A Great TJ Weekend

Reposted as an article - for those that care about such things...
Greetings fellow Mongers. I'm not sure if this is a review, a report or a discussion, so I'm putting my trip report here. As I am typing this, I am enjoying a glass of wine at the SD airport and trying (unsuccessfully) to wipe the goofy grin off my face. To put it plain and simple, I had the BEST two day trip to TJ ever. Having been there at least a dozen times, I consider myself experienced in the HK, BT, CC action. This trip, I took a huge step to experiencing OTC.
Day 1:
Airport to HK
I arrived in SD around 1:30 in the afternoon and was at HK by 2:30. It was that simple. I UBERed. From the airport to the border (which I totally prefer). It was only about $35. Crossing over was easy as the only question I was asked was "how long are you staying?" No paperwork, no fees. I was given strong wording from the military attendant at the x-ray security. I just happened to check my phone for email as I was about to go through. A local let me know that I was told "to not use your phone here." Not sure why, but lesson learned. Upon hitting the street, I didn't see the HK Shuttle. No problem - I took a quick taxi ride for $10 and was at Cascadas in 5 minutes.
Upon check in, I realized another mistake I made. I thought my VIP card got me 70% off my room for Sun and Mon. Wrong. For Sunday it's only 20% off. My bad. It ate ever so slightly into my mongering $$. At the risk of sharing TMI, I did inquire with the front desk about Viagra. I have never used or needed it before, but thought it might help me "bounce back" more quickly for multiple arriba action. By the time I got to my room, an attendant was waiting for me with extra towels and my little blue pill ($20 each). I freshened up, popped "lil blue" and went across the alley to OXXO for basics (wine, beer, water, snacks). I dropped off my groceries and was ready for fun!
Sunday afternoon at HK:
As has been reported by many others before, that initial walk into HK is truly a vision. From heavy black curtains, to heaven on earth. I got my first VIP free drink and was off. I truly love taking laps around the HK track. Within minutes, I was stuffing 1's into g-strings and getting great grinds. By now, it's 5:00. The place was really crowded. I had never been there on a Sunday and was curious. After a bit, I locked eyes on "Baby." IMO, a sure 8.5. Chi-chis grandes. Beautiful face and figure. Blond highlights. I ficha'd with her for two drinks when I made my first great decision of the weekend: going to VIP. Having been to HK many times, I had never done VIP and, based on reports from many others, I really wanted to experience it. It's $110 for an hour, plus I tipped my mesero $10. For Baby, it was $100. All I can say is that is was one of my best private VIP sessions anywhere. What I/we did would've cost me at least $1000-1500 in the US. DFK, BBBJ, DATY - all while looking down at dancers in the club. I fully intended, and told her, that I didn't want to finish in VIP. I wanted to wait for the arriba. Well, after 30 minutes that plan went to hell. I needed to fuck her. So, we agreed on another $50 (bringing my total to her to $150). Again, amazing. Plus, a testimonial for "lil blue." With only 5 minutes left in VIP, I was rock hard and ready again. Baby asked if I wanted to go again, but I feared another $ deposit, so I declined. Chica #1 - amazing.
Sunday Evening - Bar Tropical:
After a bit of relaxing back in my room, I walked across the street to BT. Based on my last visit in November, I wasn't expecting much. I will say, BT is a nice change of pace from HK. Less crowded, a bit quieter - more relaxed. After sitting alone for only a few minutes, a mesero came by with a chica "O----." A solid 7, we enjoyed a couple of fichas and had really nice chemistry. I asked her about arribas and she mentioned her rate was $120 for 45 min. Sounded good to me! Off we went. Again, this session was fantastic. All of my boxes were checked - DFK, DATY, BBBJ, CFS and even an offer for "sex sin condom." I kept the condom on and had a blast. "Lil blue" is a great friend indeed. Side note: I discovered at BT that I could by Viagra for $10 each from the bathroom attendant. Just an FYI.
I got O----'s What'sAp information and called it a night. Tentatively, I told O----- that it might be fun to hang out tomorrow. By 3 AM, she was texting me saying she'd love to hang out. Aye-yae-yae!
