Why Strip Clubs Can’t Be Run For The Dancers

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I used to be a subcontractor. When I was in school it was easier. Set my own schedule, work where and around who I wanted and even make contacts and network on my terms. I got better at managing my own time and resources, better at understanding the market, knowing my strengths and weaknesses and with who I could deal with.

But as a contractor I wasn’t really running a business. A business has to deal with more that just the person running it: your employees, your customer base, the broader community and your investors are also your responsibility. You have to get outside of yourself to make sure that you protect the livelihood of who you hire, turn a profit and increase that profit, not screw people over and most importantly serve the public.

Basically contractors get to be about them first and the institution they worked for and to an extent the customer second if at all. Some dancers think everything and everyone in the club should revolve around there money. They also think there success is only the result of there “hustle”. Anyone not immediately and exclusively contributing to their success should be shamed at best and removed at worse.

Even the clients that do put cash in their pockets are failures who are beneath them and should be thankful to them for the opportunity. They basically think they could run a club like the PLs work for the strippers. Like the customers are the one with the job to do. If only the dancers valued themselves more! They could band together and make desperate rich guys spend a million to breathe their air!

But there’s a different between finding a customer base vs individual customers. Bosses have to deal with the base and subcontractor dancers do not. I’m not saying you can’t have the subcontractor mindset, in that you can push certain guys away, only do certain things, and only deal with who you want as a dancer and succeed. If your hot enough in the right market you can. As a matter of fact, for their own mental health they probably should, just didn’t lie to anyone. But take the dancer mindset to club ownership and you’ll underachieve.

Actually, I think the idea it would work is a bit silly. I think it would look like this.

10 Basics Ideas Some Dancers Would Apply In Clubs

1. PLs should pay shocking parking and cover to weed out cheap crustomers. No female customers allowed.
2. No thin pants, t shirts or anything else not fashionable.
3. They should come with at least 1000 of their own singles.
4. No chairs at the bar, get a drink and stand at the rail.
5. Tip every dancer on stage every time no matter what. No nudity on stage until there’s 1000 bucks on it. If you fail to tip you get kicked out.
6. Dancers can’t approach anyone. Dancing at a section starts at 100 a song. Songs are 2 minutes. Paid up front.
7. Touching is VIP only and that starts at 1000 bucks. Paid up front. More money is needed in VIP for any reason the dancer deems a reason.
8. PLs can stay for 2 hours or until they’re out of money.
9. All other club staff can go to hell.
10. Dancers can say anything to any PL they see fit if they aren’t spending enough and any response other than paying out is grounds to be kicked out.

2 Major Stripper Complaints vs Club Economics

Why I get why dancers get mad at online about certain ITC phenomena, especially the predators that we know exist out there. But as far as gripes about day to day club operations, I also see why they are often not something a club owner can care about. But I also see how the clubs could handle it.

If workers, and consumers, are going to be mad they have to have solutions or they are just annoying. So here are the 2 main frustrations I see online, why dancers should accept them and how dancers should be trained by management to work around them. By the way I’m only talking about stuff I see dancers mad about with people that aren’t dancers. They’re internal beefs I’ll never have enough intel about to speak on.

Complaint #1: Dancers hate guys who come in to drink and don’t tip, to get a “free show”. Cover and parking and the cost of the drink make it not a free show first of all. While I understand this annoyance from the outside looking in, if I was an owner it makes no sense to listen to.

Clubs make more on alcohol than strippers. A beer keg is 60 bucks. Cases of some alcohol is 150 bucks. A package if Coke syrup is less than a dollar. The profit margins are insane. That’s why clubs runs drink specials more than dance specials and have sparklers and other things for bottle service. The club can survive if a dancer quits, they can’t if nobody drinks.

