How to not Piss off a Stripper!

avatar for stephysexy
I realize this article is going to make me the ultimate terrorist of fantasy, but I refuse to let any more of you make an ass out of yourselves at strip clubs.

Several articles have undertaken the task of explaining why guys feel drawn to the strip club experience: naked chicks, unknown naked chicks, unknown naked chicks who will show interest in you no matter who you are or what you look like, the ability to pick and choose from a variety of unknown naked chicks who will show interest in you no matter what you look like. And so on. That's great.

But let's talk about the strippers. Whether they like to be naked or not, whether they enjoy turning you on, there's one thing they all have in common: they're working. Whether you think taking off clothes for money is a great choice of career is really beside the point (is it a possibility for you to make 500 dollars for an hour at your job without a law degree? Just asking). These women are providing fantasy, yes, but that is a job. And as a patron of their services, you need to treat them like you would anyone else who was providing a service to you.

After a few nights running around the backrooms of some of Las Vegas' most happening strip joints, here are a few tips I picked up from the girls:

Rule #1:
If you just want to drink and chill your friends, don't go to a strip club. Not the same without the TNA running around? Do yourself and your buddies a favor and grab a Girls Gone Wild DVD when you're out picking up the beer.

Rule #2:
Don't ever ask a stripper why you should pay for a lap dance when you can get pussy for free at a club. It may be true, but if that's the reason you're passing on the lap dance, then shouldn't you be at a club? If you're just there for the browse, make it worth their while. It's proper business etiquette.

Rule #3:
Don't try to get a dancer to do anything for free. Come on, now. Most places charge between 20 and 40 dollars for a lap dance. Surely you didn't just show up with enough money for booze… or did you? Should have stuck with YouPorn.

Rule #4:
Don't sit at the stage and tip nothing to the women who are dancing. It doesn't have to be as much as you would pay for a lap dance. Between 5 and 20 dollars should do fine.

Rule #5:
Don't ask a dancer what her real name is or where she lives. Dude, come on, that's creepy. She's creating a fantasy and she's well aware of the risks involved in doing that for a living. It can be dangerous. A lot of dancers don't even share their personal information with each other, so get the idea that she would share that with you out of your head. She may, however, give you her number. A lot of dancers have separate phone s for their clients. This is a way for them to engage clients and build their regulars. Getting her digits does not mean she wants to go out on a date. It means she thinks you are a client. Accept her as a fantasy. Fantasy is what she's there to provide.

What can you do to make the best out of your strip club experience?

Tip #1:
Know that she is providing a service and expects payment. Hey, I know it'd be great to walk into a room full of naked women who just want to drape themselves all over you because you're awesome, but not everyone lives in a rap video.

Tip #2:
Ask permission before you do anything. Every strip club has house rules and a dancer could get in trouble for stepping over the line. She may be better able to indulge you (at a fee, obviously) in the VIP room, which can run anywhere between 40 to 100 dollars for 15 minutes. Ask her. Haggling is low-brow, but if you explain how much money you have to spend and let her know that she's worth that and more, chances are she will help you find a solution that works out for the both of you.

Tip #3:
Tip her. Yeah, OK, so you're already paying for the dance or the VIP room. She still expects a tip. Dancers are usually not paid an hourly wage and on top of that, a lot of places charge “rent,” a fee for working there per night. It can be pretty steep. Tips go a long way. The standard ranges between 15 and 25 per cent, but any dancer will appreciate a modest tip over nothing.

Tip #4:
Respect her when she asks you for money. She's working. Repeat after me: she's working. Don't ask her why she's chosen this job. Don't feel sorry for her. Enjoy her company and attentions. That's what you're there to do and what she's there to facilitate. Let her. And pay her accordingly.

Tip #5:
Treat her with the same respect you are expected to treat other women in your life. Be a gentleman. Be human and realize that she is human, too.

Follow the rules and mind the tips and you'll be well on your way to being the guy that strippers trip over to come sit with. As long as you remember that no matter how much they like you, that club is their work space and pay and tip them appropriately, you'll have a fantastic relationship.


