Strippers. "Is she into me, or just playing me?"

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A catch-all account

I've seen this topic come up in some form many times in my relatively short time here, and all I can say is, probably the latter, though who really knows besides the woman involved?

But let me tell you about a friend of mine who's been seeing strippers for a lot of years.

It started like any of his other flings, with a couple of drinks or dances at the club, an encounter or two in the VIP, and a proposition for more time, and money, somewhere else. Like so many others, she was reluctant, and said "no" and "I don't do that" at first, only to "give in" and agree after he appeared to start losing interest.

At the time she finally agreed to an OTC session, he was regularly seeing another dancer a couple times a month, and irregularly seeing three or four more, along with a couple of quickies a month at various clubs. At least three or four times per month, he was getting his freak on somewhere.

But unlike most of the others, this new girl was enthusiastic; she convincingly appeared to enjoy it as much as he did. As usually happens in this type of "relationship", his other paramours eventually dropped out of his acquaintance, whether by his choice or hers. After all, nothing last forever, right?

But a curious thing happened. As the others disappeared, rather than soliciting replacements from clubs, this new girl picked up the slack, until he was meeting her just about every week. Before long, she was the only one he was seeing outside the club, and even his club visits didn't often include VIP trips; the most he was getting there was an occasional blow job. And he was still enjoying it, with none of the boredom that was the reason most of the others had been left behind. He'd even stayed at her home, after dropping her off post session, a couple of times to eat lunch and chat.

And then one day something happened. Something surprising, and shocking to him. She expressed, rather publicly and loudly, a level of affection for him that he hadn't previously noticed. As occupied as he'd been with the sex, which he claims was some of the best he'd ever had, he'd not consciously noticed a bunch of little indicators that, in retrospect, were glaringly obvious. How she'd stay longer, and not be in such a rush to leave when they were done. How the money wasn't the first thing on her mind when the deed was done. How she'd cuddle for a few minutes before and after. How she'd surprise him with little experiments in sex. How she changed her makeup and hair based on comments he made. How she would always answer his calls and texts within a few minutes, if only to say she couldn't talk and that she'd call back later. And how she'd always follow up on those.

He was conflicted. On the one hand, he was worried that she was playing a really long game on him. They'd both maintained for quite some time that this was a business relationship, and they both liked it that way. He didn't want a girlfriend, and she didn't want a boyfriend. On the other hand, if she was acting, she was very convincing. And the sex was still really good.

So he did what any red-blooded American male would do in that situation. He left a good thing alone, and did nothing. He kept seeing her, didn't stop paying her, didn't try to push any boundaries, just enjoyed the intimacy, and thanked his lucky stars.


Then another thing happened. After a few months, she started "seeing" a guy that lived near her. No sex, but hanging out in the apartment common area and eating at each other's house. It gradually became more serious, they started having sex, and in little less than a year, they'd moved in together. My friend was still seeing her, and paying her, even if not as often. And that "not as often" was starting to make him realize that this girl was different.

He realized that he missed her. Not just the sex, but her. Not just the slippery friction of membranes, but the laughter. Not just the hot, tender, young body next to his, but the intimacy of a woman he really liked.

And then came that fateful day you can all see coming from a mile away. It was just like any other recent session, cheap hotel room, a little food, some conversation, some playing around, some sex, some more playing, some more sex, and finally, relaxing in each other's arms. That's when she sprung on him that her boyfriend has asked her to marry him, and that she was considering saying yes.

Outwardly, he was congratulating her. Inwardly, he wasn't processing very well at all. He heard himself asking her what it meant for them. She told him that for now, it was the same, but she'd have to be even more careful about keeping him from finding out.

But it wasn't more than a few weeks later that it wasn't at all the same any more. She came into the room and told him that this time would be the last. She'd said yes, and they were moving out west to be closer to her parents. He said he cried at the news, and she did too. Their lovemaking (and that's what he called it this time, not "sex", not "fucking") was tender and passionate, and lasted most of the night. When she left very late that night, much later than usual, he broke down. He said he stayed the rest of the night in the hotel because he didn't want his family to see him that way. He couldn't have explained it.

And that was the end of it. They apparently still talk once or twice a month. He said he bought her a wedding gift, and Christmas gifts for her and her kids. He doesn't let her talk about coming back for a visit, like she claims to want to do, because he doesn't want to hope.

As he was telling me this, about three months after it happened, tears came to his eyes even then, and it was obvious that he'd fallen hard for her, and that it wasn't just another fuck toy disappearing. He was truly hurting still. We only spent about a half hour in the club, and then he left, without even talking to any of the girls there. When I asked, they told me he'd come in a couple of times, and just sat at the bar, not even getting drinks, much less lap dances or VIPs.

It's been probably six months now since she left, and I've seen him in that club, and a couple of others, now and again. He seems to be pulling out of it, but there's a new girl that just started at "her" club that looks more than a little like his girl. I was there one day when he came in, saw her on stage and froze. Then he just turned and walked out. He hasn't been back there since, according to the girls, but I've seen him at other clubs.

It's really kind of pathetic to watch, but I wish him the best.

So what's the lesson here? Well, maybe there isn't one. Or maybe it's that one shouldn't be so cynical about motivations, and value what one has instead of taking it for granted, or assuming it's a con of some kind.

Or maybe it's just that no matter which one it is, love or con, it's gonna hurt at some point.