And by the way some of this is based in new school strippers bad habits. If you don’t get nude on stage that’s why you didn’t get tipped. If every guy in the place doesn’t tip you, accept that some guys don’t like you. Clubs have got to train strippers again, they can’t and shouldn’t force them to do anything, but address why they aren’t getting what they want money wise. Don’t just let the girls stew when you see what they are doing wrong. Don’t just let them think the PLs, especially regulars who you know buy dances and VIPs from the pro dancers all the time, are just cheap bitter incels. Teach them how to work the floor and they’ll make more and stop being mad at who didn’t tip the rail.

Complaint #2: Some dancers hate having to tip anyone out. Again, too many dancers seem to think the way a club is run has nothing to do with how much they make. Some dancers don’t understand if clubs acted like the only relevant clubs staff that mattered, nobody else could make enough to create an environment for them to succeed.

They don’t want to have PLs pay the club for time in VIP even though that keeps the club open. They don’t want to tip the DJ even though his vibe control and balancing song length is key to them making a decent amount for time. They don’t want to tip the bouncer because “they handle it” if theres an issue, even though the very presence of a bouncer deters issues and even though dancers, especially ROBs threaten to sic the bouncer on PLs who did nothing, and if they do that they know they have a purpose. They don’t want to tip bartenders even though bartenders live on tips and again the club makes more on the drinks. Management could ease the issue by pointing out what a sharp staff does for them the way I just did.

There are more issues that I see dancers moan about but those are the ones that most reflect a lack of understanding in my opinion. (Sexy moan though cutie.) Other things like allowing extras (the definition of extras is vague and some girls act like being touched at all is an extra), “cheap” dance prices (do a good job and many of us tip plus who can’t accept 20 bucks in 3 minutes?) are also there and a bit much. Now imagine if this same dancer owned the club. It’d be a nightmare for everyone including the dancers because there’d be a lot of dead nights.

Motivations in Misreading the Market

Not all of the warped thinking that would cause a strip club run to cater to the strippers is grounded in a lack of broader business sense. Some of it is how the the dancers see the actual client. A segment of dancers outlook is unnuanced, counterproductive and delusional. The stereotype that will be tagged to this article is going to be that a typical Tuscl pig is saying cock sucking slores can’t count well enough to run the business they were in. That’s not my position. I see a complete lack of understanding of the client, or an inability to accept the nature of the client, that cause strippers to run clubs or want to run clubs in a way that will fail.

Some of the motives behind the misreading is personal. Some of these dancers lack social skills in life period. They have such a high opinion of themselves that they think they can market their way around a bad product. They also might just hate the core clientele and can’t stomach treating them in a profitable way. They also might fundamentally be unable to accept the strippers don’t make the club the money.

And some seem personal but they are more broadly cultural. The prevailing narrative that strip club spenders are romantically inept goofs with no other options is largely not the truth. And to try to operate a club that way will generally result in a splash of cold water: your actually dealing with men who just don’t want strings to be attached, have plenty of options and can seek them out if clubs decline. Many already are. There is rarely a thing as a desperate rich person. If strippers don’t believe me, they should read this board, of vet PLs burned out of clubbing, annoyed by the obesity, tats, piercings, attitudes and rising prices for a worse return. I’ve basically learned here I have a sugar baby ( I didn’t think of it that way but I do now.) I cannot and will not be alone. You cannot trick tricks in most cases. We know what we are looking for.

I’m not saying dancers never have a point: get from the rail of you don’t tip it, ask for fucking consent, wash your ass and don’t be an ass. When dancer speak on that they are right and if their club doesn’t police it then that’s sad and a club I won’t be spending in. But so much of the underlying lies and ignorance that undergird the crying of strippers who aren’t getting what they want makes me laugh. And even the successful ones can be funny. Strippers who treat the client well aren’t self hating or lacking in hustle. They are just more likely to understand the nature of what they do and willing to put whatever hang ups aside to get money. If not put your money where your mouth is, open one up, run it based on the logic of the top 10 and then be ready to close down like many clip joints around the country.


