7 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onMore Than "Just Friends"?I understand u don’t want to cheat on your girl, but then you say “but if she ever seriously tried to jump my bones there's no way I'd…
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onMaking it Rain ResearchIt's sometimes done to get the guys competing as we have big egos. I once had a dancer give me money to make it rain on her and…
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onSeeing Her With Another Guy OTCReminds me of the time I had a dancer let me do all kinds of things to her except FS. She told me she was single. One day…
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onMy OTC Career, Part 2: A Veritable Shit Storm of ChaosWell I'll assume that the head must be amazing to go through all of this. But the one thing that is popping in my head; if you worry…
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onWhat do strippers do with the cash?Some have no interest checking accounts with debit cards. Use cash for most stuff and can change their small bills into larger ones in club.
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onJealous Stripper? I find it quite funny!You need to tell her if she keeps it up you'll move on. She trying to guilt you into not messing up with "her money"
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onThings Strippers Think I guess I'll never understand the dancers who huddle together, complain about not making money but yet won't do talk to guys to "get that money". Get a…
8 yrs ago •Forksbrocommented onShe's Pretty, You Like Her, but Why Won't You Buy Dances From Her?Like most have stated, try making more contact with them. A light rub on the back as you past by is a good thing. While you're there to…