A Truly Bizarre SC Visit

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A recent stop in Toronto before returning to my Alberta home base gave me the opportunity to spend some time with my Toronto sweetie. A brief retelling of my history with Toronto sweetie before I tell this latest story. Sweetie is a dancer at one of the Toronto area's UHM clubs, a club in one of Toronto's northern suburbs. I met her almost three years ago and since then have shared some happy vacation time with her in Hawaii and Europe. She has even spent a long weekend at Rancho farmerart in Alberta (not as successful as our vacations together). I see sweetie 2/3 times a year. She is an older woman (43), devastatingly attractive, with a lusty appetite for sex and absolutely no shyness. I have posted many discussion threads about her and in the old blog section I did a long story of my first encounter with her.

Back to the story. On this visit to Toronto, sweetie begged me to take her to one of the Trinity clubs in Mississauga. She wanted to see exactly how things were conducted in another of the Toronto area UHM clubs. I have been in all the Trinity clubs over the years and they all are true dumps populated by scores of FS dancers and wide open public VIPs. The worst (or best depending on your point of view) of these clubs was the notorious old Cannonball Cabaret; now closed - R.I.P. The other clubs in the group are Midway Invader, New Locomotion, and Million Dollar. The newest club in the group is Cafe Atlantis, formerly Treasures. I had visited that particular club when it was known as Treasures (affiliated with the famous Treasures in Houston, I believe). At the time of that visit Treasures was an elegant club completely different from the rat infested, bacteria factories that were the Trinity clubs. It was also a UHM club, however. So, this was the Trinity Group club that I decided to show to sweetie.

Upon entry to Cafe Atlantis nothing seemed to have changed from its Treasures days. I was hoping to have one drink with sweetie and then swiftly exit the club for some happy hotel time with her. We sat at the bar and each had a glass of wine while we watched the stage show and checked out the main floor action of dancers mingling with customers.

'Ve get lap dance now,' sweetie informs me in her accented English after finishing her first glass of wine.

WE?? Holy fuck! I had no idea that sweetie was planning this. I had never done lap dances with more than one single dancer before and now sweetie says.....WE? I am not keen on this operation at all and tell sweetie so.

'Yust vun dance, art,' she purrs in my ear with her throaty voice.

Another glass of wine for each of us; I gulp and say......OK.

I beckon to the first dancer that passes us to stop and chat about lap dances upstairs. I want to get this over and done with as soon as possible.

The dancer sits down with us. Sweetie looks her over. 'You have ugly fake tits, go avay!' sweetie orders her.

Another dancer stops.......'You have fat ass, go avay!'

Wow, this is going really well. I want to crawl under the stool and slink out of the club.

A third dancer stops by........'You be ugly, don't sit down, go avay!'

A fourth.......'Who do your make-up?....blind man?.....go avay!'

Another dancer passes sweetie's visual inspection and sits with us to chat........'You be too stupid for my art....go avay!'

Finally a dancer passes sweetie's visual inspection and her interview. As we walk up the stairs following the dancer to the VIP, sweetie whispers in my ear.....'Vut you vant?....Blow yob or fuck?'

I look at sweetie with my eyes popping out of my head. She wants me to have sex with this dancer while she watches? No way in hell is that happening when we get upstairs. I can't imagine Mr. Wood being able to perform under such circumstances. I resolve to have the one dance and then call it quits for our visit to Cafe Atlantis.

Sweetie snuggles up to me on the couch as the dancer starts her work. I must admit. Sweetie chose well for our lap dance. The dancer is truly lovely with particularly magnificent natural breasts (sweetie knows my tastes well). Before the dancer has removed her thong sweetie's hand has pulled down my trousers zipper and started work on Mr. Wood. What a dummy I am! When sweetie whispered in my ear she wasn't thinking about the dancer having sex with me.....she meant herself! I told you sweetie is wanton and not shy.

The dancer quickly observes what is happening and gets into the action herself. She smothers my face with her bounteous breasts, pops open the buttons of my shirt, caresses my chest. Mr. Wood, that sleaseball, puts up no resistance to sweetie's ministrations. The dancer removes her thong and stands on the couch straddling me so that I have a glorious close up of her glistening pink vajayjay. Sweetie is now sucking away with the power of a vacuum.

This can end only one way. Mr. Wood pops in sweetie's mouth. Sweetie giggles, looks up at me with her mouth still full of Mr. Wood, trying to grin at me, evil twinkle in her eye. The dancer breaks out into laughter. I can't believe what has just happened. I give the dancer $100. I stand up. I zip up. I make motions to leave.

'Art, don't be cheap. Give her more. Vas good blow yob, no?' sweetie says to me.

Dancer laughs even more. My face must be ten shades of bright red! I give the dancer another $200. I grab sweetie's hand and pull her towards the stairs......'When we get to the hotel I am going to spank your sexy ass so hard!' I growl to her.

'And den you vill fuck me?'

Do you see why 2/3 visits per year with sweetie is enough for an old guy like me?


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
11 yrs ago

Yes. I can see why but what a way to go. LOL.

avatar for gawker
11 yrs ago

She sounds like a real treasure. I don't know if I'd have the won't power to stay away from Toronto for months at a time.

avatar for motorhead
11 yrs ago

Sounds like Sweetie doesn't have Jealous (Yealous ) Stripper Syndrome. She's a keeper. Maybe farmerart needs to think about marrying this vun while Mr Wood still has a few bullets left in the barrel.

avatar for mjx01
11 yrs ago

Damn Art! If only I had those kinds of problems.

@gwaker: not to be mister negativity, but spending too much time with her would allow reality to creep in, and odds are that would mess things up. Just my two cents... or I guess nickel since CAN no longer issues one-cent coins.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 yrs ago

I don't know Art, my philosophy is that a person who is randomly a shit to people for no reason is a shit, no matter who nice they may be to you. I'd watch your back.

avatar for Experimental
11 yrs ago

So you paid a third stripper 300 bucks to watch your sweetie give you a bj or did I misunderstand?

avatar for Clackport
11 yrs ago

Good story Art.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 yrs ago

I guess one more example of the Europeans’ (Art’s fave) more liberal sexual ways.

Her “pronunciation” makes her come across as French – what is she?

avatar for jackslash
11 yrs ago

I like your sweetie's accent: 'You have fat ass, go avay!'

avatar for Dain
11 yrs ago

Art, that's the best prose I've ever read on here--and I'm a professional writer.

avatar for SlickSpic
11 yrs ago

Good times.

avatar for skibum609
11 yrs ago

Great story. Last weekend my wife and I did FFFM. In our house. For free. I did watch the Patriots game in a strip club the next day.

avatar for Corvus
11 yrs ago

Art, sounds like Sweetie is a keeper, even if is only 2-3 times a year. What a woman.

avatar for JGoose
11 yrs ago

It's always a pleasure to read farmerart's posts!

Sweetie sounds like a load of fun!

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

Sounds like she is jealous that a girl has a phat booty and she don't. And the dance couldn't have been long enough to warrent 300. The other stripper did nothing out of the norm of lap dances. You let her get a one up on you bro. No good.

Otherwise what an interesting and witty story. Damn funny how picky your girlfriend is. You guys sure its just a business relationship?

avatar for sofaking87
11 yrs ago

Dude, you gotta tell us the name of the club. I'm not calling shenanigans on you, but you don't need to be so vague. I'd love to visit this club, and I'm sure the other lads would as well. Lol!

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