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Not another how to treat strippers by another stripper.
avatar for JScrib325
12 years ago
Nice post. I agree with most of your points. I think that your fellow dancers should extend some respect to their customers as well. Honesty comes to mind. And not trying to cheat people out of their money as well. Most dancers are decent, hardworking girls who just wanna make some money. But at the same time, a lot of this stuff is a two way street as well.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I will take time to read the article later, I got sidetracked by your picture. God damn you are sexy! Just my type.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Stephy every thing is negotiable. This is not grocery store with fixed pricing. You can start as high as you want but don't be insulted if we negotiate. In most parts of the world you are looked at like you are an idiot unless you haggle. If those are your pics you would indeed command premium lap dance dollars. I never expect something for nothing by the same the dancer should not be expected to be paid for walking around the club. Even with your looks if you walk up to me cold and ask for a dance cold my answer is likely to be 'no' or 'sit down and we'll talk about it' if you are unwilling to do that it is your loss.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Sweetie! Is this you?
avatar for Nerd159
12 years ago
I do tip, as well as my budget allows, but I base the size of my tips on the performance I receive. At the rail, I start with $2. Anything above that needs to be earned. Each visit over the first = another buck. Doing something kinky or unusual = another buck or two. Good contact = another buck or two, or three, plus I may spring for a private dance. During a lap dance, I'll have the tip out and ready to go, but she doesn't receive it until afterwards, and the amount may vary due to her performance and attitude.

JScrib has it right. It is a two-way street. As a professional, a dancer has to earn the tips...not just expect them to fall into her lap.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Nerd,find another hobby,you gotta put a zero on what you tip
avatar for metaldude
12 years ago
Mostly common sense stuff in the article, although a little too stripper oriented. However, totally awesome picutes! Thanks for those and feel free to post more.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Stumblingdice - It could be or it could be a mystery.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Mr. Cat could be, but mystery is no mystery
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Nice rules. 2 things:

1. I am a customer of the club. If I want to enjoy a beer and a steak surrounded by naked women and not tip them a dime, that's my prerogative. You are entitled to nothing.
2. Although your rules are nice, you don't make the rules. This is my playground and I decide who I want to play with and how much of my $ she can make.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
When youu tell me to tip I automatically DON'T tip. Tips are not obligation they are courtesy. What if you were garbage on the pole and give an ok lapdance but I was super desperate. Should I tip you because you came to me at all? I don't think so and I won't (not that I'm desperate, but you just happened to be super hot and I was giving you the benifit of the doubt. I tip if I feel like and AFTER I feel you were satisfactory (not to mention if I feel I'll have enough money to last me a couple more dances). Sometimes you forget that some people understand the game already thus they have a goal in mind, with calculations preset. Pay for a number of drinks, and spend money for a particular number of dances (and/or vip if that's your thing). Your still getting paid more than us so stop the god damn whining. What you should concern yourself with is if you stink or not and your appearance. I will send you away and if I feel dickish enough will tell you you stink. Remember just because your a female doesn't put you above sweating. Control that ego a bit will ya.
avatar for Nerd159
12 years ago
Tumbling...that's my "sitting at the rail" technique. In a private dance it's another matter entirely. Besides, it works. I usually get twice as much attention at the stage than anybody else.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Booger,you are the mouse that roared.
avatar for Eyeson
12 years ago
Sorry pushed the wrong button. We have seen allot of these articles lately. A true mongrel already knows this stuff.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
When a dancer asks me where I'm from I also ask her where she's from. Even if she tells me her real name and the real town that she lives in, who cares? How many girls named Stephanie live in the same town that you live in? It's not possible to track down a stripper with only her real first name and the town that she lives in unless she has a rare or unique name or unless you're a serious heavy duty stalker, and if you're a heavy duty stalker you'll just wait outside for her to leave the club and follow her home.