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avatar for sofaking87
11 yrs ago

Poor guy, but it sounds like the sex was amazing!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

“… But let me tell you about a friend of mine …”

For w/e reason – I get the feeling you may see your “friend” every time you look in the mirror :)

avatar for fun12times12
11 yrs ago

Thinking same thing Papi.

avatar for skibum609
11 yrs ago

If she meant that much to him he totally blew it. When she started hanging out with that other guy the writing was on the wall and he should have made his move. Simple fact is that you never really trusted her because of what she did for a living, so maybe you missed the boat, but maybe you didn't. As a divorce lawyer I hear stories of unrequited love all the time and there's always an excuse as to why it won't work because of her past. My response is always the same: When you love someone, why would you care how they became the person you love. One day this April it will be 25 years since I went out with a woman who's history I didn't like much for a one night stand. Dated her for 7 years and in August we'll have been married 18.

avatar for alabegonz
11 yrs ago

Lemme gues the dancer"s name is Audrey Hepburn singing Moonriver.

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

@skibum609: "If she meant that much to him he totally blew it. When she started hanging out with that other guy the writing was on the wall and he should have made his move."

I asked him about that. He's married, and still loves his wife. Even if he had recognized in time what was going on, what was he going to do about it? He told me that even if she had stayed, it probably would've ended up much the same way, just taken longer. He didn't feel like he should destroy one perfectly good relationship for another, one which, in all honesty, probably wouldn't have worked out in the long run anyway, given the difference in ages and other factors, especially when his wife had done nothing to deserve that treatment.

@Papi: I have no idea what you're talking about...

avatar for colt011945
11 yrs ago

Well if he was married then it was a no-win situation. Truthfully from my limited experience these rarely work out anyways. Still feel bad for the guy.

avatar for Clackport
11 yrs ago

Rule number one: Don't fall in love with a stripper.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

“… @Papi: I have no idea what you're talking about …”

That’s good enough for me :)

avatar for alabegonz
11 yrs ago

Beauty, money, men, sex. Ain't that all good for het?

I would do the same. Keep the fire going.

Unfortunately your friend ended up im the friend zone being wishy washy with his intentions.

One-itis is another that got him wishy washy

avatar for mjx01
11 yrs ago

what can you do... you always got to assume she's playing you

avatar for SketchinGuy
11 yrs ago

From the way George described it, she might have been playing his friend (?) at the start, but later it got serious--sort of. It's not always a sharp line between playing someone & falling for someone. I suspect that for some women it can be a mixture of both.

Either way, the guy lived life fully with her. He had a great experience & when she decided to marry her boyfriend & move out west, the man took it as well as he was able & acted graciously. He has a great story to tell his buddies. Those are the only things that count.

avatar for lopaw
11 yrs ago

Great topic, gmd. I can relate totally, and empathize completely.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

I mirror Lopaw's sentiments. One more thing. Minus the pay for play, he could've gotten his heart broken anyways. Relationships change. That's life. I feel for dude. I almost went down the same road myself.

avatar for jackslash
11 yrs ago

This is a good, well-written article. It reflects the reality of an older man in a relationship with a younger woman, whether a stripper or not.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

There are two different ideas of what love is about: owning or valuing another person. If he values her, he should be happy she's with a guy who's closer to her same age, and can focus more attention on her. If he's really devastated by the loss of her occasional company, he needs a divorce and/or heavy counseling.

avatar for rockstar666
11 yrs ago

Any relationship has to move forward or it will move backwards. This guy needed to sort out his objectives earlier perhaps, but he said they both didn't want a real relationship. Then she found a guy who did, and she decided she did want a real relationship after all.

Carpe diem. He had his shot but didn't take it. Sad story we all can relate to, but it's a lesson for all of us. In fact, it's time for me to arrange an OTC opportunity with my ATF...complicated story but the time has come to take advantage!

avatar for Leonard313
11 yrs ago

I can't read all that. The answer is always "no". Strippers want drugs and money. The idea that any of them are Julia Roberts and want to someday find love or are working their way through college is on par with the land of Oz actually existing.

avatar for joker44
11 yrs ago

Ditto lopaw.

Sounds like a young woman who was looking to get married. gmd's friend started out as mr. rightnow and became mr. right. Assuming she knew he was married she was as naive as he was initially clueless about the depth of her feelings.

Even if he had divorced his wife to marry her there's no guarantee the marriage would have been successful. The reality of marriage might have thrown cold water on her romantic ideal.

Marriage is work. Affairs are relatively carefree. Affair partners don't have to jointly decide about the mortgage, whether first to re-roof or buy a new car, or how to pay for the kid's orthodontia.

Nevertheless, it's painful to read because it could have been any one of us.

Don't agree with the sentiment that ALL strippers are necessarily cold-hearted game players. Just think of the 22 y/o PA woman who took her BF to a strip club RIGHT AFTER they murdered their latest P4P victim. Some SC patrons may be far worse than the nude ladies on stage!

avatar for georgmicrodong
11 yrs ago

@SlickSpic: "he could've gotten his heart broken anyways"

Exactly. He said that there was no way he was going to leave his wife. Hard to say if he was telling the truth, or even knew for sure at that point. It could be a case of making a virtue of necessity. Like I said above, he didn't think it would have turned out that differently if she'd stayed.

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