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@Baldinboston I can't believe y'all lol. Most of my articles start as a discussion and end up running to long. A doctoral thesis? I don't even proof read these things. I can't believe it LOLOLOL.
I'd rather have tough graders around than no so hey LOLOLOL
Whoever approved this should be ashamed of themselves. Giving free VIP to this nut job.
avatar for rogertex
20 days ago
As much as i read it made sense … but it’s too long ! In Dubai the high end strip clubs are like that. They won’t allow 9999 out of 1000 American strippers to dance there. Do not meet standards. Almost all will get employed by other strip clubs catering to laborers. Business is brisk there as well.

I think the high end SC you describe will work in Mountain View California and maybe Miami
@rogetex I could see Miami for sure. Techville in Cali. Maybe, maybe in NYC. But they better hire Lana Rhoades.
And high end clubs look out for everyone on staff and these kinda dancers hate that.
I don't think I'd be going to your club...
The top 10 was what I think a certain kind of dancer would want not what I would want. I wouldn’t go there either
Like most tusclers, a lifetime of psychotropic drugs has left me with a short attention span and I'm not reading all of that. But I *skimmed* it, and that's what counts.

I agree with your general gist (though again, didn't read all the details). We know from stripperweb and the reddit stripper subs what the stripper fantasy SC looks like. It includes all kinds of things aimed at customers, that would be business killers (eg., super high entrance fee, requirement to spend a certain amount, etc).

But it also has many things aimed at the strippers that don't work in practice. The girls basically want to have their own stripper DEI -- hire every shape, bodytype, etc. They don't realize that the curated nature of the lineup is one of the few things that still gets guys going to clubs in the first place, strip club managers may not be great in every area of business, but they know what their customers like.

One of the first things Lusty Lady did when it went stripper-owned, is do exactly that: high all shapes, sizes, weights, ethnicities, etc. I saw the lineup, it was truly unattractive. Worse, they actually socialized profits -- every stripper became a part owner , and money earned was split among all girls at the club. Duh, that motivates the high earning hot girls to leave the club, leaving the DEI stripper hires. It was not an experiment that went well.

@Subraman I don't want to get to political and socializing the earnings is madness but I think the DEI comparison is off, DEI was designed to encourage the inclusion of those that would otherwise be excluded due to bias, not to put someone in a position in which they couldn't possibly succeed. And there's a market for everything. Look at the Smash or Pass posts on this site, I see dudes say they'd super smash women that couldn't pay me to have sex with them.

My angle is more about dancers who would be demanding the customers and all other clubs staff center the dancers as if the dancers are the main thing that makes the club money which is normally false, act as if the the only reason strippers make money is because of there hustle which is always false and more importantly act like every man in the club owes each dancer in the club a living. Shit, if you train the dancers the right way I don't care how they look, I don't have to go to that club. If you handle the talent right they might do alright even if I think they are ugly.
Haha yes you're right on DEI, I was being snarky in calling in that. That said, the strippers on stripperweb & reddit are convinced that that's what the guys want, and the managers are just racist and, uh, fattist. The girls really do think it's about putting those girls in a position they could succeed, but managers are not biased. I would argue managers are usually pretty good at picking their lineups to match their customers' tastes (which might include elements of legit preference, racism, exclusion of particular bodytypes, etc).

I agree with all your other points about focusing on optimizing the business for the girls. The girls struggle with the notion that just like any other sales jobs, the obligation is on them to present a service a customer wants to buy or tip for, there is NO OBLIGATION on the part of the customer to spend just because she is there. Taking the strippers' job obligations and instead making them customer obligations, will just drive away customers to other SCs and other forms of sexwork.

It's management's job to get qualified leads in the door. I would argue it's on the customer to come in ready to buy the services of that business if he's presented with a service that's compelling. ALL the other obligations on customer spend are on the sales people, the strippers, who need to look good enough and present a compelling enough service that the customers will spend.

On customer forums, we constantly get the question, "I went to club withi $600, girls ignored me, I left with $600, how can I get them to stop ignoring me". Half the stories strippers have of customers not spending, is really their personal failures on selling a customer who WANTED to spend. Forcing those customers to spend is not the right answer to make the business healthy.

All of this is basically agreeingwith you @IWantHerOnMe , just adding my own perspective.
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