Several members private texted me about a comment I made on one of the discussions stating it would be nice if wrote an article about my experience.
I had just graduated from professional school and was working in the midwest. I was making decent money, drove a nice car and had a nice condo. I played in a weekly poker game and one of my friends from the game and I had a Monday afternoon "bromance" We used to meet at the pool hall and hustle pool for a few hours. He was much better than I was, but I was still more than capable of holding my own. After we had won sufficient funds, we would head to the strip club for a couple of hours for dances and drinks. We managed to cultivate a few relationships with some of the dancers in the mid to late 80's and always had a good time. This was LONG before extras were practically the norm. When we left the club we went straight to our poker game and playing until midnight or later sometimes.
During the rest of the week, my office was close to another popular club which had good food. I used to go there alone once a week for lunch and maybe a dance or two. Since I was at work, I never drank alcohol, but still managed to cultivate a few friendships with some of the dancers and one waitress in particular. This went on for about 6 or 7 years when a job opportunity out west opened up and I jumped at a chance to leave the snowy midwest.
There were a few popular clubs out here which I enjoyed going to after work. One day I was at one of the regular places I hung out at when a girl approached me. There was something very different about her. She seemed like a fish out of water, so to speak. She was tall with dark hair and seemed very nervous. She told me her name and that it was her first time as a dancer, and in fact this was her third day dancing. I told her to sit with me for a while. I gave her $100 just to chat. I knew there was something different about her, and after being a regular in other clubs in the midwest, I was a pretty good judge of character. She was shocked that I only wanted to talk but that was all I wanted to do. Needless to say this went on for months. I would go in there a few days a week. Give her the same $100 and we would chat. She would hold my hand, I would stroke her hair and we cultivated a friendship. One day I asked her to go on a real date and she agreed. I made it as safe as possible for her as I told her to drive herself and valet park her car. I would leave after she was long gone so she didn't feel like she was being followed. I found out a lot about her over the months. preceeding our date as well as on other dates after that. I found she was from a broken home, was raised most of her life in foster care. She was married to an abusive husband for a short period of time and wanted out when he was cheating on her. She had little choice other than to dance since she was in a strange city far from home.
After a nearly a year we moved in together to a house with a garage, swimming pool in a nice neighborhood and decided to marry. Everyone was against it from my side of the fence. Her family and friends figured she hit the jackpot. Little by little my family took a liking to her and she became one of the family. She continued to dance for 10 years after we married. We went on exotic trips, lived in the best neighborhood, drove fancy new cars every two years, ate at the finest restaurants and for the most part had a great life but there was still something missing. We eventually had a child together and our life was complete. We were together for two years before we were married and we were married for 14 years. I gave her everything she wanted. I gave her what she didn't deserve and put my family and her above everything.
We had our share of problems, but nothing insurmountable. She eventually quit dancing when she got a really good paying job in a field that acted as support services for what I do for a living. We still did very well, but the economy tanked and I wasn't making what I had been so times got a little tougher and money was definitely tighter. We weren't going to Beverly Hills anymore on Rodeo Drive shopping sprees, but we were still happy UNTIL she met someone at the gym. Younger than me (I am slightly older than she is), better built, and better equipped (if you know what I mean) Ultimately that led to the demise of our marriage and just like Felix Ungar in the Odd Couple, I was asked to leave my home for the luxurious surroundings of a weekly crack hotel. All my family said to me was "we told you not to marry her" Thanks! Here I was on the balls of my ass with a bottle of booze and a gun to my head every night trying to figure out a reason not to pull the trigger night after night. It's true what they say about the days going by quickly but the nights drag on forever. I barely had a career left, drove a beater car that barely ran and was completely done with life all the while HE was in my house with my wife and my kid.
Once night I decided I would go online and see if I could chat with a girl on one of the dating sites. I found one girl who intrigued me, but was most likely a bigger waste than I was. She was left by her husband on the side of the road penniless and had to move with her parents at age 45. We cultivated a relationship. She was interested in my career and I threw away the gun and the booze and started again. Boy did I start thing led to another and I was on top of the world again. Better than I was before! We eventually eloped and got married. She joined my life and supported me in everything I did. I never spoke to my ex or my child again. I couldn't. I had such hatred for her I couldn't stomach the site of her. My child bore the brunt of it, and he would learn to hate and her new husband as much as I did because of how my FAMILY was taken from me.
