
A "natural" strip club idea

Avatar for wubolf

I love strip clubs and over the last decades have had some unforgettable experiences, but there’s an element that I feel is missing. An element that could create an entirely new kind of strip club, entirely different than any other out there.

About twenty years ago I was visiting a club, and a car pulled up beside mine in the parking lot and parked. A beautiful young, dark skinned, long-haired, exotic girl got out of the car. But she appeared as if she was ready to visit the supermarket. She had very little make-up on, her hair could use a good brushing, and she was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt and tennis shoes. Was this girl just going into the club to look at other beauties as I was doing?

I smiled at the girl and she smiled back and then I asked, “Do you work here?” and she told me she did. “What’s your name?” “Sunari.” “I hope I see you inside,” I told her, and she said, “Me, too. Come see me.”

Now, I knew better than to think this girl I met for about 30 seconds had any interest in me at all, but it sparked a fascination that has remained with me to this day.
During the half hour or 45 minutes I was in the club I didn’t see Sunari and had to go. It left me enough time to go home and fantasize about her. Each day my curiosity grew because I knew I had the chance to see this very natural girl from a parking lot again, but completely naked. And it wasn’t like going on a date where I am hoping to get lucky enough to have her take off her clothes at some point, it was a given. I saw a girl in typical street clothes in public and in time I would see Sunari naked for sure.

Over the next week I’d call and ask, “Is Sunari there today?” Eventually she was. I went in and there she was. She was now much more made-up, hair was brushed smooth and silky, and she was in a bikini and heels.

I didn’t even wait to see her dance before approaching her and asking for a lap dance. She remembered an I got a fantastic lap dance. I don’t know that it was any different than if I had first seen her in the club, but for me it was more exciting. I saw her only a few more times until she was no longer there.

Sunari made me realize that seeing a girl in “real life” before seeing them naked is extremelly sexy. I’ve also realized over the years that some of my favorite dancers have been the ones with small imperfections because it makes them real. One girl gave me a very memorable dance and when her armpit was on top of my face I smelled the slightest little body odor. This was not a dirty or unshowered girl, just a bit of humanness. I started enjoying anything that made them seem more real like little scars, razer burn, or even a pimple. The very things that I think most of them might go out of their way to cover up were the things that turned me on.

I wonder if I’m the minority, but how would guys feel about a “natural” strip club? I don’t mean hairy natural, just in the appearance that you’d see them in your natural environement.

Imagine a strip club where you see girls walking around like you do walking down the street, at the library, or amusement park, wearing clothes that don’t necessarily show off their assets. On stage they could wear sexy lingerie or strip down to a bikini before taking it all off as they do now, but I’m talking about the girls walking around between stage performances. They could be wearing everyday clothes. Can that bit of mystery of not showing it all off be exciting?

When I’m in a supermarket and I find the checker attractive, I don’t expect that she might say, “Hey, wanna see me naked?” As hard as I try to envision what she might look like under her clothes, I’ll never know. But what if she, or the girl next door, or the tomboy softball player, or the slightly nerdy gamer approached me at a strip club and when I get a lap dance or go to a VIP room, could the reveal be more even more exciting?

Now don’t get me wrong. I get the thrill of today’s strip clubs. Walking into a room full of women casually walking around in high heels and bikinis is not lost on me and has never deterred me from paying for some one on one. But my idea would be an alternative, and an experiment that I would love to partake in!


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Avatar for awd

If all the girls dressed casually, the one that dressed just a little bit sluttier would get that much more attention and hence earn more $. Before you know it, there would be an "arms race," with almost all the girls dressing less and less casually and more revealingly, until inevitably they are all back to strutting around in high heels and bikinis.

Avatar for Rightfield

I think the natural approach would be sexy. There is a herd mentality. They dress how they are expected to, so people don't judge them. Hey - isn't that part of the thrill of getting a dance from your drink server? Isn't it fun to check them out as they come and go from the club in their street clothes? But also, they seem to want to be invisible until they get into their costume and assume the persona. So that also may be why they prefer to go with the expected outfit.

Avatar for loper

I would be down for it, but I think awd is right -- before long the street clothes would become streetwalker clothes.

Avatar for PutaTester

I have encountered a few girls on the street or entering a club. I held the door for one and she rewarded me in the club with a bbbjcim. Said most guys are not as polite as I was. I tipped her well of course.

And this does qualify as an article as far as I am concerned. The definition of an article is broad enough that it can encompass many topics and styles.

Avatar for DvBrtn

A skirt or dress is a wonderful and attractive alternative to a bikini, IMO.

Avatar for wubolf

PutaTester, I've got to wait around so I can hold the door for someone lol!! Lucky!

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