I can say that possessive co-workers are the worst. The girls may depend on them for dependable income if the first-timers or cheap spenders aren't reliable, but the customers are the ones holding the cash, and they have the right to decide who to spend it on. If a custy is only interested in talking to me, HE'LL let the other dancer know - not me. That's why I never complain when another girl shows interest in a custy that stops in the club that usually buys dances from me. And I especially don't want a girl looking at me like a possession when I come into a different club to see her, and then decide one day that I want to try out a different girl (sadly, this has happened to me one time, and I hope it doesn't happen again). For me, variety is the spice of life in all aspects.
    When the dancers start looking at us like we are their territory and we're obligated to hand the money to them and only them, it ruins the fun for everyone.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i spread the love....
    i think every dancer i've had see me with others. the clubs i frequent i have had vhm-uhm with a good percentage of the hot girls.
  • indymovieman
    8 years ago
    Thanks for all the feedback! Like I mentioned above, I'm not letting this "drama" ruin my time at the club. I'm actually quite amused at the way she's acting.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    ;) Happens all the time! I love it when I can instigate a little rivalry between dancers. Because it then becomes, "survival of the fittest." And that is only better for me! Better mileage. Better experience....
  • Forksbro
    8 years ago
    You need to tell her if she keeps it up you'll move on. She trying to guilt you into not messing up with "her money"
  • 3LeggedMan
    8 years ago
    I had 2 faves in one club a few years back that are real-life sisters. They both told me they're both fine about sharing my time with their sister, but they both gave me a hard time over buying VIP time with a common coworker. Eventually #3 changed clubs so problem vanished.
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