4 years have passed and she texts me out of the clear blue chewing me out for not caring about her or our child. I agreed to meet her on my terms in a public place. She cried to me about how miserable she was and how she made the biggest mistake of her life. She wanted me to forgive her for being stupid and wanted me to come back to her. I told her "God forgives, I don't" I told her that all the while she was out with Mr. Bad Boy did she even think about me? Did she care if I was dead or alive? I told her I moved on and I was sorry she did what she did, but she has to answer to herself. I told her she could come to my office and I might be able to help her with a few support contracts but that is the extent of it. She said my son wanted to see me and I told her her new husband was more than free to adopt him. She destroyed a child's life and he could take over and be the "man". I was too busy now to have visitation days, nor is it how I envisioned my life. Call me cold hearted but nobody knows what I went through. I said I might be able to see him once in a while for an hour or two during the week which I have done maybe once a month. Our time together involves me picking him up from school and taking him shopping for something she can't afford and then dropping him off a few blocks from his house since I don't want to go anywhere near where she lives. She lost OUR home, sold everything I bought for the house or for her except OUR bed from what she told me. Her new guy doesn't work, and she supports him. He's been in and out of jail. I told her it wouldn't be too hard for me to take her child from her as well as ruin her career and put her back on the pole in her mid 40's. I told her if she tests me, I will. Hmmmm, isn't that the story of quite a few strippers? Funny how some things rarely change.
I see her about once a week now when she comes to my new fancy office. She sits across from me at my desk. My secretaries let her in and she sits where any visitor does. There are no pictures in my office of family. Only of yachts and sailboats since our dream was to buy a boat and sail the Caribbean. I am a few months away from buying that now, and in fact she was here today and the yacht broker called asking for my particulars. She was there when he called and you could see the color drain from her face. I told her I was planning to buy one in California and have it trailered here until I was ready to retire, and then wherever the sails take me, that is where I will call home. Yes I miss her and my life. I would have considered trying it again with her a few years ago, but I am stronger now and finally learned what it is like to "know yourself".
I rarely go to strip clubs anymore. Once in a while on a whim for an hour or so just to "remember" what it was like. I love reading the stories on these boards. I keep my comments to myself most of the time. It brings back memories of a life gone by. Not so much hanging out in the clubs, but as being one of the few to find true love with a dancer only to have it ripped apart by someone else. For that alone, the fire burns inside and keeps me warm at night.
You can't count on many women. I am getting divorced after 20 years and I am really looking forward to being single. All this stuff you read about how you need to be romantic and listen to your wife or gf is just bs to me. They will move on when it suits them and they can.
You, sir, are a cad! What did your child do to you to cause your alienation? Was there no love for your own blood? Are you not aware of the damage done to children rejected by a parent? Were you up to snuff on child support payments? Why let your rage towards your ex damage the child? You can whine all day about getting fucked over by your wife, but that doesn't excuse your treatment of your son.
With regards to my son....I hope none of you ever hear out of your child's mouth how much stronger "so and so" is than you, or how much better he is than you, Hear that a few times and see what fire burns in you. I have no excuses for my actions and hope none of you ever hear what I have from a child's mouth.
Your son must feel great resentment towards you, and for good reason. You caused it by confusing him with his mother. I suggest you put stupid shit like your new boat on the back burner and put your son on the front.
LotsofFun: I'm sure hearing how much better his new dad hurt like hell. But you are the adult. Your son was the child. Children are impressed with superficial shit. Adults are supposed to be bigger than that. Parents must model those characteristics we want our children to emulate - honesty, character, etc. Rockstar's suggestion is spot on. Look at your life: you've gone from a high level of success to the dregs of life and then rebounded. Is the fucking boat anything other than a symbol?
That was an incredible story. Your kid could turn out like Leonardo diCaprio in "catch me if you can" (his mother left his father when times got tough, messed him up)
Ahhh Marriage in America..... Where you can violate the terms of a legal contract and be financially rewarded!! Good job manning up and getting your life back together. I do have to disagree with you on the matter of your child. She (your wife) was a business partner, he is your son, your flesh and blood. Regardless of what happens legally, he will always be your son. He will never be able to shake the primal level of rejection that he has had to deal with. You need to do whats right, period. Perhaps you (and he) need some help sorting out some of your feelings. It might be helpful.