Yes I tell them my real first name and the name of the town where I live. I have yet to have a stripper show up at my front door unless I invited her over and gave her my address.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
12 years ago
Two lecturing "How to treat strippers" posts in one day. Knowing this community, seems fishy to me. Somebody is trying to get a rise out of the gang.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
12 years ago
Sounds like a guy posing as a stripper. A real woman customer or stripper would have likely used some sort of first person reference somewhere in such a long post.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
12 years ago
Have to second HungryGiraffe on this.

Regardless, the babe in the pics is fucking fine! I know I've never seen her dance because I would have remembered.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago

A real woman customer would never have written anything like that. Trust me - our interest is in high mileage for little cost, just like the male PL's out there.
avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
Okay, Stephy, I'll agree not to tell you how to dance and you can agree not to tell me how to tip. Just like the asses that come in and tell you to smile all the time, I guess I resent a dancer telling me that I had better pony up the green and be grateful for it. There is a very simple and cruel formula in the strip club: if a girl is better looking and dances better and creates a better fantasy, she will get all the tips she deserves. If she does it well enough, she will make a comfortable living. But if I'm at the tip rail and there is a surly dancer who doesn't give a shit and holds her customers in contempt, she won't get a dime from me. I won't shell out any money if it is not warranted, no matter where I sit or what the situation. Yes, I know it is a job. And I also know that every dollar I hand out had to be earned by me. In this economy, I watch every one of them. So I don't give them out because it was "expected" and I don't give them out just because there is a female occupying space in front of me. I think your message is for the hundreds of cretins that stumble into a strip club with a distorted sense of reality. Most of the guys on this site understand the game, will tip generously where warranted, and don't need that "advice".

But I do have to say that you are a fox. I would try to see you move what you have. And I would look to get a lapper. But if you are one of those 9s that think she is all that and a bag of chips, the bottom would instantly drop right out of your appeal. So there's some "advice" right back at you, for what it is worth.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
LooneyLarry: "Yes, I know it is a job. And I also know that every dollar I hand out had to be earned by me."

This is a great point. Dancers should expect to be paid for doing their jobs, but they shouldn't expect to be paid for doing nothing. And strippers need to remember that their customers are parting with money they earned, often at a lower hourly rate and under more stressful conditions than strippers experience. Girls, why do you expect to be paid like a doctor or lawyer for taking your clothes off?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
If I want to have a steak and a drink at the club and stare at your beautiful body, that's why you are there. The cook and the waitress deserve a tip, not you.

Don't ever get the idea I owe you money just because I walk in the door.

You look like a 10, but you seem to have the attitude of a 1. If this is the way you are, I will pass and give the money I actually busted my ass for to a dancer who is glad to see me.
avatar for lotush
12 years ago
I disagree with Rule #1. I pay a cover and the overpriced drinks so I'm allowed to be there. Not that I never get dances; I always drop a few hundred...but if I just wanted to drink I'm entitled to.

I used to get dancer's real names but not any more because it causes too much trouble. You get her "civilian" FB page, see her friend's real names and sooner or later you get them in deep doo doo. So I'd rather not know. But ultimately it's up to the dancer to keep her private life private. She should NEVER post on another dancer's FB page!!!
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I know how to behave in a club & the proper attitude to have.

Rules like these are for ABSOLUTELY ignorant newbies or for ABSOLUTE Assholes who have no concept of correct behavior.
avatar for kingcripple
12 years ago
rule 1 is bullshit. rule 2 makes a bit of sense. rule 3 is bullshit. rule 3 made alot of sense til you demanded 5-20 for stage tips. asking a dancer where she lives IS creepy. ive been told dancers real names before, didnt even ask. bottom line is, if you feel this way about your job, find another line of work. no one is forcing you. Usually.
avatar for bang69
12 years ago
nice job & nice pic
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
WOW, you're gorgeous.
avatar for crsm27
12 years ago
Like others have stated. These rules are for those people who are not in the know....or are just assholes. Most mongers tip and tip well and also spend the green.

