You really have to have both on you now adays. Some places are card only, some places cash only. I always do card because I might as well get some points while I'm at it.
Wait are we talking about sc's or in general. I did see one club that insisted on card and that was recently at Star Garden in the San Fernando Valley.
I live in a cash world and other than ski areas I won't go anywhere that is cashless. If I do I just don't spend, which is actually a good thing as except when I fly first, I no longer drink on the plane because its card only.
I use cash as much as possible, for the reasons stated on the OP pic, as well as no record of me or the transaction (as needed).
The generation below me though (i.e my kids), are shunning cash! They get hundo for a gift, and they immediately want it digital.....da fuck! I've been trying my best to brainwash them that cash MUST be used to survive....and it must survive.
Unfortunately too many people are brainwashed and think they need Zelle, CashApp, Venmo etc. (older people do it so they ca feel relevant to younger people. Younger people think it makes them "technology gurus"
I've had dancers want me to CashApp them. I just ignore them and move on. Even at hotels they are going cashless because they want to be able to track every damn transaction you do then send it to data processing centers and now they are using AI to cross reference your transactions an tie it all to your SS#.
When you sign up for any store loyalty or any "loyalty" program or give your information it may not sound like its a big deal, but all that data is aggregated piece by piece like a puzzle (One loyalty program here, a membership there, a car dealership visit, a credit application here, airline reards there, a hotel stay here etc.) to form a financial profile on you. If you think they are forming that profile on you to benefit you then you are mistaken. Use Cash, if they dont accept it then don't do business with them. Stop feeding into the system, by using crads and payment processors you are pretty uch giving them rope they will later use to hang you.
I'm a big fan of cash. In Europe they have this thing called the "Knip" (German and Dutch for "chip" or "button"). It's a chip on the face of your ATM card. Onto it, you can add small amounts directly from your bank account, and then when you reach the cash register you simply direct-deposit from the Knip to the register. It is a non-tracked direct-cash transaction but done with virtual money. If you lose your ATM card, people still don't have access to your bank account unless they know your PIN to be able to log in, but they DO have access to whatever amount resides directly on the Knip, for it requires no further security. So people load a little bit, like $100 worth at a time, for quick transactions. The Knip thus provides both a security feature and a sub-set of your bank account, making register speed much better. When I was last in Europe the USA didn't even have the security feature of chips, yet. At least we've caught up with that part.
I'm sure the government wants to go to a cashless society (ie Fedcoin) where they can manipulate the value of the dollar with one press of a button and know what each citizen is spending their money on (escorts, strippers, drugs, polluting vehicles, etc). It will help establish a "social credit score" kind of like China does. For this reason, I try to pay in cash as much as possible to reinforce to merchants to keep the option to pay in cash and not move to credit cards only. The current administration seems to be doing everything in its power to devalue the dollar, so I have been moving my wealth into gold and silver. If we continue this reckless spending, there will come a day when Americans measure their wealth in ounces and not dollars.
@sinclair "The current administration seems to be doing everything in its power to devalue the dollar." I don't understand this comment. Not trolling just asking for clarification. I would have guessed that traditional conservatives would have liked the fact that corporate profits are way way up to record levels and stock prices are soaring. Investors and people with enough of a nest egg to survive the inflation would be happy with the growth. The people who would complain about this economy, I would guess, would be the lower classes living paycheck to paycheck, whose rent and food bills are skyrocketing. They have no up-side to this economy since they aren't wealthy enough to invest (much) in the stocks that are soaring. I personally think that Biden's continual claims, that the economy is going well, are idiotic from both points of view. He'll lose the poor people's vote because he demonstrates his utter inability to empathize with their inability to afford necessities, but he'll also lose the rich people's vote because he fails to demonstrate the necessary obeisance to the corporate overlords. Or so I would have guessed. Instead I keep seeing something that I can only translate as, "The economy is going great and it's all Biden's fault" and that just sounds like a contradiction to me. "People don't want to work any more" say the right wingers, in the face of record-low unemployment. "Eat the rich" say the left wingers, in the face of record high opportunity for investment by the little guy.
What do I not understand? I'm not looking for what is the RIGHT way (in anyone's personal opinion) to analyze our current economic status or Biden's claims. You're unlikely to convince me to not claim to be a Progressive. I value some of the small-government stand of a traditional Republican, but I value the human-rights and social-betterment record of the traditional Democrats. I hate the Woke culture, it's ruining the Democrats' chances, I don't generally associate Biden with woke-ism though I do recognize that he does kowtow to them for votes, and I won't in any way brook support of Trump as an alternative, given that I believe he is clearly guilty of obvious treason. I'm not sure which is worse for our country, the bullshit of the Wokes or the violence of the Christian Nationalists and insurrectionists.
So, don't try to convince me to join. Instead, I'm looking for explanations of why both sides consistently contradict themselves. What do I not know about College Economics 101 (I almost dropped that course, back when I was in college, BTW, because the Professor kept doing what I thought was contradicting himself quite similarly; eventually I took it pass-fail and got the pass, and since I did well in college with high grades in everything else, this particular class still stands out as an oddity on my transcript and suggests to me that I was, indeed, correct about the Professor).
