
Comments by ReadyToMonger (page 5)

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    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    @K , One or 2 people gave sound advice you dumb motherfker. The rest were just troll losers trying to gang up on a new forum member, kin of like how you tried to take a jab you stupid fuk. If you dont like what I asked or what I posted then shut the fuck up and move on to another post. I only asked advice from people who have experience with OTC and ITC not some loser like you. So go spread your negative shit elsewhere you bum.
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    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    Yeah only reason I addressed all the bullshit was because I am new to tuscl and thought I would get some pointers from fellow mongers, but instead I get shitted on since I am the new guy, every one of you made a FIRST post...imagine if you made a first post and all the forum members accused you of being a "troll" and making stuff up. So if anyone is trolling its the idiots making accusations of the situation being fake or some other dumb shit. Its kinda bullshit that a forum like this isnt more supporting of new members. Bottom line is I think its that most people arent used to someone who offers that much money up front and it doesnt sound real. Which is why I assumed that when I offered it that the dancer would take it because it is an offer that wont come again. I can guarantee she can dance 20 years and never have that offer again from anyone. Likely she will use that offer as a way to get clout and later say "I was once offered X amount by some customer" and that will be her claim to fame. So be serious, what I posted is fact and there were some responses on here that didnt try attacking and piling up on me and that is appreciated. Just here for the perspective of more experienced mongers.
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    4 months ago
    The Cuban Experience in strip clubs
    I need a Cuban experience. From what you guys have experienced are they against giving head, do they like certain positions. I heard they like anal , but I dont do that shit and striclty pussy penetration. If they have google translate how hard is it to even get to the point of asking for OTC or even ITC (not ideal but can work with it). Cubans I have seen have tattoos everywhere or fix a flat injected in their ass (fake ass job) and it looks weird.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    This is not a story this 100% happened. This is why I came on here because I was wondering WTF happened and why for that amount the dancer didnt just pay to leave early and do OTC. I wish anyone doubting the story could come with me to the strip club. I thin you would actually be amazed at how the dancers act when a guy has money. Most act weird. Its liek when you offer 2.5K for OTC they will say no, but then use it as bragging rights and clout and say to other dancers or customers "Someone once offered me 2.5K and I said no" in order to up their value and get their egos high without actually doing anything. I figured people on here had more experience. To be honest I dont have the patience to be going to a club 10 or 20 times just to befriend the dancers. I dont want to be a regular on her roster that she calls when shit is slow. By then I would have spent well over 2K, plus time. I could easily get a regular girlfriend for that an get laid on the regular, but I have a thing for strippers. That is what the money was for so I could get what I want without games, she could make bank and then thats it, then if she is good I would become a regular then for OTC. I would go for fucking them 2 or 3 times a month and I would pay their rent. Would save me hassle and would save them hassle of scraping for rent. Another thing is we had a decent conversation for about an hour and I got regular crap dances and spent decent on them, so its not like I just walked in flashed some money and said "alright who is wanting to fuck". Despite this no OTC. I am thinking I could have gone to a regular bar or dance club, chatted witha girl and tell her I will pay her rent and I bet she would screw. Keep in mind I am not ugly, fat, old or harsh to the girls. I think they see that kinds of money and get spooked because they are so used to dealing with guys who babysit their beer for 2 hours and only stage tip and get 2 dances max then leave back to their fat wives.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    Hey, I have to start somewhere. Yeah its my first post but everyone had a first post. Looking for advice from seasoned mongers. I am not a newbie but I could learn some, shit...I just struck out tday. No bullshit and I made a crazy ass offer, thinking about it kind of glad she didnt take it but at the time I was prepared to hand it over. I just want to make sure when I go to that club or another one I can avoid whatever mistakes I made. I dont want to piss my money away on being some customer a dancer calls in on a slow night. I dont mind forking over some cash as long as I get some ass.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Back From SC (Struck out for OTC) Any Wisdom From Seasoned Mongers
    Also What can I do or say differently next time to get desired result. What is best way to present the offer to them? Show it to them or just verbally?
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The Cuban Experience in strip clubs
    Where can I find decent looking Cuban women who will do OTC? The ones I see have the fake butts, lots of tattoos and lip injections or are on the fat side. I prefer spinner or shapely women who have small waist. I dont care about ass or tits as much as pretty face and no tatoos or just a few are ok. I remember I had an Asian fuck buddy lady friend who was a spinner, A cup tits , great body and pretty face and she swallowed, I met her at a regular night club not a SC, never paid her at all. Unfortunately she moved and we stopped talking, but I must have screwed her close to 100 times. Turns out she now has a husband. I would pay her good if I could do that all over again.