Now on the tip after the lap dance....You as a dancer have to realize this is like tipping a server in my mind. If the service is good (not including extras) you can get a tip. If the service is bad (again not talking about extras) you get what I paid already. Because lets put it this way. If the club gets 50% of $20 that still leaves the dance with $10 for doing 3-5 minutes of work (one song). That is damn good wages. I also understand that dancers don't get none stop action. But think of it in those terms. Again.... I am not trying to sound stingy. But if the dance was hot, the dancer was not a dead fish, the dancer engaged in a fantasy, the dancer engaged in good converstation....or what ever floats the certain persons boat. Then I add on a few bucks to the lap dance fee. I have tipped anywhere from $0 to $50 because of the quality of a lap dance or series of lap dances. (no extra's included)

Hell at the OG in vegas one time I tipped the two dancers and waitress each $100 because the Jack Ass who was running my credit card tried to scam me for extra $1000 on top of what the ladies and I negotiated for VIP. The two dancers and waitress told the guy he was wrong. So i gladly tipped them for having my back.

So like others have stated....these are good rules for newbies to have as a base. But they are no way the "rules" to follow. Because others have stated it is a two way street. We are the customer and you are the server. If you give good service you should get a tip.
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
don't u guys find it a little odd that steph's profile says "Just a strip club junkie! LOL Got to support da single mothers ya know!" that sounds more like da juice than a stripper. No where in the article does "she" say she is a stripper. wise up.
avatar for TxVegas
12 years ago
Really hot pictures - if they are you. I also must not live in the same part of the country. Sage tips of 5-20 dollars are very high for my part of the world.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Very observant carolynne. But I stand by my comment.
avatar for xcav8r
12 years ago
Not her pics, pulled from other sites, carry on.
avatar for yankee428
12 years ago
This is perhaps the most worthless article i've read on tuscl. Can sum up it up in one sentence. Give a stripper all your money and don't expect anything in return and the strippers will love you (sucker).

avatar for rogertex
12 years ago
WHATT ? just 3 members could sniff the "dude" behind this article !

hungrygiraffe, lone wolf and sweet carolyne

But I forgot - who cares about reality - all of us here are for fantasy !!

There's a dancer (cece) in Sugar's Austin who looks like sexystef - and is hot as hell. she gives me a hard on very first dance. And yes I'd apply all the stated rules n tips for cece.
avatar for IrishDog219
12 years ago
So here's one from the Customer Side. Your a known regular at a club. You happen to become involved with one of the girls there, and the relationship is totally away from the club. You two break up and its not a clean breakup, but still does not involve the her workplace. You check with management and its ok if you come in, then next thing you know your 68'd from the club while shes there. The only reason your 86'd is she doesn't want you spending money on other girls. So Ms stepsexy how do you handle that.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
Most of this is just plain common sense but I will talk about 'Rule 1" as we get lots of dancers griping about cheapskates.

Next shift you work. ask an empty chair for a lap dance. Cosy up to it, stroke it's arm sexily and whisper sexily about how much the empty chair will enjoy it. Now when the empty chair refuses your offer to give it a dance you get angry about why it is in the club in the first place?

Now the guy who just comes to chill and drink and enjoy the atmosphere may be no better than an empty chair, but he isn't worse either. He paid his cover and he paid for his drinks and as far as the club is concerned he has paid for his right to be there.
avatar for umissedaspot
12 years ago
Settle down, boys. All of her pics are of different girls, copied from various websites.

And don't you know it's rude to flirt with her here for free. She's working!
avatar for berge1
12 years ago
Excellent article. It's their job. That's all that counts.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I think many strippers are happy if they sell 20 - 40 dances in a shift and don't get any a-holes, even if they don't get any tips. The most popular dancers in a club may come to expect a certain amount as a tip. I've heard dancers gripe about nobody getting dances, or everyone getting just one dance, but never about bad tipping. I agree with everything else in the article.
avatar for weewillie
12 years ago
The only people I ever see tipping $20 at the rail are usually the dancers friends, boyfirends or other club dancers on their night off.
avatar for brandyjane
12 years ago
i'm a dancer and i posted an article like this a while ago. funny the same guys dismissing the words straight from our mouths that could improve their chances at a club, are the same ones on here spending hours trying to figure out how to work a stripper lol