Anyway ... looking forward to non-partisan explanation. If anyone wants to bother.
"The current administration seems to be doing everything in its power to devalue the dollar. I don't understand this comment."
You must have not heard about the administration cancelling $167 billion in student loan debt to date. Lets reward students who got useless degrees that they couldn't pay back and make everyone else pay for it. Make horrible decisions and the US taxpayer will bail you out. No personal responsibility needed any more. Or maybe you didn't hear about the US spending $320 million to build a floating pier so food could be sent to the Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Or maybe you haven't heard about over $200 billion has been spent defending Ukraine's borders. Or maybe you don't know about all the money being given out to house, feed, and transport illegal aliens. Or maybe you didn't hear about billions of dollars of military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan. Or maybe you don't know about tax dollars wasted promoting electric vehicles that the free market doesn't even want (and wouldn't buy if it weren't for lucrative subsidies being offered). Dollars don't just magically appear to pay for all these things. When the money supply is expanded, it devalues the dollars that Americans already hold. This is exactly why there is inflation. Gold keeps hitting record highs because individuals and foreign nations don't want to hold onto dollars that are losing value. If the dollar was doing great, the price of gold would be dropping, steady, or at least not increasing $400/ounce in less than five months.
The way the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures unemployment is a horrible indication of determination of figuring out how many people are not working. It only measures people who are actively looking for work (as in applying for jobs). Of the 65 million people getting some form of welfare in the United States, few want to support themselves and get off the gravy train. They are not considered part of the labor force by the BLS. The stock market is at all time highs, but there are cracks appearing. Credit card balances are at all time highs. Car repos are at their highest since 2008. Incomes are not keeping up with inflation. Commercial real estate is losing value. Businesses are closing and laying off employees. Since ninety percent of the stock market is owned by less that ten percent of the population, it is not a good indicator of the overall health of the economy. The stock market will be the last of many things to finally crash.
A key question is, when Eisenhower was President, was that during the time when America was great the first time? Cause back then, Ike and other Republicans, as well as Democrats, believed in fiscal policy (not just monetary policy) to manage the economy. Under fiscal policy, when there's inflation, you should have a Federal budget surplus. Which, realistically, would require both tax increases and spending cuts. Neither party supports both. So, Ima vote against the guy who loves people who hit cops in the head with fire extinguishers. And doesn't get it that you don't believe in free elections, if you won't accept the possibility of you losing.
@sinclair nailed it. The definition of inflation is too many dollars chasing too few goods, and therefore printing money into a supply crisis is about the dumbest thing imaginable. But I disagree that net worth will be measured in ounces if that comes to pass... it'll be measured in guns and cartridges.
There's a reason Trump leads Biden by 14 points on the economy, and even democrats say the "Bidenomics" campaign was a horrible idea.
There has never, not once, in the modern history where the general population has ever felt or spoke positively about the economy. Like politics it is an easy topic to get people all riled up to rabble rouse about what’s rong in our world. This talk about inflation and the current administration focused as the instigator of high prices, I have to laugh. Can anybody remember George W Bish bailing out the auto companies in 2008? Obama pushing socialistic agenda for health care and increased taxation? Trump’s massive covid stimulus packages that were passed to “Save the Economy” and before that keeping monetary policy loose to push down interest rates artificially to prop up spending? World wide central banks were printing money all over as other countries were cranking up stimulus? By the way, inflation has been recorded way higher in Europe and overseas than here in the US, but of course you know that Biden’s fault.
Biden administration unnecessarily passed too high of a bill with the inflation reduction act, but only because they could, as they were only following precedence with previous administrations, because yiu see they all are on both sides of the same coin.
The only way to combat this is to avoid griping about politics and living below your means and to save, but more importantly invest. If you ask anybody who has done these two things in the past 4, 8, or 16 years and then ask yourself if you are better off now then then, 100% of those people will say yes!
^You are so fucking stupid that it is stunning you are smart enough to breathe. Who is George Bish? Oh yeah, the guy who was not fucking President in 2008. The Muslim fuck Obama, was President and screwed the taxpayers buying union votes. Moron. Biden took office inflation was 1.4%. 18 months later it was 9%. Act like a man you cunt and admit facts. You are so fucking pathetic it is amazing. Ask anyone on earth if they are better off than mateswithyoungboys and they say of course.
Book Guy -- asks what he thinks is a legitimate question.
Conservatives -- respond by calling Book Guy stupid and then hollering about how everything is obvious, without stating clear or obvious things, and listing several other things that piss them off that aren't germane to the original question.
Liberals -- respond by calling the conservatives stupid and then listing tons of stuff that begin to seem both clear and obvious.
Book Guy -- starts to realize the real answer to his question ...
