Pregnant former Playboy model, 25, is extradited and booked into a Las Vegas jai

jackslashDetroit strip clubs
Part of this story has been posted previously. Here are some more details about the murder of a 71-year-old man at the hands of a 25-year-old "model" and her boyfriend and her roommate. The boyfriend is on the run.
For an old PL like me, this story hits home. I have had relationships with strippers who were addicted and had convict boyfriends and visited shady drug dealers. How close have I come to experiencing violence?
last commentA few things come to mind...
This is what I don't get about sugaring relationships....have some pride. But TBH the drug dealer stands a bigger chance of being robbed or killed by a hoe whose man sets him up than a sugar daddy.
===> "Fucking your sugar baby when she has a jealous neck tat loser nothing-to-lose bf is a bad idea. "
The problem is that almost all of them have "loser nothing-to-lose boyfriends." If you used that as a disqualifying criterion, p4p with strippers would dry up. It is a Catch 22 for many of them as their career makes them unsuitable for most decent guys, but they are too codependent to be alone. So they take what they can get. In some cases they just gravitate to what they know since these are the types of men they grew up with.
So if you're going to fuck around with a pretty girl from the hood/park, expect a jealous guy from the same place to be not too far away. Just keep your head on the swivel and control your space and you'll usually be fine.
Criminal masterminds:
“Pena's business card from her bartending job at Caesar's Palace was also found inside the car.”
One of the problems for the old sugar daddy was that he seems to have been unaware of the boyfriend. Strippers and models lie to the old dudes. I have had strippers tell me how they did not have a boyfriend or had broken up with the boyfriend or that the boyfriend was back in jail. They will tell any lie to keep the money flowing in. I have been stupid enough to believe some of those lies.
I don’t know if it’s a woman thing or a stripper thing but they sure like to manipulate and lie to extract resources from men.
Men are wired to help a beautiful young lady in distress so we fall for their scams.
Strippers can do better than having a criminal loser boyfriend. Why don’t they go for one of their well to do RIL? There are plenty of middle aged PLs to choose from.
@Bavarian what makes you or any other PL any better?
There are two major WTF elements in this story:
25?!? For real? Because if you said 37 I would believe it. That bitch is like a 5 year old car with 200,000 miles on it.
$300k over 2 years for that sloppy looking thing? That's ~$3k a week. For that much, you could be banging a different, much hotter girl, every day of the week. Girls who look like that "model" can be had for $200 a pop or less. I live in one of the vilest shitholes in this country, and there are hundreds of girls cuter than her on SA within an hour's drive from me.
These dipshits literally had days to dispose of the evidence, yet couldn't come even close to managing it. Some people are just too stupid to NOT be in jail for life.
Most criminals aren't that bright....
The strongest drug out there is another person. He was addicted to her, in a dangerous way.
I still don't get the motive. The story says she was worried that he would find out about her boyfriend. So what, she killed him? What was that supposed to achieve? The money will certainly stop coming in once he's dead. Or did her boyfriend kill the sugar daddy in a fit of rage?
In any case, it is a sad situation. The girl didn't see the value of the sugar daddy's life, just saw his money and apparently was willing to end a life over it.
Motive is secondary to intent... They willingly and knowingly took a course of action that they knew would lead to a homicide. That's what the judge will look at. Fuck them.
And they are stupid. They could have milked the guy for all he's worth...if they wanted to. I wonder if he had a life insurance policy or put her in his will though.
w.r.t. motive - people like this have poor self-control so it could have been a "in the heat of the moment thing" - also, perhaps the psychiatrist got pissed when everything was exposed (her having a BF) and perhaps threatened them w/ pressing charges of some kind (it's been done b/f).
w.r.t. the $300k he spent - this is what his long time GF alleged - seems a bit odd he would fill her in on everything going on with his SB - possible, but there's room for doubts as to whether she knew all the details.
A lot of RILs seem unable or unwilling to see the difference b/w a business relationship and a genuine romantic relationship - you can't buy love/genuineness but seems many RILs still try.
Many of these chicks live very different lives from the avg PL and many PLs get involved w/ certain women w/o knowing the reality of their lives (drugs, thugs, etc).
TV segment about the case:
This case needs to end up in the ID channel.
Poor PL unknowingly walked into the lion’s den.
The roommate is probably just an accessory to the murder because I don’t see what motive she could have to be involved.
-->"Strippers can do better than having a criminal loser boyfriend. Why don’t they go for one of their well to do RIL?"
I'd say that's not true, Bav, at least if it's a real boyfriend and not a RIL they're just playing. I don't think they have nearly as many options as you think they do
I reckon the doc understood the situation with this SB. She’s in some ways like a girlfriend and in other ways she’s like like a child. It doesn’t matter if she loves him back, he loves her and just wants to take care of her that’s probably all he needed. I would guess he saw Kennison as a bad influence on her and wanted to take her away from him and that’s what got him killed.
The stripper is getting something from her "loser" BF that no RIL can give her. Just like PLs get high off the intense femininity of the stripper, and sometimes make imprudent choices in pursuit of it, the stripper gets high off the intense masculinity of the "loser." Settling for the RIL would feel, for her, like settling for an obese, bitchy middle aged woman would for us.
Good point, Justaguy79.
I thought women prioritized being taken care off over cheap thrills but I guess they are not wired that way.
@justaguy79 "$300k over 2 years for that sloppy looking thing? That's ~$3k a week. For that much, you could be banging a different, much hotter girl, every day of the week. Girls who look like that "model" can be had for $200 a pop or less."
Exactly, except, one, my guess is this old doctor was lonely and not very experienced with women, and when a young and attractive woman (in his eyes, at least) showers him with attention and gets intimate with him, he probably thinks "she really likes me," and next thing you know, he's willing to spend whatever it takes to maintain this relationship rather than try to find someone else who he thinks will be attracted to him. If that makes any sense.
Not to be flippant, but if he knew about TUSCL and took part in discussions, getting advice and feedback, I think it would have changed his view on this relationship well before he invested that much money and time in it.
Also, this whore and the BF have two of the dumbest pieces of shit on the planet. I hope she gets every hole sodomized with broomstick handles in prison and that he's made someone's bitch his first night there and ODs on semen within a month.
Her female roommate has now been arrested. The doctor's Mercedes was only a C300. He wasn't super wealthy.
@Rick yea I suppose you are right which sets the baseline for many of us.
Does anybody else think he looks like Dr John Hammond from Jurassic Patk? Those Raptors he was feeding killed their meal ticket. Reptile brains...
People generally are wired in such a way that rational and emotional motivations are frequently in conflict. Some people are better than others at choosing the rational over the emotional, but the basis of the difference is likely genetic (most people favor a moralistic explanation). Even for people who are good at it, choosing the rational (egg white omelet) over the emotional (donut), never FEELS as good as the other way around.
So while some women may choose a man who can support them, they all know that getting banged out by a murderer would be more fun. Those who make that choice do so for fear of the consequences of the other. Just like all guys know that paying hot young sluts to touch your dick might be fun, but most of them (probably correctly) decide it's not worth the cost/risk.
From what I read it was her Mercedes not his
The boyfriend is still at large, but i doubt he can hide for long. If he isn't broke yet, I'm sure he's close. With no money and an unusable ID, he's not going to have a lot of options.
Jack, this is why we stick to TJ and fkk's.
I am going to Miami and doing shower shows in your hotel