I tell my daughters to get married. I tell my sons, they are fools to get marreid. When they meet "Ms right", they need to define the terms of their marriage contract legally with the help of competant counsel. Both sides will be equally represented.
This should have read: "My Life Being a Whiny Little Bitch." You abandoned your child because your wife was a whore. You're a useless piece of shit. You should have pulled the trigger when you had the gun to your head, but you didn't even have the balls to do that.
I love my kids, and I could never abandon them no matter what their bitch of a mother does. However, this guy has been through a lot of shit that few if any of us can truly identify with. I've been hurt plenty by women before, but nothing like this. Therefore, while I am inclined to agree that you're unfairly blaming your son for your ex wife's failings, ultimately I don't think it's for any of us to judge. Thanks for sharing the story.
Youre punishing your own child for something your ex did? Thats a little cruel. I dont see how she destroyed the childs life. So she fell fo another guy. You moved on and are doing even better so what is the problem? Stripper or not people fall out of love. What dies that have to do with the love for your child? Its conditional for you? Its just sad.
Wow...YOU abandoned your family because you were butthurt about your wife cheating with a younger, fitter man, and somehow everyone else is to blame for you being a miserable person and terrible father. People have affairs all the time, you should never have abandoned your house, let alone your kid. Maybe he would have respected you more if you didn't act like such a whiny, petty, spiteful little bitch.
Despite all comments; this was an excellent story. Good enough to be a fucking movie, starring some big shit star! You've obviously got a talent for telling stories! The movie would even have an ironic happy ending like you've portrayed! Good luck, and if it's worth anything, I totally agree how you basically alienated the kid, your son.
It is not just strippers. With lots of women, they act like marriage is the thing they most want in this world. But when they are actually in it, they do whatever it takes to ruin it.
A stable responsible guy, who makes good money and spends it carefully? They will undermine him, treat him like shit, and then either dump him, cheat on him, or start squandering or day trading the money themselves.
A guy with a nice professional career which he worked hard to build? They will wage a war of emotional terrorism to make the home environment unlivable. They will do whatever it takes to turn that guy's career into a job, because then they can crack the whip. They will incinerate your equal citizenship, and turn you into a serf.
Of course what they most want is to be able to provoke you, to bring you down to their level, so that they can claim moral superiority, and so that you will take a criminal conviction, financial ruin, and so you will end up in the gutter.
Thank you for sharing your story of honesty, pain, suffering, and of honorable conduct and rebirth. It is inspiring, to all of us who have lived and are living along that trajectory.
last commentReally feel sorry for the total collapse of your family. Nothing can be compared seeing them go, the pain must be so great and maddening.
I just wish you find a way to totally recover from it.
Lesson learned.
Rockstar's suggestion is spot on. Look at your life: you've gone from a high level of success to the dregs of life and then rebounded. Is the fucking boat anything other than a symbol?
This kid that I see everytime when me and my CF go out, we take the kid out, me being the proxy dad.
I guess someone will take the spot and play the role.
You should see how this single mom get some form of help from a proxy dad.
Anyway, the kid will be alright as long as she keeps her head up straight.
I tell my daughters to get married. I tell my sons, they are fools to get marreid. When they meet "Ms right", they need to define the terms of their marriage contract legally with the help of competant counsel. Both sides will be equally represented.
The movie would even have an ironic happy ending like you've portrayed!
Good luck, and if it's worth anything, I totally agree how you basically alienated the kid, your son.
It is not just strippers. With lots of women, they act like marriage is the thing they most want in this world. But when they are actually in it, they do whatever it takes to ruin it.
A stable responsible guy, who makes good money and spends it carefully? They will undermine him, treat him like shit, and then either dump him, cheat on him, or start squandering or day trading the money themselves.
A guy with a nice professional career which he worked hard to build? They will wage a war of emotional terrorism to make the home environment unlivable. They will do whatever it takes to turn that guy's career into a job, because then they can crack the whip. They will incinerate your equal citizenship, and turn you into a serf.
Of course what they most want is to be able to provoke you, to bring you down to their level, so that they can claim moral superiority, and so that you will take a criminal conviction, financial ruin, and so you will end up in the gutter.
Thank you for sharing your story of honesty, pain, suffering, and of honorable conduct and rebirth. It is inspiring, to all of us who have lived and are living along that trajectory.
I still take care of my child!