Side note about Cascadas. I got the exact room this trip as I did in November. As others have mentioned, and I should've remembered, it gets noisy at Cascadas. The constant "boom, boom, boom" of bass made sleeping difficult (even with ear plugs. Plus, an attendant knocked on my door at 3:30 AM. He had someone's food order but got the room wrong. Sheesh!
Day 2:
I began the day with a few snacks and then a trip downstairs to HK for my next free drink. As usual, the club is sparse in the morning, with only the alley side operating. During my beer, I was approached by A----. She immediately started rubbing my shoulders and kissing my ear - I am a sucker for both. It also helped that she was a solid 7 in my book. We talked for a while and had great chemistry. I asked how late she would be working as it was too early for an arriba. She told me her rate was $120 for 45 min. I told her I would be back before 5:00. Not sure if I believed it myself, but what the heck. Next up - Chicago Club.
I hadn't visited CC in at least 10 years, and wanted to check it out. What I failed to mention earlier was that I did check out CC the previous night. Honestly, it was that busy, or fruitful. But, with nothing else to do, I thought I'd check it out during the day. The walk is super-short, and I didn't encounter any policia. That was a concern of mine. In CC, I met a lovely little spinner (I forgot her name). We sat and had a couple of beers. She was very handsy and I almost pulled the "arriba trigger." Alas, I decided against it.
Back to HK:
By now, it's 3:30ish and I'm going back to HK. It weird, I've been in town for 24 hours and I'm almost getting tired of HK. For you OTC lovers, I get it. 48 hours in and out of clubs can get old, fast. Anyway, I was enjoying my beer $6 plus $1 tip), when I saw A---- from earlier. I should say, she saw me. I was looking right at her and didn't recognize her. Immediately she started the shoulder rubs and ear kissing. Now, I was tired of HK anymore! LOL. It was definitely arriba time! I had taken another "lil blue " earlier and was ready. Again, we checked every box. I gave her the $120 plus $20 tip. At this point, I'm batting 1,000. 3 for 3 with my chica selection.
Dinner at Azul:
I was definitely ready for some food and went up to Azul. I got a great spot on the deck, looking into the sunshine. They offered to lower the shades, but I said please no. I left 15" of snow and single digit temps at home. It would be there when I returned. The sunshine was therapeutic! I had a great cheeseburger and went back to my room to nap a bit.
Monday Evening: CC Part 2
Needing variety, I made a pass through BT and then on to CC. It was here I made my only mistake of the weekend. At the bar was a stunning little spinner. Tight ass, blond highlights and pretty. A mesero encouraged me to sit with her. We ficha'd for a bit. I learned she was from Venezuela (and again forgot her name). Now to my mistake. I asked the mesero about VIP dances. I believe it was $55 for 30 minutes. So, I decided to do it even though the girl seemed shy (no kissing or hands while we ficha'd). We went to the back where their VIP booths are very "out in the open." Her dancing, beautiful little ass, and grinding were all great. But even with tipping, her top never came off. Just a stiff, no chemistry dance. With tipping and drinks, it was a waste of $100. She was probably the hottest chica I met, but the chemistry wasn't there.
Finishing the Night at HK:
After a short break, I was back downstairs at HK. I trolled around and was overall unimpressed. Again, was the trip wearing me out? Could I really be getting tired of looking at hot chicas? I kept checking my watch as it was minutes before I could get my next free drink. It seemed that was all I was waiting for. Finally drink time, and I opted for a vodka tonic (with a lot of lime) - a switch from beer that was to prove beneficial. With drink in hand, I found a table open underneath the staircase (kind of the center, near where the chicas tend to stand as you walk to the alley side of the club). I no sooner sit down when a beautiful chica approaches and is standing in front of me. I pulled some 1's out and approached her. I carefully slipped the 1s into here g-string and introduced myself. Her name was M--- and she was a vision. IMO, a beautiful 8.5-9. "M" is 26, with a beautiful face and figure. I was definitely smitten. She sat with me and I got her a beer. We talked and connected well. Plus, she sipped her beer so slowly. She inquired about my drink and I explained what is was. She loved it too. So between her beer, and me giving her sips of my drink, we had a long ficha. Given how I loved the previous day's VIP, I thought "why not again?" I was shocked, pleasantly, when I asked her and she said "no, let's just hang here and watch the dancers." So, we sat and watched - talking, slow sipped, LFKing and caressing. I knew I wanted to arriba with her. I broached the topic, which is always a bit weird when you have chemistry. "Hey, how much to go upstairs and fuck?" But, I smiled and asked softly, "would you like to arriba with me... cuanto (how much)? I was shocked when she said $100 for the hour. We went upstairs for was the best arriba ever. We did it all. She danced at the pole in my room - we used the couch, the bed, the shower. OMG. Plus - we had great conversation. If felt like she was my girlfriend. We exchanged WhatsAp information and at the hour, I walked her downstairs. Four arribas with four chicas, and the last was definitely the best!