its pretty obvious these are the guys who expect to get blown for only the price of the dance and expect u to thank them for the chance to suck their holy dick lmao
avatar for brandyjane
12 years ago
how is bringing you a steak and drink not what the bartender and waitress are "there for"? they get paid hourly and dancers don't, so if anyone deserved a tip i would think it would be a dancer

i blame all the free porn online
avatar for cobraguy
12 years ago
I go to clubs every single week. and never get dances and very Rarely tip. and dancers love me. Sorry that i like to hang out in an environment with loud music, good food, and naked women... god forbid..

disclaimer** experiences may vary
avatar for 2ofus
12 years ago
nice ass.

Don't ask me for a tip. Ever. I will tip well if you went above and beyond. Moderately for average show. That's how it is. Tips are earned money beyond what was already purchased.

A tip for you:

We know you are all money-grabbing hoes. We come to give you money. Asking for a tip is like renegotiating after the sale. You might get the tip. Once. Like $5. Fuck you and your tip. I'll find another girl who is less pushy.

Be cool and let us pay you. If you want a tip, show that with your performance.
avatar for ashley1185
12 years ago
Omg! Thank u for this post! I dance and get so annoyed when someone ask what's my real name.or guys that say they dnt pay for dances but want to get to know you! >;\ I'm not ugly I dnt strip to look for a man.I do it for the $!
avatar for rell
12 years ago
hmm how about about you try to make money without any of these patrons.. go ahead just dance inside of a empty club. and see how much money you make... okay i thought so, dont act so high and mighty and think your entitled to anything
avatar for Djscudmaster
12 years ago
I agree with shadowcat
avatar for Leonard313
12 years ago strippers get pissed off if you don't give them lots of money??

Well thats just I've learned another thing today that I already knew.

I like how its a list of things to not piss off a stripper...none of which should actually piss off a stripper.

Here's an actual list for things that LEGITIMATELY piss off strippers that aren't related to them wanting more money:

1) Hit them
2) Call them names.
3) Cop an attitude because they won't come sit with you when you're obviously broke and nursing a beer.
4) Get action, then "forget your wallet in the car...I'll get ya next time."
5) Stick things inside them and say "you like that don't ya whore?"
6) Forgetting to shower (for the last 8 days)
7) Asking them if they know Jesus Chrust our Lord and Savior.
8) Telling them, "no thanks...I don't like fat chicks." (even though thats perfectly fine to think...just not say)
9) Following them into the parking lot.
10) Slipping them roofies.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I know someone who went to Vegas recently. I heard him say there are lots of guys there with tons of money. I suspect dancers in Vegas live in another world compared to strip club life in most of the rest of the country. There might be comparable high expectations in several large cities but I probably don't ever visit.

I usually only tip a dollar or two if I'm generous at the stage and only if the dancer attempts to get it. I do not feel dancers are entitled to your money just because they are dancing on a stage. If they put on a little show for you, maybe a dollar or two. I suspect any dancer who expects more is used to big money from working in clubs with lots of rich guys visiting.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
you want to not piss off a stripper AND get her happy, here's what you do. Go in, pay for the presets (entry fee and drink) sit down, find the girl of your choice. Don't wait for her, you walk up to her (when she's free) and give her ALL of your remaining dollars in your pocket. Don't ask for lapdances, just give her the money and go. If you get a hug and peck on the cheek, enjoy it and leave. Do NOTHING ELSE. If desired, repeat.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Ya fuck you bitch!!!!! I took a shit that was better than your attitude
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
I pissed my fave dancer last night. She was so pissed that she decided to end it. She just kept coming at me like I was the worst person in her life.

Text messages she sent were just the same, so much hate.

So I told her I will be deleting her number and she should do the same.

She flat out just dumped me, so much anger and hate.

It left me confused what I did to get treated shit like this. So frigging not happy right now because I lost her today.
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