A girl’s attractiveness and the high of an orgasm
That being said, I have had some real visceral and ethereal orgasms when I been with girls who are an 8 or a 9 in my book. I would rate some of them as even 10s. But it’s a subjective thing. I found this note in an article by JasonMckin (What makes a VIP memorable?) spot on -
“The point is that nobody has a CF/ATF or a memorable VIP with a dancer who isn’t at least an 8 in looks, however he defines it. Looks are an obvious reason why PLs even go to the club so it stands to reason that the most memorable VIPs are likely the ones with some of the most attractive dancers that you have ever seen.”
The climaxes that I had with the most attractive girls are still seared in my mind. In passing I also happened to read about how from an evolutionary standpoint, males in many species, including humans, have developed strategies to maximize their reproductive success. When mating with a perceived "high-quality" or attractive female, males may unconsciously allocate more and higher-quality sperm to increase the chances of fertilization. Also, some studies have shown that men produce more motile sperm and larger ejaculates when exposed to images or situations involving attractive women. This suggests a subconscious mechanism to increase their chances of fathering offspring with those they find desirable.
So that explains the visceral animal-like feeling I got when I finished with an attractive girl. The “high” after an orgasm was really somethin with some of the more beautiful women. That was in stark contrast to some other girls that I did fuck in HK….and who were relatively less attractive. (Don’t get me wrong…I have said it before that even the “less attractive” girls in HK based on my subjective rating would qualify as bonafide bombshells in US clubs.) . The experiences with the less attractive girls are fading away.
The Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman showed that we have a “Remembering Self” which focuses on the past: This self is responsible for storing, retrieving, and evaluating memories of past experiences. It involves conscious thought, reflection, and narrative construction of our experiences and it tends to remember and judge experiences based on their most intense moments (peak) and how they ended, rather than the overall sum of the experience. So when you have a great climax, clearly your Remembering Self takes note and you want to again go back to the same girl….or a similar experience (with another girl). Speaking of research, is it possible that some of the girls are deploying psychological tricks to give our “Remembering Selves” something worth remembering?
The Remembering Self is also more dominant in our future decision making. So no doubt the gentlemen who have some really amazon connections (like RonJax2 and Putatester) are so happy to connect with ATFs. In that way HK also spoils you…..I am never going back to US Strip Clubs and I also don’t ogle/fantasize about attractive women I may see in real life….I know I will fuck someone better when I am back in HK some day. Just the memories we generate from visiting HK (and all the other clubs) can give us pleasure for a long time….and also the satisfaction of having been with some of the most beautiful women on planet Earth…those heavenly Latinas.
The other point I would like to make here is that one should go for a girl that “hits the spot”. Sometimes that is a subconscious thing. I had this happen with a few girls….HK also resets your “reference point” as soon as you enter the club. So even if you are staring at a bombshell, your mind is searching for someone better. But believe me you will see multiple women who will instantaneously capture your imagination and then it’s off to the races. The high one gets from this experience is really something.
In closing, we are generating great memories by fucking some of the most attractive women in the Western hemisphere and we should make the most of this by mating with the most attractive girls that we can find….as the visceral physical and psychological effects of those experiences will stay with us for a long long time.
re: "we should make the most of this by mating with the most attractive girls that we can find"
Couldn't agree more. For me, it's not HK (although my one visit there was very good). Instead, it's the German FKKs (and probably Belgian and Swiss, if I ever get back there).
There's nothing better than lying by the FKK pool when a naked, oiled-up East German blonde strolls up and says, in the cutest accented voice, "Would you like to have sex with me?"
Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board
I think this is too vague and more about sex in general than a story about a dancer or about strippers/strip clubs themselves.
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