The generation below me though (i.e my kids), are shunning cash! They get hundo for a gift, and they immediately want it digital.....da fuck! I've been trying my best to brainwash them that cash MUST be used to survive....and it must survive.
I've had dancers want me to CashApp them. I just ignore them and move on. Even at hotels they are going cashless because they want to be able to track every damn transaction you do then send it to data processing centers and now they are using AI to cross reference your transactions an tie it all to your SS#.
When you sign up for any store loyalty or any "loyalty" program or give your information it may not sound like its a big deal, but all that data is aggregated piece by piece like a puzzle (One loyalty program here, a membership there, a car dealership visit, a credit application here, airline reards there, a hotel stay here etc.) to form a financial profile on you. If you think they are forming that profile on you to benefit you then you are mistaken. Use Cash, if they dont accept it then don't do business with them. Stop feeding into the system, by using crads and payment processors you are pretty uch giving them rope they will later use to hang you.
What do I not understand? I'm not looking for what is the RIGHT way (in anyone's personal opinion) to analyze our current economic status or Biden's claims. You're unlikely to convince me to not claim to be a Progressive. I value some of the small-government stand of a traditional Republican, but I value the human-rights and social-betterment record of the traditional Democrats. I hate the Woke culture, it's ruining the Democrats' chances, I don't generally associate Biden with woke-ism though I do recognize that he does kowtow to them for votes, and I won't in any way brook support of Trump as an alternative, given that I believe he is clearly guilty of obvious treason. I'm not sure which is worse for our country, the bullshit of the Wokes or the violence of the Christian Nationalists and insurrectionists.
So, don't try to convince me to join. Instead, I'm looking for explanations of why both sides consistently contradict themselves. What do I not know about College Economics 101 (I almost dropped that course, back when I was in college, BTW, because the Professor kept doing what I thought was contradicting himself quite similarly; eventually I took it pass-fail and got the pass, and since I did well in college with high grades in everything else, this particular class still stands out as an oddity on my transcript and suggests to me that I was, indeed, correct about the Professor).
Anyway ... looking forward to non-partisan explanation. If anyone wants to bother.
You must have not heard about the administration cancelling $167 billion in student loan debt to date. Lets reward students who got useless degrees that they couldn't pay back and make everyone else pay for it. Make horrible decisions and the US taxpayer will bail you out. No personal responsibility needed any more. Or maybe you didn't hear about the US spending $320 million to build a floating pier so food could be sent to the Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Or maybe you haven't heard about over $200 billion has been spent defending Ukraine's borders. Or maybe you don't know about all the money being given out to house, feed, and transport illegal aliens. Or maybe you didn't hear about billions of dollars of military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan. Or maybe you don't know about tax dollars wasted promoting electric vehicles that the free market doesn't even want (and wouldn't buy if it weren't for lucrative subsidies being offered). Dollars don't just magically appear to pay for all these things. When the money supply is expanded, it devalues the dollars that Americans already hold. This is exactly why there is inflation. Gold keeps hitting record highs because individuals and foreign nations don't want to hold onto dollars that are losing value. If the dollar was doing great, the price of gold would be dropping, steady, or at least not increasing $400/ounce in less than five months.
The way the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures unemployment is a horrible indication of determination of figuring out how many people are not working. It only measures people who are actively looking for work (as in applying for jobs). Of the 65 million people getting some form of welfare in the United States, few want to support themselves and get off the gravy train. They are not considered part of the labor force by the BLS. The stock market is at all time highs, but there are cracks appearing. Credit card balances are at all time highs. Car repos are at their highest since 2008. Incomes are not keeping up with inflation. Commercial real estate is losing value. Businesses are closing and laying off employees. Since ninety percent of the stock market is owned by less that ten percent of the population, it is not a good indicator of the overall health of the economy. The stock market will be the last of many things to finally crash.
If you care to educate yourself, here are a couple YouTube channels that focus on current economic topics. They are not political channels.…
Oh fuck, another Lisinopril and Lipitor perspective.
You best double up on the Lisinopril, you are working yourself up with all these "facts."
But I disagree that net worth will be measured in ounces if that comes to pass... it'll be measured in guns and cartridges.
There's a reason Trump leads Biden by 14 points on the economy, and even democrats say the "Bidenomics" campaign was a horrible idea.
Biden administration unnecessarily passed too high of a bill with the inflation reduction act, but only because they could, as they were only following precedence with previous administrations, because yiu see they all are on both sides of the same coin.
The only way to combat this is to avoid griping about politics and living below your means and to save, but more importantly invest. If you ask anybody who has done these two things in the past 4, 8, or 16 years and then ask yourself if you are better off now then then, 100% of those people will say yes!
Conservatives -- respond by calling Book Guy stupid and then hollering about how everything is obvious, without stating clear or obvious things, and listing several other things that piss them off that aren't germane to the original question.
Liberals -- respond by calling the conservatives stupid and then listing tons of stuff that begin to seem both clear and obvious.
Book Guy -- starts to realize the real answer to his question ...