3 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedBabes Show Club1100 S West St Jackson, MS 39201Way better than I expected
3 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedPurple Diamond6102 Macon Rd Memphis, TN 38134Pretty good for Monday night
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onThis place is off the chainMy hypothesis, and this is certainly not based on knowing anything about what Chinese people are like, or anything, is that the Cubans pay the vig, and don't…
5 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedDiamond Dolls1401 N Powerline Rd Pompano Beach, FL 33069This place is off the chain
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onFeeding on Roadwarriors post how are some clubs staying in businessIt's a cash business. For some owners that's all it needs to be.
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onPregnant former Playboy model, 25, is extradited and booked into a Las Vegas jai@bavarian People generally are wired in such a way that rational and emotional motivations are frequently in conflict. Some people are better than others at choosing the rational over…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onLust for the night...Dude are you for real? She offered to do you for free and you said no? At some bars, after you buy a few drinks, the bartender will say…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onPregnant former Playboy model, 25, is extradited and booked into a Las Vegas jaiThe stripper is getting something from her "loser" BF that no RIL can give her. Just like PLs get high off the intense femininity of the stripper, and…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onThe Variable Mileage CursePussy on an intermittent reinforcement schedule is a hell of a drug.
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onClubbing while sickSick I probably wouldn't for purely selfish reasons. I would have more fun spending that money when I was 100%. But the hungover nut is the best nut,…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onPregnant former Playboy model, 25, is extradited and booked into a Las Vegas jaiThere are two major WTF elements in this story: 1. 25?!? For real? Because if you said 37 I would believe it. That bitch is like a 5 year…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onLust for the night...If you want to fuck her, tell her you want to fuck her. Is that so hard to do? If she's been doing this with you for a…
5 yrs ago •justaguy79commented onIn Defense of StrippersI still think icey is a girl, and the pimp persona is role playing some dude who pumped and dumped her back when she was attractive. I want to…
6 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedPony3918 Winchester Rd Memphis, TN 38118Day shift at the Pony best avoided
6 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedGold Club777 N White Station Rd Memphis, TN 38122You only need one good one
6 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedClosedFantasy's at the Beach19240 San Carlos Blvd Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931Yikes
6 yrs ago•justaguy79reviewedGold Club777 N White Station Rd Memphis, TN 38122GC day shift exceeds (low) expectations