Tuesday Morning:
Well, it was a fruitful two days in TJ. I ended my visit right where it began - in HK. After breakfast at Azul I grabbed my free drink and watched some morning talent. Nothing like a 9:00 AM beer and hot Latinas! I still had plenty of cash and started thinking about a morning arriba. I met a beautiful, 21 year old spinner. I sat with her and bought her a beer, but I just couldn't go for an arriba. While beautiful, she just seemed immature. I passed, wanting my last arriba with "M" to be the last memory of my trip.
I shuttled to PedEast by 11:00 AM and crossed the border in 15 minutes. By noon, I was at the airport (again with an UBER).
I thoroughly enjoyed my trip. Yes, clubbing can get tiresome. But, as soon as I leave, I want to return. "M" and I have been texting and talking all week since I've gotten home. I had not expected this kind of post-visit relationship. I know my next visit will be different. OTC action is definitely going to happen. As that gets nearer, I'll reach out to those of you with that kind of experience. This is uncharted territory for me, but territory I'm enthusiastically ready to explore!
My apologies for the long recap! If anyone wants additional information, just DM me.
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last commentNice review
I have heard there are private dances in booths at bt which are shorter but less expensive than getting a room. Any info on those ?
Thank you for the article! Well Done! I have to go to San Diego for business in Feb but nervous to make the journey to TJ!
This motivates me to head back there soon. Thank you for the thorough recap.
@Danton - the typical VIP booth pricing is about $110 per hour and most clubs will have a 30 minute pricing at $55. This includes a bucket of beers for the lady. You will still need to negotiate pricing for the lady's time which roughly could be around $100/$120 for the hour in VIP yet that really depends on the lady, and some may ask for way more than that, it just depends.
Now getting a room depends on the day of the week. The hotels for BT (Rizo) and HK (Cascadas) are owned by the same group so if you want to arriba (go upstairs) with a sexy friend from BT or HK it doesn't matter if you are staying at one of the two.
They will sell you a VIP card ($70 at Cascadas) that you can apply to discounts in hotel rooms. Monday and Tuesday the discount is 70% per night off the price with a card. So a $180 room price is only $54 on these days. The rest of the days, the VIP card gets you 20% off the price so a $180 is $144 per night. The price for the same room is higher on Friday and Saturday but with a 20% off.
They also offer rooms by the hour or 30 minutesfor like $40 I believe so that would technically be cheaper than VIP. I personally have never done this as I have just gotten a room because I stay multiple nights but totally understand this a great option for those going on a night and not staying overnight.
@apbtfb - I wouldn't be nervous (looking in hindsight), it is an amazing experience. I was nervous/excited the first time as well though many years ago. If you go over after your meetings, you can just walk across, go hang out for a few hours and walk back without much issue. I will preface that you are walking back in the evening and not afternoon. If you are walking back over in the afternoon, there typically is a line to get back over that could be well over an hour. So just know that might be a hurdle to plan. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions.
Good read!
By the way if you're willing to walk there is a pharmacia called piri across from the wax museum east of the Arch where you can buy generic blue pills 100 mg 16 for approximately $5.
16.That is the quantity for what seems to be a good decent vitamin V.
Thanks Jascoi!